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Free SRS?

Started by Annie Social, April 02, 2006, 10:39:19 AM

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If you were offered SRS free of charge, would you accept?

In a heartbeat.
58 (58.6%)
Yes, but can I get free FFS instead?
20 (20.2%)
Maybe later, but I'm not ready right now.
6 (6.1%)
I'm really not sure.
5 (5.1%)
No way.
10 (10.1%)

Total Members Voted: 32

Annie Social

I just posted to my blog on the different needs and priorities we all have, and thought this would make an interesting poll question. What do you think?


Financial difficulties are one of the reasons I have not yet gone for SRS.
If it was free, I definately would do it in a heartbeat.

MaryEllen   :)
Live for today. Tomorrow is not promised
  • skype:MaryEllen?call


I said "Really not sure"

I'm a cautious person and the phrase "If it seems too good to be true then it probably is"  I would first have to check it out very thoroughly first, and get some feed back.  Of course by that time the waiting list would be more than five years long :)



This was a hard choice.

I was about to click "in a hearbeat," but didn't.  I decided that i am not yet ready for this.  Sk me again in a couple of years.



This was an easy choice for me.

I just had to vote NO FLIPPIN WAY


I went for no way.

I am happy with who am am at the moment. Sometime I would like to be a girl and let 'Alice' take over however I do not see myself transitioning in the future. If this feeling changes and I do become interested in transitioning I first would need to do about my thin hair on top.



I voted in a heartbeat, but there are so many other issues really. I'd have to be able to get the time off work. I'd want a procedure I was satisfied with. I'd want to be sure of quality control.

So, in a heartbeat might have been a bit misleading. And, given that I haven't even decided among choice of procedures, probably premature.


Sarah Louise

If it was free, I would have gone yesterday.

Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"

umop ap!sdn

I took the question as a hypothetical no strings attached (i.e. the results would be the best one could hope for) and voted in a heartbeat. But then, I do have a history of being an idealist, LOL.

Annie Social

What I was writing about that prompted me to ask the question was the idea that among those who identify as pre-op, there seem to be two groups: those for whom surgery is the most important part of their transition, and those who feel that it's more of a final step to be taken after everything else is in place.

It even relates to some extent to how people feel about the RLT, whether it's a reasonable safeguard or a needless obstacle.


Hey there Annie, Reasonable or needless - what a great topic for a new poll.  I've created one in your name as it was your idea.



As transition normally goes, I would consider SRS to be more of a final piece, but if it were free and I had to take up the offer right then and there, I'd do it.  I consider male genitals (excuse the pun here) to be more of a "ball" and "chain" for fully experiencing womanhood, rather than outright disgust on my part (whoops, double-pun).



Question:  What is RLT short for? It is probably obvious but I can not figre it out at this stage.



Real Life Test :)

There is more information on this in the Wiki found here


Annie Social

Stephanie... thanks! I'll have to go over and vote...

Melissa: It took me a minute to catch your double pun, but that just made the groan even louder once I got it!

Alice, sorry about that; is usually make a point of defining any acronyms I use unless they're obvious. RLT is Real Life Test (or as some prefer, Real Life Experience). It refers to the policy of requiring one to live successfully in one's chosen gender for a year before being allowed SRS.


Thanks Step, Now it all make sense.



Free SRS... no strings attached, performed by a skilled surgon?  Id go for it in a heartbeat... but truth be told I want my FFS first so thats what I put. I have my priorities LoL

FFS then SRS...


are you kidding me yeah i would do it in a heartbeat but i do wish they can have better results for ftm.


In a heartbeat, if I could resolve my future with my SO satisfactorily to both of us.



I'd rather have a GIECO qoute!