I firmly believe that there is more to our existence than being biochemical automata.
Depending on belief systems, I am generally considered to be strongly agnostic or atheist. I do not hold a firm belief that there is absolutely no deity, as I find that to be just as unprovable as beliefs in a deity, whether Biblical or Lovecraftian.
I am a secular humanist. I believe that human beings are capable of being ethical and moral, without the threat of some mystical punishment. I believe that as beings with the potential to be rational and reasoning, we have a certain responsibility to ourselves, one another, and the world around us. From a simple biological perspective, the survival and thriving of our species depends on caring for the world we live on and with, as part of the interconnected web of life.
At a much broader perspective, I see us, the development of life with that potential to be rational and reasoning beings, to be an implicit function of this universe that happens to have all the right parameters to permit us to develop. We exist as a mechanism for the universe to examine itself, an implicit and intrinsic component of the universe.
I find this is sufficient to give me purpose.