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August 13, 2010 Friday

Started by Janet_Girl, August 13, 2010, 12:07:53 AM

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To all my sisters and brothers of the Goddess, Happy Witch Day.

Some do not know that Friday the 13th is not a bad luck day, but a very powerful good luck day.  13 is the number in a coven and thus said coven is powerful.

It only became a bad luck day as a means to discriminate against pagans by the Christian faith.


My family has always considered Friday the 13th to be a lucky day.

Happy Friday the 13th and hope it's a lucky and good day for you all. 8)
अगणित रूप अनुप अपारा | निर्गुण सांगुन स्वरप तुम्हारा || नहिं कछु भेद वेद अस भासत | भक्तन से नहिं अन्तर रखत


I'd never heard of Friday the 13th being lucky, but I'm glad it is. I have a friend getting married tomorrow  :D


Yup, it's usually a great day for me. Happy Friday the 13th to all! Though I did research into Wicca I actually didn't know that, very cool to find out :)


Happy day dear Janet,

Funny, I had one of my PhD students come in and let me, actually she couldn't stop me, nursing her gorgeous daughter 4 months old, and a heart breaker already. She is on maternity leave but we submitted a paper we have been working on, she asked to see a picture of Cindy; she already knew but I was on bounce level after going to a restaurant. (I'm in drab at work). "That's not you" "God you are skinny" "Bitch" "You are a very lovely woman."

Yep pretty bad day for a 13th Friday :laugh:

Take Love my Sister and friend
