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Training programs vs voice therapist.

Started by Jenna_Nicole105, June 16, 2011, 03:38:12 PM

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Subject pretty much says it all, is there a major inherent advantage in terms of using a trained voice
therapist/coach (however one chooses to word it) as opposed to using the training programs you can
get on DVD/CD? I ask mainly because I'm only making so much progress with the programs and have
thought about seeking out a voice therapist, would have to be via skype for now. Anyone have any real
experience with both?

Formerly known as Tiffany_Marie

On HRT since 7-27-2011 and feeling great!


I don't have experience with both, but I am self taught with a great many things and I will say there is a huge time advantage for me to learn something when I have an actual teacher who can tailor education to me rather than a book or video where I have to deal with an approach that by the nature of the format has to be one size fits all.

Language in particular I have done both with, and I have found that while many methods of doing something (such as spaced repetition, trial and error, lots of practice, etc) work, a live human being instructing me has always led to me being good much quicker.

Good luck, I am only using free resources atm and not making quick progress at all with my voice, but I bet a voice coach would save me tons of trial and error.
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html


I've only used a voice program (Finding Your Female Voice) and I've gotten pretty good results (see my thread below for a sample :) )



Didn't do any programs or therapy... I just lucked out with a strange voice that can bend in many strange ways. ;D  That said, I'd still love to have therapy to enhance it because I feel it's too unrefined to be perfectly natural.

April Dawne

I haven't had any real luck in the voice department. My voice is pretty much crap, I'm very self-conscious about it as well, so for the most part I just don't speak. Funny thing is, I was (and still am) capable of singing the soprano parts in chorus throughout high school, so my range is definitely beyond that of the "average" male, yet my speaking voice sounds terrible in comparison.

I'm hoping that changes eventually.

~*Don't wanna look without seeing*~

~*Don't wanna touch without feeling*~



Hi Tiffany

For me, I tried the DVD "Finding your Female Voice" but I did not get anything out of it. However, I heard if you got a personal voice coach you can do wonders with that.

However, I am self taught with some help from some youtube friends. I had bought a 15 dollar digital recorder and downloaded a spectograph and worked my butt off! I practiced all the time for 6 months until I went fulltime and I had to do it all the time.

But if you youtube "CandiFLA" she is really good. If you have $$$$ then I would suggest seeing Kathe Perez because she is a wonderful voice therapist.


I think it mostly depends on the person.

I tried some CDs at first and just couldn't get it. I had the money at the time so I saw a voice therapist ( ) and here I am. =)

I actually had someone at a church I visited recently ask if I was a voice actor or something because my voice sounded so nice. I was like *blush*!
