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Did anything that scary happen to you? what scare you the most?

Started by born2learn, October 30, 2006, 12:55:29 AM

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What are you afraid of?

2 (7.4%)
2 (7.4%)
Scary Movie
0 (0%)
Violent event
10 (37%)
Other (please state what make you afraid)
13 (48.1%)

Total Members Voted: 10


I know it's that time of the month where we often talk about ghost and monster. However it does not have to end or start only on October.

When I was young I seen some ghost. Hear them and scare of them. Even got my face mark by them. Now I don't see them but i can sense them. Sometime I can hear them. However, not as much as before. I can tell you I live most my life scare about things around me. I'm not a person that get scare easy but when it come to spirit. I want to find the exit asap.

Tell me your scary stories that you been throught, or real stories that you heard.


Dead people are dead so they can't hurt you, ghosts cannot harm you, alliens have more important things to do than coming to earth and scare us, scary movies can't do anything physical to you, violent events can be scary; however in my opinion, I am more scare of living people, fake people, for they do have the power to harm you anytime, anywhere, when you least expect it.....

So I chose other, meaning living people. :P

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Hateful people scare me.  Oh, and also people who say they love you but can't give themselves wholly to you.


I can handle aliens, ghosts... even a vampire or two. No big deal. I understand them, they make sense.

It's MYSELF that I'm terrified of.


QuoteJAPANESE:   "Aite no nai kenka wa dekinu"

ENGLISH:  "One can't quarrel without an opponent"

*giggles*  LOL....sorry totally off topic....I know, my bad!.  couldn't resist!

Quote from: KateIt's MYSELF that I'm terrified of.

I agree with Kate.  I am also terrified of myself at times.

tinkerbell :icon_chick:



I chose violent events......  Im not affraid of allot of things but people scare me... sometiems I scare me....

Its not just violent people or events that scare me but the fact others can and will stand by and watch it happen... Im affraid that I could one day loose controll and become violent myself....  force is necicary in our society but you can be forceful with out violence....  I detest violence and it scares me more than most of you will ever know .......


lol so many interesting answer. Seem a bit funny :p I like it. I'm not afraid of myself but I'm afraid I will get into a fight with some guy cause I can't stand guy hit girl or anyone pick on the weak.
Maybe should be afraid fight with big big guy when im so small :p

By the way is fake people??? lol never heard of that before


Quote from: Tinkerbell on October 30, 2006, 01:56:10 AM
Quote from: KateIt's MYSELF that I'm terrified of.

I agree with Kate.  I am also terrified of myself at times.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-- Marianne Williamson

I myself am afraid of others doing violence towards me.


Julie Marie

The scariest thing I can imagine is waking up one morning and finding myself unable to complete my transition.  I shudder at the thought!

When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


deepest fear............................
dying alone and worse i have this sick feeling or fear in life that when that day comes i will be all alone!
Spiders - snakes- and blurred figures on shots i took in the woods on my digital camera that look like poeple standing there yet there was no one there when i was out there alone! I have one that is spooky - freaky- i am not sure how to get it onto this as a paste?
any computer pc specialists that can help me???


I think for picture you can copy and paste. Just highlight the image and copy if there is no paste button then just push ctrl + V that will paste the image for you. Also can try right click and select paste.
I think about being alone too. That is scary. No one want to be alone.
Everyday i worry not able to complete my transition. However I try to think positive on it. I know how u feel Julie.

Sarah Louise

I have had several scary things happen to me over my life.  The result of one of them has caused me to be claustrophobic.

After saying that, I had to have an MRI yesterday, in one of the small and tight mri machines, the roof of it was only an inch or two from my face and my arms were cramped on the side.  I told the nurse I didn't like tight spots, she took me one step at a time into the machine.  I kept asking her if that was deep enough into it.

She kept moving me deeper and deeper into that cavern.  She lied to me about how far in I was going, she lied to me about how long each section of the test would be and how long the entire test would be (I was in there for 20 to 25 minutes.  I was hysterical and frozen when I got out, she tried to talk to me, but I had no idea what she was saying, I left and collapsed outside, no one saw me so no one helped me back up.

I had to get in my car and drive home after that (1 hr drive),  I drove anywhere from 40 mph to 90 mph on the freeway, I had no idea where I was or how I got home.  When I got home, I took two of the Ambien prescription sleeping pills and crashed for several hours, after which I felt more under control.

Sarah L.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


WOW! that crazy. I been in MRI before. It does seem scary. I think you have the same problem that I have. Well I'm not afraid of tight small space. I was scare to get in there. I keep telling myself just go rest pretend to sleep but listen to what they ask me. So I close my eyes and never think I was in the MRI machine. How ever when I got out of the machine I had a lost sense of direction for a bit. Almost fainted too.


Other. Republicans and Christians scare me the most. :) What happened to me was being raised by Republican Christians.



I choose violent event I am really afraid of violent acts against me when I'm out enfemme no matter how well I can hide my maleness. Violent acts on women in my town happen on a regular basis mostly after dark but can happen in daytime as well. The violence is not limited to females. Most of the violent acts are on young males.


Love being female :angel:

Cindi Jones

I've had many scary things happen to me.  The worst happened to me when I was doing a search for supernovae in my observatory.  I was at the site alone that night. The building is made so that the top half slides off to expose the sky.  It is manually moved to open and close it.  The walls are only 4 foot high when opened and the door must be closed and locked from the outside.  The red LED flashlight I had was only bright enough to illuminate the computer keyboard when held 10 inches from the keyboard.

I work quietly and animals will approach the observatory.  They are curious and have not experienced my version of what a human is.  Deer can be frightening if you have never heard them at night.  It sounds like two very large men approaching with heavy boots.  I had been scared by them before but I had become accustomed to their sounds.

I was studying images I had taken and I heard the most terrifying scream from the eastern tree line, only 30 feet away.  It was a mountain lion.  It had ventured close enough to catch my scent and was not happy.  It would not shut up. No other sound in nature is as frightening as a large cat that is angry.  I considered my options and decided to end my observing session and get back to the cabin.

I yelled, screamed and whistled.  I banged on everything I could to scare it away.  I shut down the telescope and computer, quickly went out, and pushed the roof back over the telescope to protect it.  I left the door and window open and quickly ran to our little cabin waving my dimly lit flashlight back and forth as I whistled loudly.  The cabin is 130 feet away from the observatory.

I got to the porch and ran up onto the deck.  The cat had circled around in the tree line and screamed again at me from the north, only 35 feet away. I quickly got the door open and went in.  I turned and quickly locked it.  My heart was beating wildly and I was completely out of breath.  The cat continued to scream for the duration of the night. I could not sleep.

The next morning, I went out and looked around to see what had happened. Indeed there were plenty of cat prints in the soft earth.  There were also bear prints.  Bears are very uncommon in this area.  I had two very interesting animals playing their stealth games the night before.  My heart started to beat rapidly and I could feel the blood pushing through my head as I came to the realization of what had really happened the night before.

Author of Squirrel Cage


The scariest thing that has ever happened to me was when I discovered an opened can of anhydrous diethyl ether.

Why is that scary?  Because this compound reacts with water vapor to form a very volitile explosive!  AND, just to add fuel to the fire, so to speak, it is FAR more motion sensitive than nitroglycerine!  Just looking at this stuff cross-eyed can set it off. 

THink of it as a chemical version of Killer Bees...

I was the lab assistant for general chemistry when I found the opened container.  It was stamped "Manufactured 1963."  The year was 1977.  THere was no telling how long this hidden container had been opened, possibly transmorgifying into an explosive.

Of course, it didn't help matters that we had JUST discussed this in organic chemistry.  Dr. Vestling's lecture as still ringing in my ears.

I called over the adjunct professor running the lab section and pointed the can to him.  He picked it up and said, "No problem, the plastic cap is still in place.  It's perfectly safe. See?'

And with the word "See" echoing in the chemical storage room, he shook the damn container!!

I thought I was going to die!

I remember taking one masive gasp, thinking it was going to be the last breath I ever took.

He laughed and thought it was a great joke.

It still gives me shudders....



this is truly a halloween awfulness!  I had a dream monday night into hallow overnight, that my puppy ran away and i breathlessly ran all opver town looking for her and could not find her...
I was nagged all day about this in my head.. This afternoon my mother called me (we live together) to tell me something awful happened to my puppy she thought the puppy who nibbled at her ear swallowed a large earring that was pointy.. i was horrorified! Agghhhh
I had her call the vet he said to induce through injection or baster peroxide into her to swallow and makeher vomit she said after 1 1/2 cups the poor dog threw up for like 2 hours had the poops.. No earrign came out???On the way home driving like a mad man on the highway in pouring down rain on the phone i start asking her if she thought through all the places the earring could of fell or gone not assuming the puppy ate it? she said oh my god wait a minute checked her bed and on her pillow was the earring.. Put the dog through all that trauma for nothing!  I was and am horrified!  I went back tot he store and got her a small t-bone steak1  my poor baby!
Is this not a halloween horror or what!


Well it better safe than sorry. Poor puppy :p
Seem like you have six sense ricki.


I do not have the powers to see into the future although Melissa i think said she had some weird sense fo things to be in one of her posts.. But noen the less i had a dream and the next day a bad thing happened?
hmmmm  Why can i not have  adream about a number like even 666 and play it and hit for a ton of money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :P
Well i guess we survived this little halloween scare?