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Getting Along - A Guide to Forum Communication

Started by Julie Marie, October 15, 2009, 09:26:16 PM

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Oh, I expect they have sex with each other - and then deconstruct it at conferences.


Hi Julie :angel:   You are a human being my dear of course so you should certainly have the freedom to join the site. You seem to be a nice person and since you are biological, there are surely things that you can share that might interest some :) I know I would certainly enjoy hearing your views although I may not always agree. Look forward to hearing from you hon.



Shortly before the site went down there was a new message from the Mods introducing an amnesty to previously banned members and what I took to be a gentler approach to moderation.

I'm not now sure where that post went but this seems an appropriate place to add a thought. It would generally be great if moderators didn't feel the need to respond all the time to what people post, even when they don't totally agree etc. Opinions don't need moderating. Moderation could in other words be lighter on the surface. There's a difference between necessary disciplining and appearing heavy-handed. Not always an enviable task for moderators to steer a balance, so well done to you all for volunteering to do it, but please keep it as a light touch on the surface. That way people hopefully won't run away from here.

  • skype:Tills?call


Dear Tills,

Thank you for voicing your concerns about our moderation practices. We understand the importance of cultivating an open, supportive, and welcoming environment within our forum. Effective moderation is essential to promote constructive dialogue and ensure adherence to our community guidelines. While our aim is to minimize unnecessary intervention, we recognize that moderation is occasionally required to prevent conflicts from escalating.

Please be aware that our moderators, who engage in the forum using a single account just like any other member, may not always be acting in an official capacity. If you have felt our moderation approach to be overly restrictive, we extend our sincerest apologies. We are dedicated to achieving a balanced moderation strategy and genuinely appreciate your suggestions on how we can enhance our community. We ask for everyone's patience and goodwill towards one another during this process.

Your input is immensely valuable, and we encourage you to participate in discussions on topics that resonate with you. It is noteworthy, however, that your contributions have predominantly critiqued site policies that are no longer in effect, and staff. We kindly suggest moving beyond past those grievances to enrich your forum experience by engaging with a wider array of discussions in the future.

Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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