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Coping with bigenderism?

Started by SrpskiCharlie, July 11, 2009, 08:21:41 AM

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Hey all :)
I'm new to this forum, actually joined just a few minutes ago but already loving it here :)
Just a little info on me before I ask my question. (I'm not actually sure if this is in the right place, but it seemed the most logical place to put it :))
My name's Charlie, I'm Serbian, biologically female but bigender. I only realised about my bigenderism a few months ago, and I think I'm coping with it pretty well :)
I've only come out to a few close friends and people on other LGBTQ+ forums, so I'm still pretty much in the closet.

I was just wondering how other bigender people cope with consciously/unconsciously switching gender throughout their day-to-day lives. Sometimes, it does get rather stressful for me, especially as I go to an all-girls' school (I think now would be the time to also mention that I identify as lesbian too) and the school protocol only allows it's students to wear skirts. This does not help my situation, as I find skirts generally uncomfortable and restricting even when female.
I'm also currently trying to adopt a more androgynous look, as I feel it would help me to deal with being male aswell as female on a regular basis, and am curious as how to go about this. Of course, the most simple yet effective step would be to cut my hair shorter than it already is, as it's quite long right now. Hoping that maybe a few other people would kindly give some advice with that too. :)

Thanks to all who reply. :)


O.K. Please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place....I have a question tho, here goes,(short summary first of my progress). I have been taking hormones for about 6 months now along with Spiro, no problem there except let me warn those of you out there of side effects I have encountered. for about the first 6 weeks I suffered from severe mood swings....(and I do mean severe), It was not that i went from high to low, I was just ANGRY all of the time my patience seemed to be non existant and I seriously considered dropping the meds completely before I either got fired from my job or worse, luckily after the said 6 week period I am back to my own patient and understanding self, and progressing quite well if I may say so myself.
Now, heres the question plaguing me... I have always desired to be a woman, I suppose mostly for aesthetic reasons, but I am in no way attracted to men other than as friends, no sexual attraction.... I dont consider myself among the CD side whereas though I enjoy the feel of the clothing and have been seriously attracted to one or 2 in my lifetime, I thouroughly enjoy the female body that I am acheiving along with the deeper more meaningfull psychological effects of the change in progress. So am I crazy wierd or what?