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yo transitioning people! (names etc)

Started by Svetlana, May 23, 2005, 04:31:15 PM

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yay :D first up on this board! 8)

ok... so as an actual topic... i'm wondering...
how many of you have changed your name after you already changed it because it was a name of the wrong gender?  i'm wondering because i've stuck with my first new choice just like i would've if i'd have been born with it, but one of my friends who's kinda at the same point as me transitioning can't decide on hers and keeps on changing it.  which is annoying because i don't know what to call her!


Well, I'm still deciding on names but I'm not very far along yet so I'm not sure I count (=

I mean, I'm fond of Kelly, Mare, Kimberly, Nicole... (which incidentally is probably my current picks in order, and I probably can't get away with the first one.)



I"ve only changed my name once and I"m satisfied with it.


I chose my name ages ago.  Stephanie Phyllis...  I chose names that would match my old signature so that I wouldn't have to worry about ever slipping up when I sign something.  I usually sign things with "S.P. Craxford"  so it fits and I'm happy with my new name.  I guess I have to be as I've submitted my request to formally change my name.

Chat later...


I thought about this a lot.  If i had just "femmed" my male name i would be Tiffany Alana, but i thought that sucked, and i am going to wear my new choice the rest of my life, so i picked Eleanor (as in Roosevelt) and Ashley (similar to my old middle name and an old family name of Ashmore).  :P


I am on my first chosen name and will be staying with it. I really don't know how it came about, i didn't chose between names, it just hit me one day and i thought: "My name is beth."


Quote from: beth on May 24, 2005, 01:08:49 AM"My name is beth."
*smile* Yes Beth, it is indeed.


My First chosen name was Vicky. I plan on staying with it, for the reason I picked it was out of respect, and admiration of a girl that helped me through my teenage years. Lynn my first chosen middle name was chosen to honor my wife and my sister, who have the same middle names, and I just stuck with my last name of Williams.


When I was about 8-years-old my friend Sandra and I exchanged names for the day just goofing around on the playground. Friends laughed but I enjoyed it more than I let on. It was a bit tough going home, back to reallity and my real name.

Decades later when on the internet I needed to pick a femme name it was a no-brainer because it was the name I had wanted to keep as a child. The same when I had it changed legally three years ago.



Kelly is like that for me.
During middle school there were no less than 3 other guys all with the same first name as I. On a limited base we started using some other part of our names than the first to identify ourselves.  I suppose it goes without saying that I've always considered Kelly to be the best part of my birth name.


I chose my name years ago, as I liked the name and it was also the name of a girl i knew years ago that was very much of a lady.

I feel comfortable with the name, and only add 01 as there are other ladies with the name  Denise



I love how you all came up with your names but i think sandi and i have something in common with our names. a girlfriend and i did the same thing when we were 7 and her name was danielle i thought it was so pretty even then i had to remember that name. well now i am danielle christine. the christine is just a feminized version of my given first name.


I like the way Michelle sounds and it is so versatile.   I have even seen it spelled Michael under a list of most common girl's names.   I like the Michelle spelling better,  but would not have to change anything but pronunciation if I kept the Michael spelling.    Then i would quit using my middle name.     Lately my comfort zone has gotten very small.
Be true to yourself.  The future will reveal itself in its own due time.    Find the calm at the heart of the storm.    I own my womanhood.

I am a 69-year-old transsexual school teacher grandma & lady.   Ethnically I am half Irish  and half Scandinavian.   I can be a real bitch or quite loving and caring.  I have never taken any hormones or had surgery, I am out 24/7/365.


Call me unimaginative, but when I thought about a new name, I just couldn't make any decisions.  Then it occured to me that my own name was perfectly fine as is with no changes in pronounciation or spelling as while the Y usually denotes male and I denotes female, Ive seen many females with the Y rather then the I, but somehow I just didn't like that Y dangling there at the end of it, So I simply traded the Y for I and nobody noticed the difference in what to call me.  I had the spelling change made on all my records, DL,SSA and accounts and am happy with it.  It is something that is mine and always has been.

Actually, as I used to say around a lot, "Call me anything you wish, but keep smiling when ya do"


You're so lucky Terri. I wish I had a gender-neutral birth name so I didn't have to get used to being called something else.

I simply took the male version of my female name and added a middle name that is often used for the guys in my family. Took me a bit of agonizing though. Problem was that any other names I liked - Lewis, John, Daniel - were already in use by living members of my family.

The guy I always dreamed of being had a different name, but that was my fantasy life and this is reality and is someone I have to be for the rest of my life. I know that the guy I am becoming and will be will have a lot of the components of the woman people thought I was, so it made sense to me to keep a part of her too. And I did want to show some respect to my parents for their choice of name. If I had a choice and had a more gender neutral name (why couldn't they have called me Robin?), I'd have kept the name I was born with.

Maybe I'm unimaginative and just rationalizing :)



Yes, it can be a problem Dennis, a name is something you get used to, even if you don't like it.  It is nice to just leave things as they are for the most part when you can do that.


i like the name Michelle (well my given name is Miguel, or Michael in english), but i would really like to have a portuguese name as my entire family is portuguese (the translations for michelle that i heard of were all horrible). I like Joana too (as in Joanne D'arc.. thats how you write it in english right?).


Quote from: beth on May 24, 2005, 01:08:49 AM... it just hit me one day and i thought:...

This is what has happened to me; Mother and I had been going though many, many baby names. We found many that were not bad and so on.

When I went to see my nice endocrinologist for my first visit a name had been dancing about my head, in the background. As time has gone on that name has gradually become implacable. Which is a slight snag in that a relation also bears this first name, and as it happens the same middle name that I was thinking of as well; So that tosses a wrench in the works. It might be interesting to see what we come up with final, but I at least know two pieces of my name.

Or, in short:

Kimberly, I am.


hello Kimberly!     

                                     congratulations      :icon_bunch: 

love beth


Thank you (=
*smile* Just need to get the body to match the name now! :P