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I am still a man

Started by George, July 25, 2010, 09:42:16 PM

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I just had "GRS like" surgery because of non-transgender reason. I had cancer in the root of my penis. Only treatment was total penectomy. So, I had to lose it anyway. After long discussions with doctors of different profiles, my friends and my girlfriend, I decided to go further: instead only losing a part, just to get something in return. So, I had my GRS-like surgery just one week ago. I am not a woman nor I fill a woman. I am just a man with female genitals. Maybe it is crazy, but... what was another option? If you think that I do not apply into this group, please tell me and I will withdraw.


Of course you are welcome, here, George.

I'm sure that this has been hard for you, and I hope that you won't run into prejudice and bigotry in the outside world. Many of us do not look upon such surgery as a problem, but I think most of us here will provide what support we can.

I know that we have at least one other member who had a similar problem but who has adjusted well as a female.

So talk to us and explore your feelings as you heal.

When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly. — Patrick Overton


Hi George, :icon_wave:

Welcome to our little family. Over 5300 strong. That would be one heck of a family reunion.

Feel free to post your successes/failures, Hopes/dreams.  Ask questions and seek answers. Give and receive advice.

But remember we are family here, your family now. And it is always nice to have another member. :icon_hug:

And be sure to check out these links ( MUST READS )

Hugs and Love,


There are lots of guys living with female like genitals. You may find some of the information in the ftm sections useful.

Remember genitals doesn't define gender so it's possible to make what you have now work for ya.

I'm curious though, the construction of female genitals require the use of a lot of the penis. How were they able to do that if it was full of cancerous material?
अगणित रूप अनुप अपारा | निर्गुण सांगुन स्वरप तुम्हारा || नहिं कछु भेद वेद अस भासत | भक्तन से नहिं अन्तर रखत


It sounds like you made a tough decision. You are, of course, welcome here. The struggles you will face will have similarities to some of us I think.

Make yourself at home, George.

April Dawne

Welcome George =] whether you end up deciding to transition or not should never be an issue =]

~*Don't wanna look without seeing*~

~*Don't wanna touch without feeling*~



Welcome George. I'm really glad your here! Whats between your legs don't even matter here. Your more then welcome here. I hope your in good health now.


Welcome George, of course you are welcome here. :)




So now you have a vagina, instead of a penis. Well; if you ask me: It's a far better choice than the sadly lacking phalloplasty, but then... I may be biased. :P

I don't think you suddenly fit in the trans or intersex groups, if you are comfortable with your masculinity. And don't let anyone tell you you are not a man! Most of your gender/sex is in your head, and we define ourselves by that rather than what's between our legs. Sure; in a perfect world, everyone would have the genitals to fit our minds, but hey.. It's not a perfect world.

Whether or not you 'belong' at Susans is not for us to judge.. As far as I'm concerned, everyone's welcome! :D (Well; provided they're nice people, of course.) So if you feel comfortable with us, then we'll feel comfortable with you.
Like someone else has stated: The FtM section might have some interesting topics for you to read up on, even if your situation as a cisman is a bit different.

So: Make yourself at home. Welcome, George!


.... :-\

Seems the gods have put you in a unique situation......

Welcome aboard dude.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


welcome! Everyone with an open mind belongs!



Welcome to Susan's!

That is an interesting situation for sure. We don't have any problem with you staying, just stay as long as you'd like. If we don't have anything of interest to you then leave, otherwise you're welcome.


Dear friends. Thank you for so warm welcome. I cannot write much yet, because I am still healing from the surgery. I had my surgery less than a week ago, so I still can't stand or walk, and even seating is not yet comfortable. In few days when I recover enough, I will tell you more, and answer to some of your thoughts. I feel much better after surgery than I expected (I mean emotionally). But I am still sure how will feel in the future... I hope for the best.


Welcome George, take it easy, hope to hear more from you when you recover.


Hi George

Welcome to Susan's  :)
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Finally, I am free to move (hard bandages off, urinary pipe too), so I have a time to write little more of my story. All that begun one month ago, when, during routine x-ray of my hips, something strange was found. My hips were ok, but some shadow was found just in the root of my penis. After further inspection they found small tumor, of the size of a peas. After test of the sample taken from it, it was clear that it is cancer. I had to go to the hospital out of my country to do further tests, and eventually surgery. After full week of tests and inspections, my doctor told me that the cancer is not too big, but still there is no other way to treat it but surgically. It is in what they call it "type II", it was encapsulated (no metastases) but in the worst possible place! I had three options, all surgical. The first one was total penectomy, what means complete amputation of the penis. That would give me highest "survival rate" – 95%, if combined with bilateral orchietomy (removal of testes). In most cases, orchietomy is recommended because it increase survival rate by 5-10%. Second option was similar, but with penis glans transplanted to the penis root. It will give same survival rate, but with advantage of not losing the most sensitive part of the penis. The third option was "wide local excision". This means that cancer would be removed along with a border of healthy tissue around it. Cavity formed would be filled by silicon foam to return normal look of your penis. That way, my penis would be preserved (but it would be inactive), but survival rate would be decreased by 10%. Life is more important than anything, so I was ready to accept the second option, even it was very painful to accept. However, surgeon told me about another option, which is not usual (he had only four patients who chosen it in his 25 years career), but I have to take it under consideration. It is penectomy combined with vaginoplasty. It would be similar to "usual" gender-reassignment surgery, just the part of the penis around its root would be removed together with a cancer. At first I didn't take that option at all as something realistic. I had free weekend to choose the surgery and to return to the hospital. After many discussions with my sister and my friends, as well as three ex-patients who had similar surgeries, I decided to try that last option!

I had my surgery last Wednesday in one of leading hospitals in UK. Just three days ago, I was released of that hard bandages, and this morning they removed me all, including peeing-pipe, so I can use my "new stuff" to pie. I am steel under sedatives, so I have no any feeling there, but at least I can see it. To be frank, it is very strange feeling. To see "object of your wishes" as part of your own body is really very strange feeling. Actually, the first look aroused me, and I nearly felt erection (in my brain only, of course), like it is not my own body. It is just the first impression, but really, it doesn't look bad, even deep scars are still visible. I am now very curious what will be feeling there when I stop with pain-killers? Would I feel that my penis is inside "reverted" or what? I still have that "gauze former" inside my "new vagina", and feel nothing because it is filled with pain-killers", but in a day or two it would be removed, and I will begun with dilating.

Post Merge: July 27, 2010, 03:54:01 AM

Quote from: Robyn on July 25, 2010, 09:51:38 PM
Of course you are welcome, here, George.

I'm sure that this has been hard for you, and I hope that you won't run into prejudice and bigotry in the outside world. Many of us do not look upon such surgery as a problem, but I think most of us here will provide what support we can.

I know that we have at least one other member who had a similar problem but who has adjusted well as a female.

So talk to us and explore your feelings as you heal.


Really? Is her name Josephine? I met her as ex-patient of my doctor just to discuss options for my surgery. However, I don;t think I would ever want to be a woman. But, someone said... "never sway never" ;)

Post Merge: July 27, 2010, 04:57:04 AM

Quote from: Osiris on July 25, 2010, 10:26:14 PM
There are lots of guys living with female like genitals. You may find some of the information in the ftm sections useful.

Remember genitals doesn't define gender so it's possible to make what you have now work for ya.

I'm curious though, the construction of female genitals require the use of a lot of the penis. How were they able to do that if it was full of cancerous material?

I agree that genitals doesn't not define someone's gender. It is in his/her brain and soul!

I already explained in my long message that cancer was in the root of the penis, so only that part was really removed. Other parts, especially its tip, were transplanted to feel "labias" and to make sort of clitoris.

Post Merge: July 27, 2010, 05:58:05 AM

Quote from: Laura91 on July 25, 2010, 10:46:56 PM
Welcome to the forum, George. :)

My mom is half-Russian :)


Welcome. Hope you are feeling a bit better, and you have beaten your illness totally. 
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


I just read you recent recount of your surgery and I have to say I am just amazed at how well you seem to have adjusted. I pray that you have many, many happy years ahead of you.


Quote from: The Original Cami on July 27, 2010, 05:08:27 PM
I just read you recent recount of your surgery and I have to say I am just amazed at how well you seem to have adjusted. I pray that you have many, many happy years ahead of you.

Adjusted? Oh no... I am just trying to adjust... It is all so strange and new to me... having and seeing something what was "subject of your desire" all your life to be there as part of YOUR body is so strange that I feel crazy! But I hope with time I will really adjust. Thanks for your prays. All the results of the tissue removed shows that cancer was completely encapsulated and no metastases. But... you never know...


wow, well man.  I just wanted to remind you that you are still a man, and that genitals do not make you any less of a man.

stay strong.  hell, you may even like what you have now.

this is indeed a quite interesting situation if I may say so.

i feel like I have a lot to say, but I cant really put it in words... anyway good luck with healing and  you can always post here if you have troubles, or triumphs, we are here to support you.