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What do you do for exercise/shaping?

Started by Paula2005, September 01, 2005, 11:36:33 AM

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I have really started worrying about my figure lately! Just like most girls I guess. My wife has been working out with one of those big ball for a few years and about a week ago she asks me to start working out with her everyday. It was cool cause she also bought us both some danceskins workout clothes :>) enough about the fashion! After a week I could not believe how much weight I had lost (10lbs) and how much trimmer I am. I can really see an improvement in my figure.. even my wife commented! If you are looking for some low impact exercise I would highly recommend this. there is a bunch of routines in Womens fitness mag if your interested. sometimes we get so focused on transition we forget to take care of ourselves. Just want you girls to keep healthy!!!

Luv <3


Hi Paula,

I've got one of those balls and just haven't got round to using it yet. Do they really work?



Girl do they! You should start using it. It's will really surprise you how much hard work it takes with a good routine. I honestly lost 10 lbs in a week. You can also work the right places!


Hello Paula,

You are so right about fitness.  We are often comsumed by transion and loose sight of the big picture.  A healthy mind and body is so important.  With out them transition could be a big waste of time if you end up in hospital due to a bad heart or something.  As you suggested Paula a good fitness program, along with healthy eating habits should be a key part to for any transtion.

Chat later


Sarah Louise

So, how much do those balls cost?  Where can I buy one?  I need to lose weight badly.

Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


Hi Sarah,

I can't say exactly for the states but here downunder they are relatively inexpensive at around twenty to thirty dollars or so. You can get them at just about all sports stores and most department stores.

Like all exercise though there's a little pain before gain but not as bad as with some other exercise. (I've just started using one)



I'm a personal trainer at the YMCA.  I'm only 17, I weigh about 120 which is too much muscle for me.  I have been on hormones before and am about to recontinue.  I've put a large amount of studying into this and have concluded that there relaly IS a best way to stay in shape as a transsexual.

Losing the weight!

Running is a hassle for the transsexual.  Why?  Well if you've got boobs, you know one reason.  If you're wearing a gaff or 'tucking,' that's another reason.  Also there's wigs and messes and just all sorts of icky things.  But, running IS excellent, it works your legs, abs, and most importantly, your HEART.  Don't jump onto a tredmill and think you can go running for half an hour when you're just starting!  Walking doesn't do much good, so RUN.  Set it at a pace half-way between jogging and sprinting, and go as long as you can.  Set a goal for 5 minutes or something.  Each weak, increase your time by a minute, after a year I promise you'll have a much healthier heart!
Biking is different from running because of how much more muscle in your legs you actually use.  I have been running all my life, but when I started riding my bike to and from work every night I was throwing up and passing out shortly after dismounting when I got home!  It's much more fun if you're actualyl biking around because of the sights, and you can make progress on it too!  I think if you combine biking with running each day, you'll be doing excellent.
Jumping jacks, SWIMMING, those cardio classes at the gym, those are all good and excellent, but all of those have a tendency to develop your lungs a bit more so your upper body gets larger which is something most MtFs want to AVOID.

I also feeling everyone should do strength training, ESPECIALLY those concerned aobut their weight.  Why?  More muscle burns more calories, so a big bodybuilder can do the same amount of cardio as I could and get 8 times the results.  You're using the same muscle, just a bigger one than someone else, so you burn more stuff.  Granted none of us 'girls' are looking to have any bulges, there are places to bulk up that are GOOD.

What's the largest muscle in your body?  Your legs.  So work your legs just makes sense for burning.  Same goes for building them up!  It takes a lot of weight to get any mass built on your legs, atleast twice your bodyweight on a leg press and the same amount on the squat, but building up your legs actually makes them look nicer and keeps them toned.  If you have bigger and heavier legs, your center of gravity will also be effected, and you'll be contributing to a feminine figure.  Work them twice a week or like I do, every 3 days.

Very important for everyone, work them EVERY SINGLE DAY!
With cardio and ab workouts, you can have one hell of a sexi stomach!
Situps, crunches, leg raises, and if possible machines!

I hit the gym daily.  I run for half an hour, with a dumbell in each hand, and increase the speed and weight I'm carrying weekly.  I then hit the weights, doing a back day, a chest and ab day, and a leg day.  I focus on 4 exercises and do a set of each and switch to the next one, not resting so I can keep my heart rate up.
I'm actually going to be taking out the back day and replacing it with a heavier cardio day due to bulking up too much on my shoulders.  Anyways, I'm not really good at putting these thigns together so I did my best!
For more questions, email me!


Good question!

I was a member of a gym for almost a year, but I am lazy when it comes to exercises.  So we bought a treadmill and I usually walk for one hour and run for 30 minutes there.  Also I try to eat health and plenty of vegetables and of course drink lots of water... :)



I took up parkour some time ago as a form of exercise.  It's given me a lot of definition and strength, but without the bulk.
"The cake is a lie."


^^ Parkour is such an intense sport. I constantly search for videos. Unfortunately I'm too weak to even try.

I just run alot, it keeps me feeling great.


I dont actually do nothing :( Which is bad I know but I just dont have the money to go to the gym. However I do drink about a gallon of water everyday! I have a super clear complexion! yay! :)



Quote from: aaron on July 20, 2007, 10:52:10 AM
^^ Parkour is such an intense sport. I constantly search for videos. Unfortunately I'm too weak to even try.

It is intense.  But trust me, those people you see on YouTube jumping off two-story buildings didn't start out that way.  They worked themselves up to it.

Everyone starts out somewhere.  You may be weak today, but if you really want to do something you will find a way.  I started out with basic balance work and pull-ups.  Now I can do circle-ups, walk across monkey bars, and vault over picnic tables.

Things always look difficult when done by a master.  But you don't start out leaping over 15 foot walls.  You start out leaping over 1 foot walls.
"The cake is a lie."


I work out daily at home;
- I have my own little set of weights.
- I do my push-ups and sit-ups.
- I play around with a long stick (doing martial arts moves) during which I occasionally hit myself in the head.
- I walk whenever I can.
- And I don't own a car.
- Plus I'm Dutch; we cycle all the bloody time ;)