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18 year old son/daughter just committed suicide :(

Started by Kimmysmom, October 10, 2009, 08:20:02 PM

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My child had severe bipolar depression and was not stable.  He had only recently told me he thought he may be transgender.  I found him a gender therapist and he was also seeing a psychiatrist for his bipolar.  The therapist needed for him to be mentally stable before recommending hormones-he never got to that point.

Long story short...we were very close and I tried very hard to be supportive.  I call him "he" because he was questioning and he had not asked me to call him "she" yet.  In fact, he was afraid to tell people his secret.  I feel terrible he had this confusion and that he felt shame for his "innocent" feelings.  Shortly before he took his life, he asked me to buy him a girl shirt.  I was happy to do this but I picked out a tshirt that had a feminine design on it but was a regular tshirt.  I thought it was a step in the right direction since he never wore any girl clothes in public.  I thought this would give him a feminine feeling without being totally frilly.  However, he said something about it not being very feminine.  I regret buying that shirt instead of a more feminine one. :(

I'll never know for sure what would have become of my son's questioning.  Maybe he would have transitioned?  At one point, he indicated he might be gay???  He wasn't sure or mentally healthy but I would encourage all of you who love someone questioning their gender identity to love them 100% as they

It's only been a month and I'm devastated!!  Everyone knew he had bi-polar and I'm planning to do all I can to raise awareness for bipolar and mental illness in general.  I also plan to try to find a way to be an advocate for the GLBT community. 


My child had severe bipolar depression and was not stable.  He had only recently told me he thought he may be transgender.  I found him a gender therapist and he was also seeing a psychiatrist for his bipolar.  The therapist needed for him to be mentally stable before recommending hormones-he never got to that point.

Long story short...we were very close and I tried very hard to be supportive.  I call him "he" because he was questioning and he had not asked me to call him "she" yet.  In fact, he was afraid to tell people his secret.  I feel terrible he had this confusion and that he felt shame for his "innocent" feelings.  Shortly before he took his life, he asked me to buy him a girl shirt.  I was happy to do this but I picked out a tshirt that had a feminine design on it but was a regular tshirt.  I thought it was a step in the right direction since he never wore any girl clothes in public.  I thought this would give him a feminine feeling without being totally frilly.  However, he said something about it not being very feminine.  I regret buying that shirt instead of a more feminine one. :(

I'll never know for sure what would have become of my son's questioning.  Maybe he would have transitioned?  At one point, he indicated he might be gay???  He wasn't sure or mentally healthy but I would encourage all of you who love someone questioning their gender identity to love them 100% as they

It's only been a month and I'm devastated!!  Everyone knew he had bi-polar and I'm planning to do all I can to raise awareness for bipolar and mental illness in general.  I also plan to try to find a way to be an advocate for the GLBT community.

Shana A

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



My heart goes out to you and your family right now. Losing a child is incredibly difficult. I can't imagine the pain you are feeling.

I admire your strength to want to advocate for the LGBT community. Might I suggest that you get in touch with your local PFLAG group? Some of the parents who are struggling with acceptance need to hear your story and know that there are ways to help them cope.

You and your family are in my thoughts.


Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.



That's what I thought of...going to the local PFlag meetings with parents who are shocked and not sure the best way to proceed.  Hopefully, after hearing our story...they will do everything possible to help their kids accept themselves and their feelings and get help. 

My son was too shy to go to the PFLAG meetings.  I suggested it but he refused.  I now wish I would have pushed him more to go.

I know he is watching me know and I want to make him proud.


Deepest sympathies and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Prayers for You and Kimmy :icon_bunch:

Runs to snuggle her body pillow and cry  :icon_cry: :icon_cry2: :'(
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M



:'( I am total devastated at your loss.  No parent should suffer the loss of a child.  You and your family are in my prayers tonight.

You show amazing strength in the face of such a loss.  I know your child is looking down and is telling you that he/she is alright now.  No more pain or confusion.  Take strength in that.

Blessed Be, my Dear.



How terrible for both you and your child.  Yes, talk to PFLAG and perhaps some other groups.  It will help them and help you.

I understand your wondering about the T-shirt and whether you should have pushed your child harder to get help.  That's very normal.  I didn't lose my child (thank the heavens!) but lost my spouse not long ago.  The "what should I have done differently?" and "how could I have helped more?" go on for a while but there's no way to know what would have changed things. 

It is very hard.  My heart goes out to you.

Life is a pilgrimage.


Oh wow.

That hits me especially hard as a 17 year old kid who has thought about suicide many times. That's so horrible, what a waste.

I hope she rests in peace. :x
If you do not agree to my demands... TOO LATE


I'm so sorry for your loss.  Nothing that is said will change anything. I do think you did all that you could do.  I though the fem tshirt to be touching myself.  You were a great mom If that I am sure.  I have an 18 and a 17 year old, but I'm the trans bipoler person in the family.  I'm an ultra ultra rapid bipolar, I can be flying high one day and crashing and burning the next. Oh joy. Sometimes i think Katie Perry was singing to me.  It's not easy for sure. 

You are a very brave woman.  take care......HUGS



Kimmy's Mom

There can be no doubt in the hearts and minds of any here,
as to the depth of the love that you have for your baby. My heart
breaks for your loss. I know that there are no mere words that can
console you. You do not grieve alone. Please know that there is nothing
that you could have done "better", that would have kept Kimmy here
with you. You honor us with your presence here, in this your
time of grief and we are humbled by your offering of support
for our community. The size of your heart is obvious to all.

"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?" - Fred Rogers


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :'(

I've been down the road of suicide before....I can only imagine the pain your child was in, I hope the best that he or she is in a better place. It's so sad when someone so young leaves us in such a devastating way, you have my deepest sympathies. **big hugs**

We're all here for you, mourning with you. I'm sorry :(


kae m

My deepest sympathies to you and your family.  Thank you for having the courage to share your story, it does sound like you did everything you knew how for your child...please do not think you did anything wrong.  Suicide is unfortunately a very common thought for trans youth (and adults, and LGBT youth in general), I know I was there myself and came very close.  The pain this experience can cause can reach beyond the individual and I am so very sorry it has reached you like this.

I do not know for sure, but in addition to PFLAG you may find resources or a support network through Trans Youth Family Allies (  I don't have first-hand experience with them, but I have read many absolutely wonderful things they are doing for outreach and support for families of transgender & gender identity questioning youth.


Dear Kimmy's Mom,

My heart also goes out to you. But it sounds as if you did everything a loving mother could do; not that that helps grief.
Please take of yourself as well. Depression can creep in very quickly during such terrible times.

You now have a whole new family who deeply care about you.
Love and hugs



"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


That's horrible, don't think it's your fault though.


Im so sorry to hear this.

My thoughts go out to you and your family.

Its not your fault my dear.





no one ever knows what to say when someone comes to them with devastating news like this i pray that somehow you can find peace and endure until you are with your son again i firmly believe in life after death and if i can suggest pick up a book by van praugh he may help you find the peace you seek your son is indeed watching you make him proud validate his life in ways he couldnt my deepest sypmpathies to your family in this tragedy hugs
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain