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Unicorns: Masculine vs Feminine Traits

Started by Nero, March 21, 2008, 07:39:57 PM

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Good evening, my pretty fillies.

What is masculine and what is feminine?
You tell me.

Please list traits you consider to be masculine as well as traits you consider feminine.

Always yours,

Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.



I display Alison-traits :)

btw "unicorns" freaks me out  =/


Quote from: Alison on March 21, 2008, 07:43:20 PM

I display Alison-traits :)

btw "unicorns" freaks me out  =/

Shun the non believer


Quote from: Nero on March 21, 2008, 07:39:57 PM
Good evening, my pretty fillies.

What is masculine and what is feminine?
You tell me.

Please list traits you consider to be masculine as well as traits you consider feminine.

Always yours,

The answer?  People.  *nods*  Knowing that said separation between traits can shift wildly depending on culture and time period it's pretty far fetched to me that the division at all would be anything more than pointless stereotypes.

Oh,  and i'll second the kinda being weirded out by the whole unicorns thing...with the whole mythical creatures bit not existing in reality.



Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


those weird unicorn kids are creepy.. LOL


Quote from: Andra on March 21, 2008, 07:44:22 PM
Quote from: Alison on March 21, 2008, 07:43:20 PM

I display Alison-traits :)

btw "unicorns" freaks me out  =/

Shun the non believer

*shuns Andra and locks them inside the candy mountain*  :D


Quote from: Nero on March 21, 2008, 07:51:51 PM

I am gonna shove this unicorn horn right up your  :eusa_whistle:


As for the question... I know it when I see it.  ???
I don't know how to answer that really, I mean I can tell you the normal type stuff, but it kind of shifts from person to person really. What could be masculine on one person can be feminine on another. I wish I could answer it better.

Shana A

Quote from: Alison on March 21, 2008, 07:43:20 PM
I display Alison-traits :)

I agree, except that I display Zythyra traits  ;D

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



I don't believe in masculine or feminine traits this week.



Quote from: Nero on March 21, 2008, 07:39:57 PM
What is masculine and what is feminine?
You tell me.

Please list traits you consider to be masculine as well as traits you consider feminine.

Always yours,

Can do! Here's my list...

Positive feminine traits:
Compassion, empathy, intuitiveness, cooperation, communication, kindness, calmness, thoughtfulness, graciousness, warmheartedness, emotionally expressive, able to be happy for others, sustainer, peacemaker, gentleness, patience, nurturing, helpfulness, open mindedness, empathetic, neatness, attentive to detail, creativeness, life giving, sexual fidelity.

Positive masculine traits:
Purposefulness, independence, self-confidence, self-reliance, adventurous, assertiveness, self-discipline, determination, endurance, leadership skills, courage, loyalty, persistence, decisiveness, rationality, inventiveness, ambitious, dependability, provider, worldly view.

Negative feminine traits:
Frivolousness, neediness, vanity, naivety, overly sensitive, squeamishness, prudishness, clingyness, helplessness, dependency, excessively emotional, obsessed with personal appearance, primping, lacking self-confidence, indecisiveness, excessive passivity, insecurity.

Negative masculine traits:
Arrogance, aggression, egotistical, risky behaviour, callousness, non-communicative, explosiveness, excessive pride, insensitivity, domineering, cold-heartedness, lack of emotion, overly competitive, closed mindedness, crudeness, coarseness, messiness, violent, life taking, indifferent, sexual promiscuity.

Masculine and feminine traits are codependent, contrasting, and mutually compensating. Where one gender group has weaknesses or otherwise lacks a positive trait, the other gender group possesses it as a strength and in abundance. Negative gender traits are the exaggerated extremes of positive gender traits and are considered to be inappropriate for both genders/sexes.

Androgynous traits are the positive traits of both genders/sexes independent of the polarities of masculine or feminine, or the traits shared equally in common by both genders/sexes.
More info on androgynous traits here:

-Emerald  :icon_mrgreen:
I am not Trans-masculine, I am not Trans-feminine.
I am not Bigender, Neutrois or Genderqueer.
I am neither Cisgender nor Transgender.
I am of the 'gender' which existed before the creation of the binary genders.


Quote from: Nero on March 21, 2008, 07:39:57 PM
What is masculine and what is feminine?
You tell me.

Um, wouldn't it be better to ask those who consider themselves masculine or feminine? A lot of us are here just because we can't tell.  ;)

Whoopee! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me.
-- Pete Conrad, Apollo XII


Quote from: Emerald on March 22, 2008, 07:15:18 AM
Quote from: Nero on March 21, 2008, 07:39:57 PM
What is masculine and what is feminine?
You tell me.

Please list traits you consider to be masculine as well as traits you consider feminine.

Always yours,

Can do! Here's my list...

Positive feminine traits:
Compassion, empathy, intuitiveness, cooperation, communication, kindness, calmness, thoughtfulness, graciousness, warmheartedness, emotionally expressive, able to be happy for others, sustainer, peacemaker, gentleness, patience, nurturing, helpfulness, open mindedness, empathetic, neatness, attentive to detail, creativeness, life giving, sexual fidelity.

Positive masculine traits:
Purposefulness, independence, self-confidence, self-reliance, adventurous, assertiveness, self-discipline, determination, endurance, leadership skills, courage, loyalty, persistence, decisiveness, rationality, inventiveness, ambitious, dependability, provider, worldly view.

Negative feminine traits:
Frivolousness, neediness, vanity, naivety, overly sensitive, squeamishness, prudishness, clingyness, helplessness, dependency, excessively emotional, obsessed with personal appearance, primping, lacking self-confidence, indecisiveness, excessive passivity, insecurity.

Negative masculine traits:
Arrogance, aggression, egotistical, risky behaviour, callousness, non-communicative, explosiveness, excessive pride, insensitivity, domineering, cold-heartedness, lack of emotion, overly competitive, closed mindedness, crudeness, coarseness, messiness, violent, life taking, indifferent, sexual promiscuity.

Masculine and feminine traits are codependent, contrasting, and mutually compensating. Where one gender group has weaknesses or otherwise lacks a positive trait, the other gender group possesses it as a strength and in abundance. Negative gender traits are the exaggerated extremes of positive gender traits and are considered to be inappropriate for both genders/sexes.

Androgynous traits are the positive traits of both genders/sexes independent of the polarities of masculine or feminine, or the traits shared equally in common by both genders/sexes.
More info on androgynous traits here:

-Emerald  :icon_mrgreen:

Every single trait you listed is a stereotype.

And why are "androgyne's" lucky enough to only inherit the "positive traits"? 

Traits that define 'human nature' are well.... human. ;)


From Emerald's link
In 1974, a Stanford University psychologist, Sandra Bem, developed the concept of androgyny (pronounced "an-DROJ-ih-nee"). "Andro-" means "man," and "gyn-" refers to "woman." Bem does not view femininity and masculinity at opposite poles of a continuum. In other words, if you are high in masculine traits, you are not automatically low in feminine traits. The androgynous person is high in both masculine and feminine traits. Androgynous people can be aggressive or yielding, forceful or gentle, sensitive or assertive — as the particular situation requires.

Jesus, if I'd known androgyny was all about conforming to a third set of stereotypes...  Time for me to abandon that label 100% then.  Lets all love on the prescribed gender trinary!!  Or I guess we could be a little more liberal and simply squash all available human experience down to a one dimensional sliding scale!

Woo and a list of what traits are negative too, so we can all avoid being what mainstream society tells us is naughty!  Funny actually, as a bio-male, non-male identified person I sure exhibit a lot of 'negative masculine traits', and what's worse,  I actually LIKE those things about me.  (Traits are all about balance, we NEED those 'negative' traits to function, as much as the positive ones.  I could go through each of those traits and easily give examples of them leading to what most people would term a positive result)

Posted on: March 22, 2008, 10:21:58 AM
Quote from: Alison on March 22, 2008, 11:16:01 AM
And why are "androgyne's" lucky enough to only inherit the "positive traits"? 

Wouldn't that qualify as vain, arrogant and egotistical? ^.^


Quote from: Andra on March 22, 2008, 11:53:29 AM
Jesus, if I'd known androgyny was all about conforming to a third set of stereotypes...  Time for me to abandon that label 100% then.  Lets all love on the prescribed gender trinary!!  Or I guess we could be a little more liberal and simply squash all available human experience down to a one dimensional sliding scale!
I prefer the idea of simply squashing all humans.


Quote from: Rebis on March 22, 2008, 01:44:05 PM
I prefer the idea of simply squashing all humans.

*comes back with blood splattered apron*
Say, do you fancy a smoothie?  ;D


oh yeah!   I hear human smoothies are good for making your hair shiny.

*drinks it down*


Quote from: Alison on March 22, 2008, 11:16:01 AM
Every single trait you listed is a stereotype.

And why are "androgyne's" lucky enough to only inherit the "positive traits"? 

Traits that define 'human nature' are well.... human. ;)

Masculine and feminine ARE stereotypes, Alison.
Nero requested a list of TRAITS considered to be masculine and feminine. Do you not understand the difference?

Lacking positive masculine traits and positive feminine traits is "undifferentiated" aka "negative androgyny". Keep in mind that 'masculinity' is 'negative femininity' and vice versa.

Undifferentiated traits are shared equally by both genders and would include:
rudenesses, immaturity, disrespectfulness, deceitfulness, selfishness, bigotry, laziness, insincerity, vengefulness, envy, stubbornness, pessimism, stupidity, carelessness, negativity, amorality, etc.

Positive androgynous traits, shared equally by both genders, would include:
thankfulness, curiosity, patience, humility, generosity, mindfulness, moderation, neutrality, compassion, honesty, sympathy, optimism, understanding, friendliness, righteousness, respectfulness, justness, wisdom, balance, truthfulness, self-control, etc.

All of the traits I've listed are of an individual's character, observable by others.
Androgyne is the gender identity class of one who feels not masculine, not feminine.
Gender identity is not observable by others, which is why this forum is here... to talk about gender and gender identity, and what it is like to feel neither masculine nor feminine in one's innate self-identification.

-Emerald  :icon_mrgreen:
I am not Trans-masculine, I am not Trans-feminine.
I am not Bigender, Neutrois or Genderqueer.
I am neither Cisgender nor Transgender.
I am of the 'gender' which existed before the creation of the binary genders.


Quote from: JC on March 21, 2008, 07:50:42 PM

Oh,  and i'll second the kinda being weirded out by the whole unicorns thing...with the whole mythical creatures bit not existing in reality.

That's not the way I mean it.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


I could be wrong, but I got the impression that he was asking what we think of in terms of masculine and feminine, not a textbook definition or stereotype.