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FTM voice training

Started by Radar, June 21, 2011, 06:56:59 AM

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I originally posted this in the FTM section until I realized it would be better here. I know mostly ladies are here but I thought I'd throw this out anyway.

I know you don't hear about it very often since it's widely believed that once you get on T it takes care of everything. Lately I've been recording and listening to my voice and I'm quite unpleased. I've been on T for 1 1/2 years and even though my voice has lowered it's not deep enough for me. It sounds too much like a teenager. Some wouldn't consider that too bad... except I'm in my mid-30's.

I also need to work on my speaking because I think it sounds too feminine. It sounds too much like a gay man. No offense to those out there, but when you're not gay it can be troublesome. I don't want people (especially women) to assume something about me I'm not.

I've got a program & training I've started to help deepen my voice. One problem I know I have is I keep my vocal chords tense all the time. I don't know why- I just it's an old habit. I've been working on exercises to correct that. I guess after decades of speaking a certain way it's hard for the brain to naturally retrain itself. It will take time and practice, but I hope this training will help loosen & strengthen my vocal chords and help me learn to speak deeper naturally.

I'm not sure where to start to work on my speaking patterns though to make it more masculine. Anyone have any advise or know of any resources? I've thought about a voice therapist, but considering how the area I live in has few trans resources I believe it will be hard to find one for my situation. I've also heard they're really expensive.

I guess this shows that even with T some of us still need training and help with our voices. I've heard about MTFs having to do voice training but haven't heard much about FTMs. Any guys out there go through training or use programs to help their voice?
"In this one of many possible worlds, all for the best, or some bizarre test?
It is what it is—and whatever.
Time is still the infinite jest."


From what many of my FTM friends tell me, the T should take care of the voice for you. You said you have been on T for about 1 1/2 years.

My FTM friends had told me that they went through a voice transition like a teenage boy through puberty and when a teenage boy goes through his puberty, his voice really doesn't drop to the adult level until about 2 years. I know one of my brothers had a hell of a time with his voice. Took him three years for his voice to drop and now he has the lowest voice in my entire family.

I would say give it more least that is what my FTM buddies would always say to me when it came to the boobs lol.


Well, I've been doing the training for 5 days now and can already tell a difference. :) Others have noticed too. It feels more natural now and doesn't feel forced or anything. I think my biggest problem was unconsciously tightening my vocal chords and needing to strengthen them.

I understand T takes awhile, but most guys have much deeper voices way before 1.5 years. I know that natural teenage puberty lasts for several years, but I got the impression that when taking T our puberty goes faster. Also, I'm in my mid-30s. I can't have a teenage boy voice at my age and be taken seriously. :-\
"In this one of many possible worlds, all for the best, or some bizarre test?
It is what it is—and whatever.
Time is still the infinite jest."


Make sure you're speaking from your chest and not your head.



Quote from: EmilyElizabeth on June 23, 2011, 12:17:06 PMMake sure you're speaking from your chest and not your head.
I've been working on that too. There's alot for me to work on. :-\

I have to admit I find the ladies inspiring. I got a bit down when I realized I needed to work on my voice despite T when it seems like most guys don't. But I just remind myself that almost all of the ladies have to do the same thing- except I'm sure it's even harder. If they can do it and work hard on it then I can too. :) I sometimes forget how kind T is to us guys and I don't have room to complain.
"In this one of many possible worlds, all for the best, or some bizarre test?
It is what it is—and whatever.
Time is still the infinite jest."


I found this article a few weeks ago, explained as to why some of us may have a "trapped voice" Now the issue is the therapy. If someone finds good exercises and resources, please share.
"I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could." Mahatma Gandhi


It may just be an issue of time.  My voice started changing at age 11 and didn't really hit the point it is at now until past 20.