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Taking a few puffs

Started by Maura Hartman, July 27, 2005, 11:01:17 AM

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Maura Hartman

Leslie and I were occupying a second floor room in a mid-priced motel, our room faced a warehouse. Since it was after normal business hours she assumed that there was no-one at the warehouse next door and though she only had her panties on at the time she opted to throw the drapes and window open and take a few puffs on her cigerette. Within a few minutes there suddenly erupted a huge sound of applause, cheers and whistles from behind the darkened open window of the warehouse across the way.  ;D


As I understand it, she is still on relative high doses HRT wise for a Post OP, Have you slapped her silly yet for being Stupid?  Even with maintenance dose, the risk is high.

Leslie, Report to Maura for a sound spanking, then trade places with her as she has mentioned she hasn't quit either.  And if you find you enjoy the experience, and continue to smoke in order to provoke such spankings, find someone else to do it  that has little or no compassion for your pain.  No one appreciates a S.A.M.




My HRT does is fine for me and not a problem. I do wish to continue with my feminization. I was approved for the HRT dosage from a Doctor in Milwaukee WI.



Quote from: LeslieGirl on July 27, 2005, 01:29:35 PM

My HRT does is fine for me and not a problem. I do wish to continue with my feminization. I was approved for the HRT dosage from a Doctor in Milwaukee WI.


However, you can't pretend to tell me that your doctor approves of your continued smoking.


Hey there Maura

Nothing like entertaining the boys.   :D  They seemed to have enjoyed to show, and by the way did they throw Leslie any beads  :)


Maura Hartman

Quote from: Stephanie Craxford on July 27, 2005, 04:56:08 PM
Hey there Maura

Nothing like entertaining the boys.   :D  They seemed to have enjoyed to show, and by the way did they throw Leslie any beads  :)


Thanks Steph,
            You were the only one here who seemed to get the gist of the post, the rest are overly concerned about Leslie's HRT and smoking habit which isn't anyone else's business but Leslie's. I don't understand why others here are so self righteous about other people's personal business. Glad you enjoyed the humor in my post.



Thanx Steph for your understanding of this post and being so nice. Thanx Maura for your reply. Lisbeth, I"m not pretending anything, and I find your reply offensive.



Quote from: LeslieGirl on July 27, 2005, 09:08:56 PM

Thanx Steph for your understanding of this post and being so nice. Thanx Maura for your reply. Lisbeth, I"m not pretending anything, and I find your reply offensive.


You may be offended.  That's your business.  But it doesn't change my opinion that smoking is dumb, and I reserve the right to tell you that I think so.


Leslie, don't get your panties bunched, I said what I did because the smoking issue is a little personal to me right now.  As far as the docs are concerned, catch me with one and only one and HRT is history for me. 

As far as your HRT and your doctor are concerned, thats between you and the doctor, but careful about it.  You likely really don't need more then a maintenance dose for menapause.  And If your doctor knows you smoke and didn't advise you to quit, I'd wonder about that doctor.  Smoking is considered a big No-No on HRT in any case if not absolutely forbidden.

And I'm not one of the anti smoking crowd, I smoked since about age 28 and probably still would, but if I do, it's bye-bye hormones, even maintenance dose, so I take it serious for HRT individuals.  Your life though, If I ever meet you I'll even buy you a pack or two if you really want em, doesn't stop me from telling you it's serious business though where estrogens are concerned.

And by the way, if we ever do meet, I'll swap a few beads with you, After all, I am the curious type and I know Maura knows I wouldn't mean anything suggestive about it, just that darned curiosity.



To each her own and I would hope that people living with transsexualism could at least find some empathy for someone living with an addiction. It's her business. I'm sure she's well aware of what health risks there are for her and they're not the same for everyone. Labelling her "dumb" for smoking doesn't do any good at all.

Anyway, I thought the original story was funny. And you go girl :)



Hey there Maura & Leslie

I have to admit that I too go topless outside on my back deck, either for a glass of wine, or to sunbath.  However I don't have to worry about prying eyes as our house is in the middle of nowhere, and the only things I would be entertaining would be the local wildlife (not the two legged kind)   :D  It is kind of a freeing feeling all the same...


Maura Hartman

Quote from: Stephanie Craxford on July 28, 2005, 06:36:48 AM
Hey there Maura & Leslie

I have to admit that I too go topless outside on my back deck, either for a glass of wine, or to sunbath.  It is kind of a freeing feeling all the same...


I have the same sort of privacy at home too, rather nice isn't it?
Just a footnote to LeslieGirl's experience, she looked out the window last night and noted that the lights were out in the warehouse next door, but she could see several male figures lined up at the window peering over hoping to see a repeat performance.  ;D