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the bes and the gains and suddenly eventually heres

Started by aisha, August 14, 2009, 11:49:50 PM

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the  thing is though i know what the problem is, its that i've been dominated, i can tell every time it happens and its not voluntary, ive been dominated by a society that is largely idiotic, there are some smart people, but they use their intelligence to exploit other people, and those who do not, are destroyed, those who are not looking for power, except power over themselves and their own lives are over powered by the system, and no one >-bleeped-<ing cares. im dominated by the fact that i know this thought isn't perpetuating, its a statement of a current truth and hopefully will repel some one in some way from falling into the same pattern.

i'm dominated by people around me who don't care, who just want to go along and do nothing, or who think the answer is in politics or bull>-bleeped-< like that, no. its in living a real life, an authentic life, and casting this >-bleeped-< out. i'm dominated by the fact that though I have this insight I lose it, when I say it, no one seems to be around who will stick with me, maybe they say a few things of support, but they take no action. the people who said they would haven't. and even I haven't, because I can't do it alone. I could maybe in a better world, but now I cannot because what I do isn't even respected, they call it crazy. Life is crazy, crazy is what love is, real love, losing yourself, and not giving a <not allowed>, not all the time, but  sometimes, thats what sex is about, that these people don't know because they all use the same >-bleeped-<ing lines and what the same thing. Its not about sex, <not allowed> the world, literally. Leave this thing, don't go around spending money in every place blindly, these people have good souls yeah but they are exploited, by the ones in power, and I've been there, seen that the way is open to anyone who wants to have knowledge, but knowledge is not power, because of weapons and because of physical force, and because of fear and laziness. <not allowed> that. Life could be so much better, we could just be out, everything could be good, for all people, we have the ingenuity to do that, but we don't instead we get caught up in petty things concerning the differences in negative lights. But really its the differences that are the most beautiful and no one knows the art of living, because it is not just be nice and kind to everyone, sometimes you have to go, but I'm trying to learn, what do I understand really? nothing, but I know if everyone is afraid to smoke weed and afraid to go into the parts of their souls that are meant for us to explore and commune with, not only the earth but all of the universe, and come back, then what are we? we are not full, we are not blossoming we live shadows of lives. I have done it, and at a point it is good, a son or daughter should listen to their parents sometimes, there must be some restraint. But when the lies and the phantasm go so deep as they do it is hard to know, thats why you have to follow your heart, and know that even when it seems there is nothing, when you are walking over the edge, no, there is land there.
life is stumbling around blindly in darkness and coming around perfect everytime have you noticed that? everything works together. don't be afraid to be crazy, crazy is real, crazy is life.. and who are other people? Other people are the ones I love, the souls I see every day, my own family, these beings in my life, why are they so sad? it is not just something that can be idly talked about, there has to be action, every little thing counts, not action is some way that is accepted as politically effective, <not allowed> that. it goes deep into the way we interact with eachother in every moment, you always have to be alert and watching and sometimes i can't. i'm dominated by this realization, i cannot always be here and present, i cannot always see the love that pours out infinitely and the strings that vibrate through all things playing the most heavenly music and just be in awe, and spread this awe, because when i try, there are those who will say oh well in this way that you try this is absurd this is nothing, why would i care? but it does effect you, when no one you know really understands anything, when they all just go down a path that is bearable but they know it is not the best, and it hurts and that the system they support is founded, on true principles but distorted to a point of darkness, and manipulation, do not be manipulated, even by these words, there is some truth here, and I do my best to convey it in the way it is right now, and the way it will always be, eternally. that way I know that it is right, and that its real. These vampires all around us... who are they? why do they do they cause so much suffering that they do not even know, even myself, I do it to myself. I am dominated, and I know that I am too weak to do anything, but this weakness is my strength because had I been too strong I would have been long gone and changed nothing, but on the edge here always, there is more. This way many can here and the world can begin to clear itself, I can begin to clear myself, of purpose, and become hollow. and then I am dominated by the universe, higher forces beyond us, nature itself, to bring things back into a state of harmony, and a state of great joy for all beings, because this is possible, this is why there is a god, and let there be no dispute on what god is, a term an idea, a source. that all things are available right now, everything one could ever need is here right now, perhaps latent, but unfolding as quick as need be, like lightning, all things come, because it is a dream, and it is a process. The pain is a part of it, do not fear, love.. love, and lose yourself in kindness, and when you cannot be kind there will be kindness all around, and the spirit of understanding and empathy will help you, and reach into everyone and bring them together again, bring all the parts together, so they can see how they fit, and they can sing, like a chord together, reassuring itself, and all parts equal, no peice is out of place, this is not wanti, this is not heaven, this is  whatever, names are not important, whats important is life, whats important is the destruction of this current way of doing things, that our society has traditionalized, that is based in fundamental psychosis, that perpetuates itself and is violent, and resists all form of change, but change will come, and it is a blossoming. our  world is like a caterpillar that is afraid of making its own coccoon, we are afraid of going into ourselves, but we must, we all need to look into ourselves deeply and when we come out we can speak of that, and know that the outside is in and the inside is out and as we all realize this where is the distinction really? nowhere, it has happened already, its a process... love, this is love pure and simple from conception to birth, life until death, love, so true and so real, and so tangible...