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Gender Equality in Wisconsin

Started by Jasmine.m, April 20, 2010, 10:23:06 AM

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I recently had the great opportunity to meet and mingle with Rick Garcia of Equality Illinois. What an inspiration!! It got me thinking that we seem to lack an equally strong political organization fighting for transgendered rights in Wisconsin. My searches so far have turned up nothing... Does anyone know of a PAC/organization/group such as Illinois Gender Advocates that exists in Wisconsin?




Hi Jasmine,
I asked a MTF friend who's extremely politically active in the GLBT community here in Madison.  She didn't know of one, so it appears that all we really have in Wisconsin are smaller local organizations.  Nothing both specifically transgender, and statewide.


Thanks for the information, Kay!

I've been going to meetings at the Southeastern LGBT center for a little while now... There's not a strong T presence, but there's a few of us. Next time I'm there, I'll probe a little and find out if there's anything going on politically that they're aware of. If you're ever in the neighborhood, you should stop in there!

I was also thinking of contacting Rick or his group directly and asking for advice on how to get something similar to his organization started here at home. The Gender Equality group in IL has be instrumental in getting gender legislation passed there; we could sure use a strong political presence here!!



Thanks Jasmine,
I'd never heard of that center before.
Though I usually go to meetings at Outreach in Madison.
There's a decent size T presence in Madison, but the number
who come to the meetings varys widely week by week.  Still,
feel free to stop in if you get the chance.
You're right, we definitely could use an organization like that. 
Milwaukee and Madison aren't too bad legislation-wise...but the
rest of the state has a long ways to go.