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Your Funeral Wishes

Started by Cindy, May 29, 2019, 04:22:03 AM

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I have arranged my funeral and quite enjoyed doing it. People can get morbid about such things but as a cancer thriver I thought that it was sensible to make sure it was all in place. It is a lot easier to do this sort of stuff when you are well and happy and not when the family is under stress and they end up paying a bucket of money for .....

I found a place that does cheap and nice funerals, covers the basics needed by law, doesn't waste a heap of resources and my ashes will scattered over the grape vines in the Barossa Valley - that will be a good vintage year!

I got the lot for just under $4000. I asked to see the ' chapel' where the small service - Here lies Cindy and we will say a few words and then goodbye -  and I explained that the next time I was here that I wouldn't be looking around. The funeral guy had a laugh and said that I was remarkably well balanced.

I made two stipulations. Firstly: My wife does not have to identify my corpse, her request and it would be too much for her, and we made standard legal arrangements for that. Seemingly it is an issue for many and can be avoided by thinking ahead.
Secondly: That I had a stake driven through my heart to stop me rising again as a vampire. The Funeral Director said - 'You won't believe how many people ask for that and the answer is No. I said that I was only joking and he said I know but some people are serious.

Oh and I won't be there. Funerals are for the living not for the dead.


Quote from: Cindy on May 29, 2019, 04:22:03 AM
I just want to remind everyone to make sure that you have a Will or / and have a legal document to ensure that you are treated according to your wishes when you die.

I know you may not care and that is fine - it is your call.

I had a friend whose funeral was today. She had been a leading member of the TG community and had lived openly, happily and was accepted as herself for many years. Her funeral  was conducted as if she was a 'man' - she did not leave any directions and her family took over.

That is their right and I have no qualms about it.

I do not think it would have been her wish.

Hello again Cindy

My sympathies to you as I am very sorry to hear both of your loss and also of the inconsiderate way your friend's family handled her funeral. So sad that these people are more concerned with the "family's reputation".

Thank you also for your advice in terms of making a Will/legal document.





Aww Lexxi. I doubt i'd have an open casket because I fully intend to donate every single bit of me they can use.
Whatever isn't totally broken beyond repair, whip it on out and donate it.

But it's like, I don't want people being too sad. I want them to remember my life. And because i'm a ridiculous person that means mariachis, and maybe a donkey.
I remember this funeral I attended as a kid for my neighbour and it was super sad until this donkey in a nearby field started braying over the priest and nobody, NOBODY could help but smile at the interuption. There was just this donkey like looking over the fence at us all happy.
It honestly really helped the mood and I think the departed would have found it funny too.

but I DO need to sort out a will. I've never really bothered because I don't really have anything to pass on. I have no assets or anything but there is a concern about legal matters if I change my name regarding my kid's birth certificates. I don't actually know how that all works.

Husband has been told to sell my dolls, he could probably get a tidy sum for doing so. But he said he doesn't want to because they're such a big reminder of ME.

I think I want to be burried with my wedding ring though. It's not actually worth anything (it's semi precious stones because I like them) but it's MINE and I have nobody to hand it down to who'd really appreciate or wear it. May as well keep it with me. And you know, good luck getting it off my fat swollen fingers anyway hah.

We have verbal arrangements in place but nothing set in law. If both my husband and I were to pass on then it'd fall to our family to argue over who took our kids. My mother probably would, I can't see the inlaws stepping up to the plate.

Ultimately though, without any assets wills have always felt unneccisary. I suppose i'm fortunate in that I actually trust my family to respect my verbal wishes. That may change as time goes by though.

I may have to put in something about what happens to my alter though. It feels wrong to allow my family to just throw my wand and stuff into a skip. I mean it has no monitary value and there's no way they could sell that stuff but at the same time, you can't throw a wand and offering bowl and stuff into a skip!
I think i'd like to hand my tarot cards down though, I just don't know WHO would want them. I'm the only neopagan in my family and I admit, i'd like them to continue to be used. they've served me well over the years.
Maybe I should demand they bury me with my alter equipment lol. At the very least bury me with my crappy wand. Lol.
It'll screw with anyone who ever tries to dig me up for sure.
I can go all archaelogical and demand I get grave goods.


As I don't have a family, it hasn't been a priority for me, however, I do wish to respect the Earth, and this post has given me something to think about.  I would want whomever is reading my life story, to read MY story, not some pieced together gibberish.  Being a writer, I'd probably craft something that's stimulating to the imagination, as that's my favorite asset.  I not only want the tree planted with my ashes to be a reminder of my life-force here upon the earth, but my last story to be remembered in a fun way as well... something with comedy, to ease the pain of my passing to whomever may be left in my life.