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Perspective Is Everything

Started by Randi, February 23, 2011, 06:26:05 PM

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Ok, In an earlier post I said 'this farce of a relationship'. This was made when venting about a rather rude comment from my wife. What I had difficulty with then was refraining from reacting when assualted verbally.
What I am having the most difficulty with right now is allowing her to vent in the way that works for her-then let it bounce off with no damage done. Most times if I don't react there isn't any problem.
If my vows weren't important to me my transition would be well under way. And judging from current developments- if unimpeded- transition would do nice things for my body.
I am at the point of no return regarding my public presentation. I find it easy to hide my breast development if I have layers on but if not they are readily evident-especially my nips. If any of you have any experience with wearing pasties to hide nips I'd like to hear it. And as if my hips and legs weren't feminine enough I now have to account for more space there when shopping for pants.
My relationship like I said before has good days and bad. But she is important to me and I am bound to her and she to me. Nothing worth having comes easily. She really is a great girl and I am better off for having known her.


Regarding pasties, I found that Nippits really do work as advertised (go to their website, or google that name), but they are single use and could get a bit pricey if used daily. They do stay on, even when exercising but can't be reapplied. At this time of year, I prefer a light to moderate support shapewear camisole myself. Not sure how I will handle things as the weather warms up.

Hope this helps.
I believe in nothing; everything is sacred.
I believe in everything; nothing is sacred. (The Chink, in "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues")
Embrace the chaos.


Thanks Chrishoney, I have tried bandaids but they make me itch-I always try to go the 'inexpensive' route as I am on a very tight budget.

Things in my life are confusing to say the least and I struggle with balance between where I want to be and where I find myself now. Like someone on another thread posted something about those who sacrifice themselves for someone else's happiness. Sometimes that is how I feel about my life and I get sad and drift into a depressive state. I always seem to come out of it quickly though and get back to the point of view of 'getting real'. Like it or not it is what it is and my worrying about it doesn't change a damn thing.

I really feel isolated in a crowd. But I still have the hope of transitioning someday without the fear of hurting someone else. My body is giving me exactly what I wanted in response to the hormones-I have been on a greatly reduced amount of E for a while and my breasts have decided they want to grow again so they are the source of much joy to me. My hips are looking good as well -at least I think so. Yes, I am a mess today.