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Fav Anime of all time

Started by phantom_heart, July 29, 2009, 11:47:08 PM

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Kay favorite?
Full Metal Alchemist was probably the best complete series I've seen.
Interesting characters & good story.
Cowboy Bebop was good, if far too short.  (Who could forget Edward?)

Utawarerumono was decent. (the series, not the game) (Interesting characters, and some decent music. Suara has a nice voice.)

Code Geas seemed interesting...always kept missing episodes though.

Kashimashi was short, but cute.

Bleach (1st season) was decent, at least, when the stuffed animals weren't on parade.

Ranma 1/2 was a little cheezy, but enjoyable none-the-less.

Inuyasha was fun, if a little juvenile at times.  Good music though, both the J-pop intro/exit songs as well as what was composed for the series.  The English dub was good, but having taken a little Japanese, I always enjoyed the sub-title version more. (Kaze no Kizu!)

Victoria L.

One Piece for me!

Usually I'm not into the long Shounen, but I'm a total One Piece fangirl. Its little (well, actually massive. lol) world has really sucked me into it. The characters are great, the story is interesting, and the action rarely feels pointless like other Shounen... If it does feel pointless the awesomeness of the characters makes up for it.

My other favorites are Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, La Corda D'Oro, Monster, Death Note, etc.


I've seen tons and tons and tons of anime, picking out a few isn't that easy sadly...

But I'd have to say my top 5 favourite franchises in no distinct order are:

Minami-ke (Okawari and Okairi too)
Shakugan No Shana (second and third eventually, and OVA's sans Shana-Tan)
Dothack (in general)
Ghost in the Shell (in general)
and Detective Conan

Runner up would probably be Ranma 1/2, but the manga is better IMO.
If not Ranma, probably "Angels Egg".
I never mean to hurt anyones feelings unless previously stated, which is almost never
"the net is vast and infinite"-Motoko Kusanagi


Okay i Just finished watching what they have out of Naruto and I love it. I love Sauske I can't help it. I like bad boys.

Anywho i like how this thred is like still going after all this time!!  ^_^


Well, I've seen a ton of anime and it is so hard to choose! I'd have to say my favorites are Death Note, Bleach, Inuyasha (And The Final Act), Outlaw Star, Minami-ke, Loveless. I watch a lot of anime and there is always more to watch.


I haven't actually watched much anime, I usually read the manga which then makes the anime seem so much worse in comparison (eg. Fruits Basket) or I just haven't bothered, I've got the books.  ;D
I have to agree with everyone who mentioned Death Note, it's amazing. I also go through phases of loving or just being confused by BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo. Ouran High School Host Club's pretty damn funny too. Digimon series 1 and 3 were also amazing (but series 4 can burn in the fires of hell)...
HOWEVER! I digress.
If I had to choose ONE, it would definitely be Shaman King (english dub version, I'm afraid. I have anime purist friends who would kill me for admitting that  :)). That was the main one I came home to throughout my teenage years, and I can practically recite PASSAGES from it, I've watched it so much.  :laugh:

june bug

Quote from: Muffin on January 08, 2010, 10:49:33 PM
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Holy heck yeah.

Muffin, it's a shame you are in Australia.  I think we could be the best of friends.  :D


Any of the Movies by Hayao Miyazaki.

Excel Saga
Wolf's Rain
Ghost in The Shell
Sailor Moon <3
Ergo Proxy
Outlaw Star
Onegai Teacher
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Last Exile
Any .Hack
Kimagure Orange Road
Ranma 1/2

theres just too much to name! i love anime in general but these are my top.. XD


I don't watch as much anime as I used to.  Some favorites are Elfien Lied, Paranoia Agent, and Samurai Champloo.


DEATH NOTE デスノート!!! Sorry, got a little excited when I saw the thread.  :D Also, second favorite is Vampire Knight.

Happy to see all the anime fans we have here!  ;D

I'd list the other animes I like, but I don't want to be here for a 1/2 hour thinking about it...



Quote from: Fenrir on January 08, 2010, 06:28:44 PM
If I had to choose ONE, it would definitely be Shaman King (english dub version, I'm afraid. I have anime purist friends who would kill me for admitting that  :)). That was the main one I came home to throughout my teenage years, and I can practically recite PASSAGES from it, I've watched it so much.  :laugh:

You have to admit, some of the 4kids dubs were really butchered. Usually dubs aren't too bad, just some cut out parts and american idioms added in (why?) but these people. . . they have no remorse.


I always loved Hana Kimi
Hanazakari no Kimitachi

Death Note was good too, but I never finished it


Quote from: SilverFang on January 14, 2010, 08:09:28 PM
You have to admit, some of the 4kids dubs were really butchered. Usually dubs aren't too bad, just some cut out parts and american idioms added in (why?) but these people. . . they have no remorse.

I totally agree with you, man. It's just this one, for some reason, despite the many many bits they cut out (and because Shaman King revolved a lot around religion, fighting and death, with one of the main characters addicted to morphine, it was bludgeoned worse than most) and the horrible, horrible voice acting (many unneccessary terrible accents etc.), I have a great affection for its dub.  :laugh: A lot of the things they changed were just stupid of course, eg. the character name Horohoro Usui --> TREY RACER! What the...? Also, he was from 'the North' instead of them explaining he was an Ainu from northern Japan... I could go on...
In general, though, I think dubs are pretty bad. The American voices often don't really seem to fit the characters (as with the Fruits Basket dub, I just can't see Tohru as American) and there's less attention to detail, in my opinion.


Death note would be my absolute favorite. Followed by Naruto and Bleach (I'm really behind on those 2 though)

NOOOO DUBS though! Ugh.


1. Es' otherwise

2. Saiyuki  ;D Lol I just like Sanzo beating people with his fan.


4.Wolf's Rain

5. Gantz

6. Full Metal Panic first and second season third season feels like a bust to me.


I don't bother with too many series, but movies:

Anything produced by Studio Ghibli
Anything directed by Satoshi Kon (Tokyo Godfathers especially)
The Girl That Leapt Through Time
Mind Game
5 Centimeters Per Second

you get the idea

The only series I've watched in full is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimaya. It was pretty fun.


Oooh great topic! Elfen Lied (as the original poster stated) is possibly one of my favorites.

But as for my absolute favorite, I'm going to have to say Yuyu Hakusho. Great story, GREAT characters, I really felt connected to the characters.

Recently I have enjoyed "Gals" or "Super Gals", it was sooo cute.

Right now I am watching Maison Ikkoku, it seems pretty cute.


Wow, that's tough, there's too many I liked, but I suppose only one really makes me want to watch it multiple times, and that's Gravitation.