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Are most of your siblings the gender you are transitioning too.

Started by Jillieann Rose, July 30, 2006, 03:23:52 PM

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I am _____ (MTF) (FTM) most of your siblings are _____(Male) (Female)

FTM  I don't have siblings
MTF, Males
FTM, Females
FTM, Males
MTF  I don't have siblings
FTM  I don't have siblings
MTF  equal males and females
FTM equal males and females
MTF, Female


FtM and have 2 brothers. My mom thought it would be easier to just raise us all the same (male). I have always been a major tom boy !
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived"


I've got a younger brother and younger sister. Basically, since I'm not going to have kids, our family name will die if my brother doesn't have kids. I told my parents for a long time I didn't want kids so I don't think they will give me the 'bloodline' speech, but I think they always held out hope. I'm the oldest, so maybe some of the 'oldest son' talk will come up, we'll see in a few weeks.


I wanna answer too... There's no checkbox, but this is a fun and interesting question.

I am the oldest of 6 kids, 2 girls, 3 boys and a me.

Myself and my eldest brother (20 and 18, respectively) are full siblings, born from my bioparents.

My eldest sister, age approximately 14 or 15 now, is the child of my stepfather and his exwife, so is a stepsister to me.  She has not been seen by us since age 4.

My youngest sister is 11 as of actually, 2 hours ago, and is the child of my bio-mother and my stepfather.

My youngest brothers are identical twins and are 5 years old.  They are the children of my biological father and my stepmother.

I have often wondered if my issues with gender are not caused by the fact that I was meant to be a boy and treated like a boy until the day my eldest brother was old enough to do kid things, at which point I was suddenly expected, at about age 5, to have perfect feminine behaviours and act like a debutante, with perfect manners.




A younger sister, never got the losing son stuff, I already procreated, they are happy now its my turn to be happy, I am happy  being female :)


Quote from: myles on May 27, 2007, 02:58:26 PM
FtM and have 2 brothers. My mom thought it would be easier to just raise us all the same (male). I have always been a major tom boy !

I don't often see other examples like this of the transition producing a monogendered set of siblings, when you are the only one of your gender and then you quit being that.

I see all these happy stories about "My Mom always wanted a boy/girl, and now she's finally got one!" I have a harder row to hoe when it comes to that. I can hear my parents saying now, "We already have lots of girls, don't deprive us of our only son!" As if it's my responsibility? Anyway, we're all so old now, who even cares about that any more... they already had me playing the role of son for a loooong time, I have given them grandchildren (who in turn have given them a great-grandchild), what more do you want, give me a break. I gave up my whole youth for them and then some. So they better not preach to me any more drivel about "sacrifice" for the family. I'm the one who ought to be telling them about sacrifice. But they don't get it.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls

Adrian D.

Quote from: Melissa on July 30, 2006, 03:24:44 PM
...At least I don't get the "we're losing our only son" lecture.


Same here, except with the opposite gender.  ;D
I have 1 sister, 2 half sisters, and 1 brother.


MTF, 2 sisters. I did not see 'MTF, Female' as an option on the poll. (?)


"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche




I have one sister, and we are total opposites. She's what I call the ultimate girly-girl...into boys, makeup, bright colors and sparkles.

(I'm 26, btw, we're 13 years I don't know that I'd really count for the survey's purposes or not...)
"I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel."
Peter Nivio Zarlenga


oi, always looking for weird correlations. Well 4 sisters, 1 brother. only got to know 2 sisters tho. the others died before their first birthday.


I'm the eldest of 4 kids, 2 younger brothers and a lil sis :)
"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves."  ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld


For survey purposes, I voted "FTM - Females". I live with two sisters, only one of which is a full sister. Then I have a half brother and half sister whom I have only met once.


I've got one sister who seems more male than I am in almost every way. xD  I think it's pretty funny that I'm the one who squeals like a wuss when he sees a spider, but his sister squishes said spider.


I have one sister who is about 4 and a half years older than me and no brothers....



Only child, it's not bad. Nobody to make fun of me, out me to everyone, and no brothers to envy. FTM.