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When do you diet?

Started by Iddy, August 08, 2005, 10:43:45 AM

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What time of the year do you diet? For myself, I find myself dieting from January to June. I like the local fruits so summer is out. I like holiday baking so that time is out.
My goal this year is going to be getting rid of white sugar from my diet. Going to be hard.


I pretty much stay on my diet all year round. I have for the most part eliminated carbs like breads, potatoes and a lot of sugars. I will eat a small piece of bread if it is something I like, but won't eat much of it. Candy except for a snickers bar like once a month or something chocolate I will eat. Not very much at all. If I find that I have gained a few pounds then I will be very strict. I will eat what I want when I'm on vacation or at a party then try to lose the weight if I gained any after the occasion. We all have to live and this is part of my life. I have been very successful with this diet and will pretty much stay with it the rest of my life. I started with the adtkins diet now I have my own that mimics his diet. I do eat friuts, but not that much. I'm not a big meat eater or cheese eater. So I just do what my body says and it has worked out over the last two years. I have only gained ten pounds and I lost it, so I'm back to my lowest in over 30 years. Now I'm trying to lose a little more. I have maybe 20 more to lose. I have all ready lost over 50.


I tend to look at the word diet in the most un-American way.  A diet is simply what you eat from day to day.  What I do is modify mine frome time to time depending on how I feel and how I think I look or when the scale actually screams.  ;)


I try to stay on one I really do but....

So I keep up a very regular exercise regime including cycling most days which takes most of the pressure off. (I hope)



For myself I don't really diet.  I carfully wtch what I eat and allow for some treats every week.  It was a year ago January 17th that I started to eat healthy and I've managed to stay around 125lbs :)



Stephanie, I have to watch what I eat all year round but if I do not excercise I find that those hormones have a way of putting flab on my stomach and hips. I must admit that I have lost 5 kilos in three weeks by excercising but those hips just wont budge, it is so depressing.



QuoteI find that those hormones have a way of putting flab on my stomach and hips.

Unfortunately this is the first place that we put on those extra kilo's and the last place that they disappear from.

There is only one answer keep exercising until it's gone. "Groan"



Shelley, it is aweful. When I excercise I lose weight off my breasts not off those damn hips and tummy. Estrogen does make you eat more and as I have mentioned countless times (I LOVE CHOCOLATE) but why dont men have the same problem. They can drink beer, eat donuts and hot dogs and still be a hunk by doing a little excercise but oh no not us girls.



1. We care about it more. Consequently we tend to notice it more.

2. Most men I see are not prime physical specimens, and definitely not hunks.

2.1. To be fair there are enough women in these parts who apparently have no concern for their appearance to balance out the statistics.

3. Estrogen causes a person to eat more? *shrug* I hadn't noticed really... I've been trying like mad to eat normally so I have some heft to redistribute in the first place.

4. As far as I know a good way to stay thin without much effort is to not eat much... small stomach and all that. Personally I've always been considerably more fond of drinks than the solid stuff. The drinks (Tea, Coffee, occasional soda, hot water, etc.) tend to fill the tummy and keep you from feeling hungry.

4.1. I'm a little to good at the not feel hungry part. While it is probably just me and my stubborn hardheadedness it might be something to watch out for with long term exposure to a liquid instead of food diet (for lack of a better term). Either that and it's still specific to me and caused by going to bed without eating (by choice) more times than I can count. So um, yea. Nutrition isn't something I'm good at *wink*

[edit]How sad, proofreading broken! -- a.k.a. speeling hard.[/edit]


since I have been acknowledged, the rana side of me has become much more observant, on looks & behaviour of people. 

Kimberly I agree most men outside of young adult are not prime (or even mostly prime ) physical specimens.  Middle aged men don't fare well at all :(  (thou I notice some amazing exceptions) one of the things I have resolved, and am working on, is to be physically much better than average. I figure that it will be a thing for my wife to consider  - that I most certainly will not be the same as other men she knows, will be much better.

Anyway, getting to the point. Has anybody heard of co-enzyme Q10 ?  one of its many benefits is to assist in weight loss - it improves bodys metabolism I gather


Rana, Q10 is a vitamin like substance that improves oxygen utilisation and ... Carb Lode energy powder · Ginko Biloba · Slim Shake · Chromium Picolinate can also help sugar levels in your pancreas to lose weight also. I have never had these though.

Kimberly, My niece has alot of fresh fruit shakes for her daily routine and does not eat anything else much and she is skinny as a rake. That could have an effect on your body later on if you decide to have a slice of pizza or something that contains only a bit of fat. I dropped all fat from my diet once and found that I became very sick when I ate a pizza for our wedding aniversary. Balance is the key I suppose and because I already have a weak stomach it is finding the right balance for me as everyone is different.

I was definately talking about the minority of men who I see in my circle of friends, they live and work on farms and come to town to drink large amounts of beer, eat like whatever they can fit in their mouth ( to drink more I suppose) and then at 3 AM they eat again (result of the beer drinking). There are men on the other scale who are less than the figure of david who dont eat and still have a weight problem.

Weight loss causes depression apparently and thought on that?



I am not sure about depression caused by weight loss, I thought it was the other way around... getting depressed about weight gain. Regardless, last I heard depression, apart from being bad stuff in general, can make it harder to shed weight.

Interesting note about fat... when I'm not trying (very hard) to eat 3 meals a day I normally basically have a liquid breakfast and lunch then eat a small normal dinner. With the male metabolism I had I stayed slim for 15 odd years with this general method. The key of it I suppose is simply not eating much, but nutrition was always a problem. I've been borderline malnutrition most of my life, and I think I've stunted my physical growth too. Or in fewer words, it is probably not a method to pursue without first doing a lot of research and ensuring you keep yourself healthy.

Sodas are really good at appetite suppression by the way, but they seem to rot out the mouth really good too. Either that or it was the arsenic laced (our goldfishes died in it *snif*) Fernley(,NV) water *wink* I mostly drank sodas though.


I don't diet perse. When I occasionally gain weight (usually in the winter) I eat more fat and protein while cutting back on carbs. Try to keep my caloric intake the same and exercise a lot more.

It is not healthy to severly lower carbs.

Lowering your caloric intake will eventually lower your metabolism and you will have to stay on a diet permanently.

Also the calorie is a measurement of heat energy (like the BTU) and when you count calories, a calorie isn't necessarily a calorie.



What is this thing with diets any ways. I am complaining cause I have a bit of flab around my hip and on my tummy above my bikini line and I am down to 73 kilos and going down by the day "to infinity and beyond" well down to 69 or 70 kilos actually. BUT I STILL FEEL FAT. Why is that?




Caution may be advised here. This is usually the point were people can become anorexic. Starts with feeling you haven't lost enough to the point of becoming an obssesion. Not that you are at that point but it might be well to keep it in the back of your mind. Get to your goal and stick to that. If you start feeling a compulsion about it talk to your therapist.



I feel pregnant too will that help, I have cravings, feel bloated, my nipples are sore, I feel nauseous and I am depressed (not that I truly know what pregnancy is like) but if I did this would be it?



Sounds like your hormones are out of whack. I'm sure you'll be okay as long as you dont start doing this.  :icon_chainsaw:



That thing is killing me with laughter Cassandra. Stop it and return to your serious side this instant!



How tall are you Sara?  73kilos,  or even 70kilos  - that is not fat at all?  - unless you are short, and dont have many muscles?
I would be happy if I got under 80kilos.


Rana, took a look at your blog and profile and news areas and I must say it was fab, except for the pizza story - I was eating breakfast and the lurgy got me.

I am 5 feet 9 inches now but was originally 5 feet 11 before I started hrt. Fully clothed I am 74.5 kilos (only cause I had tim tams last week), unclothed I am 73 kilos.

Im not saying I am fat (wait a minute yes I am) just that I have flab on my tummy and the hip, it is definately not like a spare tyre that a ale gets more of the female type and looks odd having such a skinny body with this ripple of flab.

I am still losing weight and will only get down to a point where the flab has dissapeared then I will stablize it by eating a little more until I put on some weight then find the middle ground.

I dont count calories so I just excercise like mad and cut down on everything that I eat.
