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LEEKS! omg they're yummy

Started by Annwyn, May 09, 2009, 08:43:07 PM

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I've never had leeks!

I keep reading about them in anime and manga, but never have had any.

So I did a steamed leek thingy tonight w/ olive oil/mustard sauce over rice.

It's YUMMY!!!

Also really healthy!


Leeks are packed with flavor. :)
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My boyfriend and I are leek fans; we have them fairly regularly in all sorts of dishes - and we adore leek and potato soup :D


Leeks, spinach and bacon are great together.  Cook the bacon crisp, drain.  Cook leeks in fat till tender.  Mix with spinach and crumble bacon over top.  Great with a vinaigrette.


Bacon is a nogo.

Thinly sliced and grilled tofu will work just as well, I'm certain.

I'm definitely a fan of leeks again:D


Tofu is great in just about anything.



I love this receipe

Chop the leek thinly and cook in boiling water for about 5 mins. Drain and wash in cold water. Take swiss brown musrooms, remove the stalk. Put the leeks, stalk, garlic cloves (to taste) pepper to taste and blend. Mix with a blue vein cheese, I use Stilton but depends what's available. You want to create a rich cheese and vegie mixture (50/50) texture. Place the mix liberally into the mushroom cups. Put under a hot grill until it bubbles. Enjoy

Makes a great starter to a dinner party



Stilton and leek soup or quiche is awesome too.



Yes there is something about leeks and a sharp chees that really works together.
Dennis do you have your quiche receipe?

BTW I made an ice cold tomato soup with stilton slices floating on it that was to die for.

Mmmm and it's Dinner time


Pica Pica

i felt i had to lend my support to anyone that was supporting leeks. steamed with shallots with some grilled salmon and new potatoes for me.
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