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Wrapping Dreams in Lavender

Started by Allamakee, March 07, 2010, 03:22:44 AM

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Wrapping Dreams in Lavender
Soundprint and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Kirsti Melville. producer
March 7, 2010

Gregory was only five when he knew he should have been born a girl. But it took till his mid-50s to harness the courage to become Susan. The gender he knew he was in his brain was different to the sex of his genitals. This is now known to be a medical rather than psychological condition but is still commonly confused with cross-dressing - where people dress as the opposite sex to fulfil a psychological need. For Susan this diagnosis of transsexualism was a godsend. But for Mary, his wife, it was devastating. This program was a finalist in the Australian Human Rights Media Awards for Radio.

(NB: this is a radio program, 30 minutes)