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Did anything that scary happen to you? what scare you the most?

Started by born2learn, October 30, 2006, 12:55:29 AM

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What are you afraid of?

2 (7.4%)
2 (7.4%)
Scary Movie
0 (0%)
Violent event
10 (37%)
Other (please state what make you afraid)
13 (48.1%)

Total Members Voted: 10


Well i dont have six sense but I can hear people that can't be seen and sometime i see them too.
I will walk and i will see see people i don't know at all but they seem like someone i know in years.  Some will go up to me ask if they know me too. I also can sense danger. :p im weird...


Quote from: Ricki on November 01, 2006, 07:40:43 PM
I do not have the powers to see into the future although Melissa i think said she had some weird sense fo things to be in one of her posts.
Most of my "powers" are not seeing into the future, but just knowing things I shouldn't know.  Unfortunately, I have little control over things that I do or do not know.  You could equate what I have to a very strong intuition, but sometimes it's more than that.  I wish I could just "know" the winning lottery number, but no such luck. :P



If we know the winning lottery number then all of us would be rich. I think maybe god give it to us as a gift to help other more, I would guess. Information is the powerful things in this world. like they say "Knowledge is power."


Born2learn so you have had preminitions or seen someone and then later months years ran into them or what happened you met them and then had like that moment in your head (dejavue sp? i know?) where you blank out for a second and say i saw this person or know them or something?
I have had that but not often a few times a year, like a sense where you're at work for example and the smallest little thing happens and you stop and think weird i knew this or saw this before?  Like your meory is jarred from a dream or something you had a long time back? Weird huh?
I bet maybe 8 times in a year i get that weird thing or feeling happen?
what about you Melissa????


Quote from: Ricki on November 02, 2006, 07:54:23 PM
what about you Melissa????
Yeah, I had that happen a few times in my life, but definitely not as often as you.  I always hoped I would develop telekinesis, but that never happened. :(  That would have been so cool.  Imagine trying to clean you house with telekinesis.  What fun!!! :D




The loss of freedom, being enslaved. Losing the sense of free will.

I'm not sure if it is exactly a fear as set forth here, but certainly a neurosis that manifests as fear at worst, extreme discomfort at least. It is strange, while I tend to be very jumpy and will fright over sudden unexpected noises, traditional "scary" things don't bother me, and horror movies only get me when they use the "sudden loud noise/something appearing on the screen" trick.

However, watching, "Pacific Heights", reading, "1984", any story involving wrongful imprisonment, situations that involve someone being framed/setup, and that sort of thing scares me to death. Horror movies are nothing for me, but a story where someone has their free will taken away from them scares me to death.

I'm deathly afraid of spiders, but I'm working on that one.

And lastly, and probably the most troubling as an androgyne: being forcibly and publicly outed and experiencing socially crushing obloquy and revilement. Then attached to that is a less severe fear of being completely alone.

(Special thanks to Brianna for the introduction to the word obloquy, and a whole other agglomeration of assorted bombastic and obscure words I discovered while looking it up. Which reminds me of another fear: finding myself aphasic)


Well I only know them by face and I will what type of person they are. The only thing is that I never seen them before. I couldn't find out when I seen them cause when I ask them where they been doesn't seem to fit with where I been. Sometime I feel like I live this life before or go down the same road.
Well I say black out for me, I think is different from everyone else. I would still be standing I can move but my eyes are open and I can't see anything but black and sometime i can't hear anything, but i know that I can still move. I think pass out is like i go close my eyes and don't wake up till next day lol
I know i got a special angel that protect me. Cause I came close to dying so many time. :p


Bornrlearn i know what you mean about the angel i think i have three or more watching over me keeping me from the dark side
Good dreams


It strikes me that you could make a crazy movie out of this post!


What would we call it? 
Baskerville Hounds and the haunting of the TS
Not scary enough?


Ricki I'm glad you asked, because I've been working on the synopsis and have an appointment with Roman Polanski tomorrow. This is what I've got so far:

The story of a transexual afraid of not being able to complete transition due prophetic dreams  she'd been having about about not winning the lottery and her tribe of living people being attacked violently by hateful people, who clean their homes with telekinesis, only to be kidnapped by oversized feral spiders and snakes and enslaved by Republicans and Christians who made them all get inside an MRI machine and forced them to watch ghosts and monsters pick on other ghosts and monsters who were much weaker than them, and all the living people started to hate themselves, then an evil professor comes in shaking a bottle of anhydrous diethyl ether which blows up and the living people escape into the woods and come across animal spirit guides ultimate fighting near an observatory and they take lots of pictures that later show lots of blurry figures in the background that appear to be a bunch of fake people just milling about, but before the ghosts, monsters, spiders, snakes, Republicans, and Christians could catch up to them their guardian angels swoop them up and take them home. Then the transexual wakes up to discover that it was all just a bad dream, but that she is suddenly aphasic and can't tell anyone about it, and the audience is terribly let down by the hack hollywood ending.

We're thinking of calling it, "Plan 9 from the planet of fake people: The true story of flight 815 and the survivors of LOST"


Nah that just too crazy.

It should be a life of a transgender who goes through life worry about people around her/him causing harm. Every would be show on the news about how transgender gotten attack. He/she will be the one that is in a christian family. He/she will be the one face with normal everyday life that face ghost when living in a rent apartment to get by and other stuff that everyone been through. Trying he/her best to get the right job and home to build up to a normal life. the success the heartache the pain blah blah those things. At the same time try to find way to get surgery done and have people accept who he/she is.


Born2Learn: But what about the people who clean their house with telekinesis? :)


well he/she will have a friend that is also a transgender who does that and how they help support each other and help each other throught life.


Quote from: Ricki on November 01, 2006, 07:40:43 PM
I do not have the powers to see into the future although Melissa i think said she had some weird sense fo things to be in one of her posts.

Perhaps. But with over 4000 posts, rules of probability apply. (/me winks)



Kendra i liked that i guess if you mixed around a few movies over the years we could patch something nasty together without having to write a whole new one! cool! 
Brianna:  That was cute!*__*


dying Alone
People hating me
never finding true love


I wonder if a momma and dadda roach would be a good roach parent and accept their child roach if it was ts or something?
Or do roaches just eat their young?