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Your Funeral Wishes

Started by Cindy, May 29, 2019, 04:22:03 AM

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I just want to remind everyone to make sure that you have a Will or / and have a legal document to ensure that you are treated according to your wishes when you die.

I know you may not care and that is fine - it is your call.

I had a friend whose funeral was today. She had been a leading member of the TG community and had lived openly, happily and was accepted as herself for many years. Her funeral  was conducted as if she was a 'man' - she did not leave any directions and her family took over.

That is their right and I have no qualms about it.

I do not think it would have been her wish.



Oh Cindy I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure she'll be greatly missed. You're offering some great advice through this tragedy though. We all definitely need to make sure our final wishes are known by the people who will be handling our funerals.

Finally started the process of becoming who I really am on the inside! 5/20/19


I've thought about it, nothing written up. I'll be gone yet I'll want to be remembered as me. I'm not worldly so it'll be immediate family. In my mind, the whole arrangement is really for them. Still, I want to be me. Rather than one or the other I think a memorial covering both sides of my life are called for. Whatever they burn me in can be androgynous, I mean, it's going to get charcoal'd anyways :P  ... makeup to make you look not quite so dead, well, I don't use much now.

Some of it boils down now to when it happens, now .. 5 yrs .. 10 yrs .. who am I when it happens? If it were to happen now, well, I look like a guy anyways so no amount of makeup will change that. An obit recognizing both stages of my life works for me.

I told her to just bury me in the back yard. I'll be dead, what difference does it make (yeah, I know .. those stupid laws)
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.


Allie Jayne

Cindy, it is always hard to lose a friend, and to know she was not honoured correctly adds to that loss. You have my sympathy also. It is important to make arrangements for things that are important too you, and your advice is appreciated. For myself, I don't believe in an afterlife, so I won't be aware of what happens to me. My concerns would be primarily for my family. If it lessened their loss to misgender me at my funeral, I would be ok with it. We are all different, but you are absolutely right to remind us we need to look after this aspect of our life.

Oh, and I would add that if this is important to you, your age shouldn't matter as to when you make a will.



that's heartbreaking.

I always think of that scene in the Sandman comics where the transwoman dies saving her friends and her family cut her hair short and dress her in a suit and bury her with her dead name and her friend goes and writes her real name on the stone in her favourite shade of lipstick.
It's a beautiful poignent and profoundly heartbreaking segment.

Honestly my only demand for my own funeral is mariachis. I DEMAND mariachis.
Because i'm ridiculous like that.
Also it's hard to cry when there's mariachis. <_<

I kinda consider this body a husk anyway, once i've vacated it they're gonna harvest it for organs anyway.

But respect is important and seriously i'm gonna haunt anyone who disrespects me at my own funeral. I'll go full poltergeist on their asses.
Don't screw with a witch's final rest hah.

Ultimately I would want my family to celebrate ME and my life, not just edit out the bits they didn't "approve of" or "like" and try to turn me into someone i'm not. You either love and respect ALL of me or you get out.
Not respecting my gender identity would be denying a part of me.
How can you really lay someone to rest when you're ignoring how they lived a large chunk of their life?

Husband jokes about a viking burial to screw with future archaeologists hahah.

I'm not sure what I want my headstone to read to be honest. I mean i'd have to acknowledge the two phases of my life. I AM a mother, but I am also a husband, a wife, a sister and a brother, a son AND a daughter. At various points in my life i've been all those things. It's a rather interesting situation to be in really. It'd feel wierd to no acknowledge all those things. But that makes for a complicated tombstone lol.
Though in a way, part of me rather LIKES the idea of confusing people by listing "beloved son and daughter, mother and husband" or something hahah.

I don't consider my life before transition to be wasted or anything, it was my larval stage. A neccisary process in my development. I'll always have those caterpillar years but at the same time I would hate for people to forget my butterfly stage.

I'm so sorry for your loss. And i'm sad that your friend's family couldn't accept her final form and clipped her wings.


Cindy, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend and sad that her family disrespected her. 

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."



I am sorry for the loss of your friend Cindy. Your post is a reminder of something that I took care of years ago, when I changed my legal status / name. I have a living will and final directions, the lawyer that helped me put very specific language in my final requests as to how to be treated and recognized as my true self, also how to deal with my remains and who gets what.

Good topic here, estate planning is very important, including identity protections / recognitions.

Cynthia -


Ricki Wright

My regrets for you, and having to see your friend discounted. Even for cis gender transphobes, that is taking "Dead Naming" a bit too far I believe. She is at peace, and free from being effected by hate at this point. Obviously her family is not, and they will live with that hate possibly the rest of their lives. Maybe guilt will set in and one of the family members will replace the headstone with her real name :)



I plan on being cremated, or possibly having my body made into 4 small gems: one for each child.
At 5 I forgot who I am. Fortunately, who I am protected me all these years until I remembered. Whatever else happens, I will live the rest of my life whole.
My story:,244130.0.html
HRT 07Nov18

Ricki Wright

Quote from: F_P_M on May 29, 2019, 06:31:43 AM
I always think of that scene in the Sandman comics where the transwoman dies saving her friends and her family cut her hair short and dress her in a suit and bury her with her dead name and her friend goes and writes her real name on the stone in her favorite shade of lipstick.
It's a beautiful poignant and profoundly heartbreaking segment.

I just had to look this up. If anyone else wants a good cry, check about 1/4 of the way down on this page:

At 5 I forgot who I am. Fortunately, who I am protected me all these years until I remembered. Whatever else happens, I will live the rest of my life whole.
My story:,244130.0.html
HRT 07Nov18


I've thought about this. When its my time I want to be cremated and ashes buried under a tree. The plaque will read "Father to... and Wife of... SHE lived her life as without hiding." If that upsets my immediate family they can go jump in a lake.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, Cindy.  Very good advice.

The same thing happened to a friend of mine about 20 years ago.  While they were separated, she and her wife had never divorced and when my friend was murdered, her wife came in and took over the funeral arrangements from their children.  Her wife had her buried in her (men's) Navy uniform with her male name on the grave.
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. - Oscar Wilde



Right? Maybe legally. Morally, no. It happens here in the states. Of course your advice is very good. I had a friend that passed away unexpectedly around Christmas. One of those fit types you'd never think would keel over. He lived with his girlfriend for 10 years, but had no will. His parents laid claim to his house and sold it giving the proceeds to his ne'er do well brothers. My question is, since wills are usually processed after burial, how would wishes in them be respected in terms of burial?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Quote from: F_P_M on May 29, 2019, 06:31:43 AM
that's heartbreaking.

I always think of that scene in the Sandman comics where the transwoman dies saving her friends and her family cut her hair short and dress her in a suit and bury her with her dead name and her friend goes and writes her real name on the stone in her favourite shade of lipstick.
It's a beautiful poignent and profoundly heartbreaking segment.

Honestly my only demand for my own funeral is mariachis. I DEMAND mariachis.
Because i'm ridiculous like that.
Also it's hard to cry when there's mariachis. <_<

I kinda consider this body a husk anyway, once i've vacated it they're gonna harvest it for organs anyway.

But respect is important and seriously i'm gonna haunt anyone who disrespects me at my own funeral. I'll go full poltergeist on their asses.
Don't screw with a witch's final rest hah.

Ultimately I would want my family to celebrate ME and my life, not just edit out the bits they didn't "approve of" or "like" and try to turn me into someone i'm not. You either love and respect ALL of me or you get out.
Not respecting my gender identity would be denying a part of me.
How can you really lay someone to rest when you're ignoring how they lived a large chunk of their life?

Husband jokes about a viking burial to screw with future archaeologists hahah.

I'm not sure what I want my headstone to read to be honest. I mean i'd have to acknowledge the two phases of my life. I AM a mother, but I am also a husband, a wife, a sister and a brother, a son AND a daughter. At various points in my life i've been all those things. It's a rather interesting situation to be in really. It'd feel wierd to no acknowledge all those things. But that makes for a complicated tombstone lol.
Though in a way, part of me rather LIKES the idea of confusing people by listing "beloved son and daughter, mother and husband" or something hahah.

I don't consider my life before transition to be wasted or anything, it was my larval stage. A neccisary process in my development. I'll always have those caterpillar years but at the same time I would hate for people to forget my butterfly stage.

I'm so sorry for your loss. And i'm sad that your friend's family couldn't accept her final form and clipped her wings.
My first choice would be to be sent into orbit facing outward, but being buried face down will do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Quote from: Gertrude on May 29, 2019, 03:03:54 PM
Right?  My question is, since wills are usually processed after burial, how would wishes in them be respected in terms of burial?

First to Cindy,  I am so sorry this happened to your friend, and so sorry for your loss. 

I imagine if you speak to a lawyer who does your will, they will have that answer.  I read in the news years ago where this happened.  The father even had Breast Augmentation removed for funeral, hair cut, etc.  Person did not look like themselves at all.  I am a firm believer in having a LEGAL will made by a lawyer in your state.  Many do a home written type and find out it isn't worth the paper it is written on.  Some have friends or family who are in the will sign them as witnesses which is not legal in some states.  Then the state assigns an executor, they decide everything else.  If you have a will made up, and give it to a trustworthy executor, they would have the written instructions and have it signed to enforce it.  Family be darned, a legal signed document should do the job.  Maybe even have a separate one that is just burial instructions so there is no need to discuss asset distribution at that point in the grieving process.  I imagine also having a prepaid plot with a head stone already engraved would help too. 


Quote from: Ricki Wright on May 29, 2019, 10:35:45 AM
I just had to look this up. If anyone else wants a good cry, check about 1/4 of the way down on this page:


Thessaly I never liked as a character and I think that moment where she tells Wanda she can't come because she's "not a woman" is precisely why. It painted her as the exclusionist B*** she is.

it's interesting because I took an IMMEDIATE and intense dislike to that character based solely on how she treated Wanda. And this was loooong before I really knew much about trans stuff. But ooo I still dislike Thessaly.

But the story, it's so heartbreaking that stuff is STILL happening. That comic was written in 1989!



On a related note, looks like we got a bunch of gravestones to correct.
Who's got a chisel?

Maid Marion

Quote from: Gertrude on May 29, 2019, 03:03:54 PM
He lived with his girlfriend for 10 years, but had no will. His parents laid claim to his house and sold it giving the proceeds to his ne'er do well brothers. My question is, since wills are usually processed after burial, how would wishes in them be respected in terms of burial?

Live in partners don't get anything, except in NH. Unless you count headaches from the relatives.
If I had one I'd designate her as a beneficiary to my retirement accounts.

Hated exes have gotten retirement accounts because they were never taken off the beneficiary list.  ::)


Cindy, I am sorry for your loss.

I have an agreement with my ex and daughter to be cremated an put into the ocean. No viewing or newspaper announcement. Maybe I should somehow get it in writing. I have legal representation for a will as a benefit from work. I think I will give them a call.
HRT  5-28-2013
FT   11-13-2015
FFS   9-16-2016 -Spiegel
GCS 11-15-2016 - McGinn
Hair Grafts 3-20-2017 - Cooley
Voice therapy start 3-2017 - Reene Blaker
Labiaplasty 5-15-2017 - McGinn
BA 7-12-2017 - McGinn
Hair grafts 9-25-2017 Dr.Cooley
Sataloff Cricothyroid subluxation and trachea shave12-11-2017
Dr. McGinn labiaplasty, hood repair, scar removal, graph repair and bottom of  vagina finished. urethra repositioned. 4-4-2018
Dr. Sataloff Glottoplasty 5-14-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal in office procedure 10-22-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal revision 2 4-3-2019 Bottom of vagina closed off, fat injected into the labia and urethra repositioned.
Dr. Thomas in 2020 FEMLAR
  • skype:Rachel?call


Quote from: F_P_M on May 29, 2019, 06:31:43 AM

Honestly my only demand for my own funeral is mariachis. I DEMAND mariachis.
Because i'm ridiculous like that.
Also it's hard to cry when there's mariachis. <_<


You sound a lot like me. A few years ago I contacted the funeral home who will be handling my remains after I depart this large rock, and asked if it was possible to have a smile on my face and my eyes open when they prepared my body for viewing...he said yes, but the smiles don't always come out looking natural. Apparently I wasn't the first "customer" to request something like that. But that's the way I want it. I've lived my life with a great big smile on my face, even when I had nothing to smile about, and that's the way I want to go out too.

Finally started the process of becoming who I really am on the inside! 5/20/19


I heard of the ultimate way to ensure your wishes are carried out. We have a shooting range that pretty good sized and was once a part of a ranch. The man who owned it wanted to make sure it always remained a shooting range. He passed it to the state to manage but there was a risk that at some point the state could decide to develop it and put houses on the land. To protect against this, the will stated should they attempt to develop the property, the land will be returned to the family.

If it cost to go against your wishes, it's a pretty sure thing your wishes will be followed.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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