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Estrogen Provocation

Started by dennise51, February 18, 2009, 06:00:15 PM

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I have been trying to figure out my gender confusion. I've read a few references to the use of estrogen and the response to determine whether you are truly transexual or a crossdresser. Any opinions? Research?? Thanx


"Estrogen Provocation" sounds like a 70s badgirl exploitation movie :P

No, the way to determine what you are is to think, analyze, feel and be honest with yourself.

Sorry but there's no easy test, buckaroo...


Yeah, I would agree.

And using female hormones as a test for, I assume, MtF transsexuality seems to me akin to using a Geiger counter made from Plutonium to determine if something is radioactive.
Natura nihil frustra facit.


they do not make you feel female if this is a result you seek to find out, you make yourself feel female or was in my case.

they just give you the parts you missed out on.


I'm not sure if I would agree that you make yourself feel female. Well I guess, there is stuff you can do on the outside, that are culturally female, but really I think it is just how things turn out. To really tell I think you have to stop thinking of male and female and transsexual and crossdresser and forget yourself for a little while. Have no expectations and see how you feel? Its all just labels, we are people, are you a man or a woman? Only you can tell that, and its okay to not be sure, in fact thats one of the beautiful things, who is sure? What is the difference anyways really? And then it doesn't even matter, you are yourself, for so long being trans distracted me from just being me, because it was such a change, I held onto it, it still is a part of me, but moreso is life.

btw I really like your sig Leiandra


Quote from: aisha on March 25, 2009, 10:46:18 PM
I'm not sure if I would agree that you make yourself feel female. Well I guess, there is stuff you can do on the outside, that are culturally female, but really I think it is just how things turn out. To really tell I think you have to stop thinking of male and female and transsexual and crossdresser and forget yourself for a little while. Have no expectations and see how you feel? Its all just labels, we are people, are you a man or a woman? Only you can tell that, and its okay to not be sure, in fact thats one of the beautiful things, who is sure? What is the difference anyways really? And then it doesn't even matter, you are yourself, for so long being trans distracted me from just being me, because it was such a change, I held onto it, it still is a part of me, but moreso is life.

btw I really like your sig Leiandra

my point was if you are indeed female on the inside no amount of estrogen is going to change that or give you something you are not

as a long time user i can assure you it has made me feel no different to how i always was.

My impression was always they give you the E to give you some relief form the termoil and let you refocus your end goals.


Estrogen would not make you feel like a woman unless you feel that way already.  Making the choice to begin HRT is a step that should not be taken lightly.

Unless you want the permanent effects, don't start blindly.  The best thing to do is to try living full time.  I think that could tell you really quick.

And are you seeing a therapist?




Quote from: Janet Lynn on March 26, 2009, 01:05:57 PM
Estrogen would make you feel like a woman unless you feel that way already.

I disagree, Janet. I think the feeling like a woman is already inherent within one, if it's to exist at all. All estrogen can do is provide support for the feeling that's already there. It wouldn't create it where it had never been before. They forced estrogen on Alan Turing and the changes to his body bummed him out so much, he committed suicide. He was a man. But he was forced into involuntary transgender, which sucks possibly even more for the cisgender people than it does for us, because we got used to it growing up with it, but to suddenly have that imposed on you is a shock.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls


To be fair to Janet, I'm guessing that may be a typo.


You're very likely right about that.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls


OK senior moment.  It has been modified.  ;D


Being on estrogen doesn't make me feel female, whatever that might be, in fact some days I feel like a raging bull, but it does give me immense satisfaction to know that I've got a higher proportion of the stuff flowing round my body.


The theory was that if you took E, even a low dose it either made you feel more at peace and not much else changed or if you really aren't tg, then it eliminated your desires to xdress.
I've dressed on and off my whole life, but have recently been divorced. Since then I dress a lot, making up for lost time I guess.
I'm wondering if I've just "talked" myself into being TG, and wanting to continue my feminization....just looking for a way to find out.
As to permanent effects, not worried too much at this stage of my more kids, will probably stay single, etc......thanx......Dennise


I don't see how this "feeling more at peace" theory would hold together.  If you feel more correct with the estrogen and the effects it gives you, it's probably because you are in fact female.  It's not going to do much of anything for clothing choices.

Of course, just because you want to wear (certain) female-designated clothing (at least sometimes) doesn't mean you are a woman.  If you still feel like a man or feel gender-neutral but happen to like the clothing for particular merits, you may be an androgynous male or an androgyne.

It's ultimately up to figure out what is that you use such clothing for, but a gender therapist can offer professional help.  This person can also help you undergo the changes you need if you are (in fact) a woman, even if you do not elect to undergo reassignment surgery.

Diane Elizabeth

After trying some pms estrogen and the otc breast pills.  I compare myself from when I was on them and when I am off of them.  I do beleive that they had an effect on me in a positive sense.  I didn't neccessarily want to dress more, but I felt better about myself as a person.  Calmer with myself in everyday strives.   
Having you blanket in the wash is like finding your psychiatrist is gone for the weekend!         Linus "Peanuts"


When I started on estrogen I began to feel at peace within and the constant complaining in my head about something being wrong eased more as time went on. It seems to give the brain something its looking for. And no its not in my head. I think this is what they are referring to. People who turn out not to be GID don't feel right when they go on the estrogen and the stop. So it acts like a test.       


Quote from: dennise51 on March 28, 2009, 07:12:40 PM

The theory was that if you took E, even a low dose it either made you feel more at peace and not much else changed or if you really aren't tg, then it eliminated your desires to xdress.
I've dressed on and off my whole life, but have recently been divorced. Since then I dress a lot, making up for lost time I guess.
I'm wondering if I've just "talked" myself into being TG, and wanting to continue my feminization....just looking for a way to find out.
As to permanent effects, not worried too much at this stage of my more kids, will probably stay single, etc......thanx......Dennise


I too heard the references to the calming that occurred with the use of estrogen by "classic transsexuals".  And the best I could find is that it was anecdotal to the other effects.  In other words, many experienced a heightened sense of calm but it could not be definitely identified if it was an actual effect of the estrogen on the brain, or a placebo effect based on the knowledge that a person starting hormones were at last taking a positive step in their life.

I can say in my own case, however, I noticed a near immediate mental effect when I started HRT.  I was plagued with clinical depression and virtually *any* emotion would lead to deep, black, suicidal depression.  The only way I could control it was to have no emotions at all.  However once I started HRT I found that I could have emotions and not fall into depression and I could even have "blue" days, but not become suicidal.  For me it was a boon.  And a clear indication that my brain NEEDED estrogen and that my path through transition became much clearer.

I too wondered if I had just talked myself into transitioning.  But in retrospect, no, I did not, it was the best thing I have ever done.

In your case, if you haven't done so already, get yourself into therapy and from there discuss starting HRT.  Most of the effects of HRT are reversible if stopped within the first twelve months or so and you would notice any mental effect very early on.

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


I know this is an old topic (and that I'm brand new here), but I wanted to ask something about "the ease of mind" some people perceive when starting on Oestrogen.

If this happened, how quickly did this happen? A question of days/weeks/months? Thank you.

Sarah Louise

Any "immediate" reaction of well being is purely in your mind.  The idea of being on hrt feels good.

It takes a while for hormones to build in your system.  Hormones are not the way to determine your gender, you know your gender first, then take hormones to help.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


I have heard about using HRT as a "test" but my understanding of it was that it was the androgen blockers that was the "real" test.  They reduce the libido.  If the crossdressing tendencies were fetishes (sexually related) then they would go away on Spiro.  The transexual would not be deterred by the loss of libido - hence the test.

I always wanted to be someone.  Now I am someone.  It just isn't me.