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The Sheepskin's Off – Gays Want to Redefine Natural Marriage -- No "Civil Unions

Started by Hazumu, January 24, 2009, 01:25:07 PM

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The Sheepskin's Off – Gays Want to Redefine Natural Marriage -- No "Civil Unions" Compromise!

1/8/2009 7:10:00 AM
By Kathy Valente, IFI Policy Analyst -Illinois Family Institute

[Hat tip to Kassandra for bringing this to my attention! =K]

QuoteThe plan's public. Homosexual activists won't be satisfied with civil unions. They want marriage and they're going to keep fighting until they get it. They are notoriously persistent.

Don't let them confuse you. Side by side, civil unions and marriage are equal. Once "civil unions" become law, schools will be required to teach it. The proof of that is Massachusetts.

Lawmakers and activist judges may be confused, but the voters aren't. Plainly put - people want marriage to stay just as it is - one man, one woman. Period.

Lawmakers, why aren't you listening? These homosexual activists don't want "civil unions" -- so don't give it to them!

TAKE ACTION: Speak up!! Click >>>HERE<<< to send an email or fax to your State Representative today and ask him/her to vote 'NO' to the "Civil Unions" bill -- HB 1826. Politely tell your lawmaker that Illinois' government should not officially recognize immoral, unhealthy, and changeable homosexual behavior. (Be assured, your calls and emails are very important; legislators take very seriously the number of emails, faxes and calls they receive.)