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Casting your vote with ID showing F picture and gender .... bad feels

Started by Vethrvolnir, May 23, 2019, 01:12:32 PM

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Cast my vote today. Short male hair style (done by barber ) , male clothes,  binder , packer , hairy legs, hairy chin.
The arshole sees my ID. One ballot paper for this lady please. He sais. Nobody else got their gender mentioned. Nobody. He was just rubbing it in. I gave them a foul look and a swagger. Still I feel a lot of rage that I have to contain and redirect. Trying to do that right now with this post. My husband just said i should not let it get to me. True. But not what i could accept right then. I snapped at him. Poor guy. Well we are ok now.  I just asked about what he voted we were both glad to talk about something less emotional.  Still here i am now feeling this is difficult to talk about with him. The intensity of my reaction he can maybe not get. He is right though. Maybe i should just tell him that... you are absolutely right. But the intensity of the feeling makes it difficult. So , sorry.
... It's not me also ...i'm who i am it's them being stupid...
Mostly human

Charlie Nicki

I'm MTF but I totally get what you went through. It really irks me when people go out of their way to let you know that you're "not tricking" them; because that's exactly what's going through their minds. But you definitely learn to brush it off, even if it hurts at first.
Latina :) I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.


Quote from: Charlie Nicki on May 23, 2019, 02:55:06 PM
I'm MTF but I totally get what you went through. It really irks me when people go out of their way to let you know that you're "not tricking" them; because that's exactly what's going through their minds. But you definitely learn to brush it off, even if it hurts at first.

Thanks .. I feel better . I guess I'm not that used to this kind of awkwardness yet. I spoke about it here and with my parents and brother and obviously with my partner and that feels good.   To talk about this and be heard and thats great. Thanks charlie nicky.  :)
Mostly human


What.  A.  Jerk!  That guy was completely off the mark!  >:(  He did that simply to be mean!  Narrow-minded people like that need to be given sensibility training!  I'm glad that you have such a cool support system around you.

Have you looked into getting your gender marker changed yet?  Maybe its time to give it some serious consideration if that's on your list of "things to do."  Trust me, that "M" on your driver's license is amazing to look at!  I think I looked at my DL ten times that first day. :)




I'd just learn to find it amusing that someone like them probably thought more about it than you, and devoted more brain energy to being a pillock because they're twisted up or ideological about it.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


Hi Ryuichi13 and Kylo
I'm definitely looking forward to changeing the gender on my official documents.  More so now.
And yes it's ridiculous behavior from this guy. He outed himself as an >-bleeped-< in front of many people. In a way i was glad to help. ;) :))
Mostly human


I've decided to intentionally misgender every cis person who misgenders me. So my reply would be "thank you M'am, have a lovely day miss."

I'm such a jerk.

But hey, passive aggressive is my style. If someone's gonna be a douche, i'm gonna double down and making them uncomfortable too. HAH.



Quote from: F_P_M on May 26, 2019, 09:38:58 AM
I've decided to intentionally misgender every cis person who misgenders me. So my reply would be "thank you M'am, have a lovely day miss."

I'm such a jerk.

But hey, passive aggressive is my style. If someone's gonna be a douche, i'm gonna double down and making them uncomfortable too. HAH.

:laugh:  That's great! 

I don't get misgendered anymore (YAY!), but after talking to my one unaccepting sister on Friday, I decided that "since she's refusing to use my legal name, I'm going to do the same to her!" 

I want her to feel what I feel when she refers to me as "hey you" or "you there."  Once again, I'm glad we live in different states.

I love my sister, but she's an @$$ a mean person at times.  I wonder if its just a cop thing or what? *shrug*




I'm a jerk lol.

Of course, i say  this, but i'm also fiercely non confrontational (My sister and I are both this way, it's our parent's fault. We grew up in a really volatile household so we both hide from arguments as adults)

Oh! My husband's sister does that to him ALL THE TIME. She calls him by a childish pet name he hasn't gone by since he was like 10 and he's asked her to stop and she never does.
I keep telling him he should refer to her by her full name out of spite because she doens't like being called by her full name and prefers the shortened form. I don't like my sister in law, she's a jerk.

I'm non confrontational sure, but I excel in passive agression hahaha.

I'm hopeful my sister will take it okay and that she'll try really hard not to misgender me. She actually knows how that feels because she has a gender ambiguous name that's more commonly used for boys in our home country. So growing up she used to constantly get mail addressed to "mr" and it used to really  tick her off (I remember finding it amusing and not understanding why it upset her because I was like "Man, I want post addressed to mr!" oh hoh oho, if only I had understood hahaha)
She also has been called "mr" when people just see her name written down and haven't met her yet and make an assumption.
Suffice to say, my poor sister has been misgendered based on her NAME most of her life so i'm really really hoping that means she'll be better about adapting.
I mean, ultimately she has first hand experience right?

I do though hope I get the balls to call people the wrong gender if they aggressively misgender me hahaha, out of spite.
I mean I already do it online but online there's more like.. bravery because you're behind a screen.


Mostly human




Lol! I'm working on growing some metaphorical balls. We can do it together (wait, that sounds dirty ahahah)

Work on that assertiveness and passive agressiveness hahaha.