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Started by Butterfly, March 19, 2010, 05:21:59 PM

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The Cypress Times
By Cheryl Ingram
19 March, 2010

He put a female inside a male body?  Something He's been doing much too frequently according to Oprah Winfrey, the entertainment community, the educational community and the left leaning media. At least that's what one might surmise from Oprah's television program that aired in February.

On the set of the Oprah Winfrey Show, Paul/Kimberly, the former straight A high school star athlete, former Berkeley college student and current San Francisco resident was very non-judgingly interviewed by Ms. Winfrey. Paul/Kimberly conveyed years of tortured thoughts and behaviors related to being a female trapped inside a handsome male frame, all the while, no one, even those closest family and friends, ever suspected. Supported by friends in the homosexual community, He/she decided to correct the mistake inflicted on him by ingesting female hormones and ultimately undergoing a radical sex change.


I like how the right always goes out of their way to actually learn the correct terminology so that they can then pervert it to be used as offensively as possible. If only they would put that much effort into acceptance...


Once again, a Reich wing supposed-Christian who is misusing the bible to preach discrimination.  Maybe if their head wasn't so far up their ... well you know and if their noses weren't buried in a book, they might want to use their "Christian" love for learning about another person. 

But they would rather say they are spreading their brand of love all the while preaching/teaching discrimination and intolerance for those not like them.

I know many Christians who know how to truly spread the word of God, by acceptance of others, loving the sinner and just being a true follower of Christ, who never trun away or hated anyone.


At least I know my Baptist fanatical family won't listen to this woman's rantings, they don't believe in women pastors at all (see her byline at the end of the above article). Rather, many Baptists take this view as expressed at

QuoteThe Word of God proclaims, "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent" (1 Timothy 2:11-12). In the church, God assigns different roles to men and women. This is a result of the way mankind was created and the way in which sin entered the world (1 Timothy 2:13-14). God, through the apostle Paul, restricts women from serving in roles of teaching and/or having spiritual authority over men. This precludes women from serving as pastors, which definitely includes preaching to, teaching, and having spiritual authority over men.
Yeah, whatever. ::) You're damned if you do and damned if you don't with these people. Perhaps if they would stop trying to judge everyone else, including their own, sick ilk, they might find that a little love, understanding, and compassion would go a long way towards creating heaven on earth.

Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


 ;D At the bottom of the comments, there was a linked banner...
To a website that sells compression shirts/vests (also known as binders)...

I lol'd
(and now I'm flicking through the site wondering if I could use one more binder... )

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Hate to be repetitive but this is another cretin whose opinion is focussed on magic and not science.
I love the way they understand DNA when science is still finding massive differences in the way that DNA is passed on. How translational RNA and epigenetics work and then VERY much how proteins are created from all of that. Since about 60% of DNA is silent and appears to code for miRNA and/or siRNA that appear to have profound effects on how protein is translated. I'm fascinated by the belief that a lack of half a chromo defines male and female. Yes a very old observation, based on observation. Proof?

I'm sorry but I'm getting very intolerant of stupid people expressing opinion of which they have no understanding. I have NO problems with dumb questions, there are none. I have no problems with dumb answers - they are our opinions, and very welcome.
I am getting totally crapped by people who are expert because they read the bible. The ONLY thing these people are expert in is the content of the bible. To me the same as people who are expert on the Lord of the Rings.

Sorry. I'm being labeled as male gender because I have a shortened chromo, How shortened? What if my y-chromo has a few more megabases than a 'normal' male y-chromo does that mean I'm really a genetic female?. What if there are deletions in the second X chromo in 'females' do MtF suddenly become genetic males? ? What are the consequence of a few megabases of nucleotides? Massive. Ask someone who has a tq14:12 deletion. Damn never found a reference to it in the bible.

Sorry. I am as many of you know, I am becoming increasingly intolerant about religous message.

BTW I need to send this very clearly. I have no problems with people having religous belief. (BTW) I enjoy and embrace Genee's comments. a very religous woman who goes out and educate people, and displays and teaches her religon and as a way of 'good' and 'moral' life.

I do not have time for the intolerant uneducated f*wits who have NO tolerance for thought and debate.

I know that everyone doesn't like my opinion, but I am open to (intelligent and informed) debate. Using Susans's rules of course.

I got a whap last time and accept it (and deserved it). Don't want another! They hurt :'(




QuoteWith all due respect to Paul/Kimberly's mother and to Ms. Winfrey, I do believe in the Bible and in the God of the Bible. I do not accept Oprah Winfrey's new age god who makes mistakes and has to be corrected by modern science. I believe in the God who "changes not" and always intended for Paul to be a strong productive man. I ask, "What if a pastor, priest or some Christian guidance counselor had been approached to assist him through the compulsive thoughts, desires and behaviors?" Paul might never have become Kimberly.

With respect to the writer of this article, I believe in a god who put each of us here to live according to ten simple rules, to live in harmony with each other and so each of us can struggle to find ourselves.

I also accept that there are many aspects to each of our lives that we can never hope to understand.

Be each of us is different. Each of us expresses ourselves in different ways.

To permit, even glorify one form of surgical intervention while condeming another is hypocritical and presumptive.



IF god doesn't make mistakes, then maybe we're having this "Horrible obstacle course" set before us at birth in order to overcome it, not in order to correct his mistakes.
What if god intends for us to do whatever it takes to be ourselves?

(Says the not-a-christian.)

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


was very non-judgingly interviewed by Ms. Winfrey

Isn't that pretty much Oprah's MO?  Other than the guy who make up a non-fiction book that she endorsed, I've never seen or heard about her getting all confrontational with anyone on her show, that not what she is about.

And shouldn't that be 'non-judgmentally' and not 'non-judgingly' which doesn't even sound right.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: Miniar on March 20, 2010, 09:12:55 AM
IF god doesn't make mistakes, then maybe we're having this "Horrible obstacle course" set before us at birth in order to overcome it, not in order to correct his mistakes.
What if god intends for us to do whatever it takes to be ourselves?

(Says the not-a-christian.)

That's the stance I've always taken as well.  It's pretty presumptuous and arrogant of said people to assume they know the will of God.  I have so many arguments I've been saving up, but I doubt I could say them in person without sustaining some injuries as a result :P

(Says another not-a-christian)


OH  REALLY.....God did put this female in a male body. I know because when I was 5 years old I prayed to turn into a girl. That was 71 years ago and finally hope to start on hormones the first of April. The people who tell you are wrong are the same people who are married and with out children tell you how to raise yours.....ENOUGH SAID  j

Kate Thomas

I hate it when Christians  start telling me god's thoughts on matters, in the form of their personal judgments. Does reading the bible qualify a person as a judge of mankind?
"But who is that on the other side of you?"
T.S. Eliot


FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: Kate Thomas on March 20, 2010, 05:41:42 PM
I hate it when Christians  start telling me god's thoughts on matters, in the form of their personal judgments. Does reading the bible qualify a person as a judge of mankind?

On the contrary, there are quite a few places where it clearly states that we are not to judge others and how that's God's job, so don't try to speak for Him. In fact this comment I came across sums it up beautifully:

Ms. Ingram It was my understanding that the good Lord wanted to be the judge upon judgment day. Your words of condemnation show your ignorance . If Kimberly is in need of judgment, leave it to the lord to be her judge.

Well said :eusa_clap:

New blog in progress - when I conquer my writer's block :P


I think I may vomit. Kimberly will die FEMALE. I believe in god and I listen to him and read the Bible and when I pray to him or ask him for help, he helps me. He tells me my soul is male so I am male no matter what anyone says. He tells me to ignore ignorant people like that idiot who worte that article thingy and just read the Bible and live for him so that's what I'm going to do.
Push it baby, push it baby, out of control, I got my gun cocked tight and I'm ready to blow. ;)