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Hey! I just crossed my legs!

Started by Steph, February 08, 2007, 09:55:11 PM

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Ok here I am laying on the couch doing a great imitation of a potato, watching ER, and working on the Wiki.  I look down and notice that my legs are crossed - WOW and Yahoo - yep I'm well on the road to recovery :)  Life's little victories :)

Ya ya I know I'm a little pathetic :)





Ahhhh Progress.

Just remember to uncross them before you try and stand up!



I respectfully request this tidbit of information be added to the post-op FAQ.


( ;) )

Cindi Jones

You know... it's amazing the things that you forget in life.

Way to go Steph!  <Cindi chuckles>

Author of Squirrel Cage


Hehe, it took me a bit to get it.  I hadn't thought of that problem, so I'm glad you mentioned it.  Geez this is getting scary.  I mean this is something I *need*, yet it sounds so unpleasant.  Well, since I have to get it anyways, I might as well get it out of the way. (no pun intended)



Quote from: Buffy on February 08, 2007, 09:59:56 PM
Ahhhh Progress.

Just remember to uncross them before you try and stand up!


Ha, ha, ha :P ya nut...



I must admit that when I first saw the title I did think, "Oh, how wonderful!" and then thought deeper, "She must be in the drink."  Rather than follow up with my own subject entitled, "I did take a good breath of air this evening" I decided to instead read the actual post and then did remember why this would be an accomplishment to be heralded within it's own thread.

Congrats Steph, glad that you are recovering nicely and, like another post above, I had not even thought of that habit nor that problem.  :)


I had forgot all about the wonders of crossing ones legs after surgery. I saw the subject line and thought it was that one that Steph had done before surgery, you know tieing ones self up with their legs. Then I noticed that it had only a few posts. So, I had to see what was going on. Curiosity killed the Cat. I had to laugh, I do remember that. Now, I'm trying to remember all the little things that I had to do over again after surgery and the new things to learn. Like peeing. What a difference. Toilet paper, need the soft stuff, I don't care what it costs. LOL I'm happy for you Steph and Tink you will be crossing your legs shortly.


Quote from: Sheila on February 09, 2007, 11:38:50 AM
Toilet paper, need the soft stuff, I don't care what it costs.

LOL, ooo, OUCH, hadn't thought of that, lol... ah, such "problems" to look forward to ;)

And congrats Steph!!! Life's little victories make it sweeter for sure. And all the better that you didn't even notice you'd gone and done it!


Laura Eva B

Reminds me of a nice memory from the Montreal clinic, last day before discharge, day 8 post op ...

Four recovering M2Fs (all Brassard patients) sat around table munching "ordered in" pizza and chatting.  With us was a young F2M who'd arrived that day for revision work.

My three friends were sitting uncomfortably on their "donuts" in most un-ladylike fashion with legs wide apart ...

The F2M ("Brad" I think) pointed at me and asked, "Why is she the only one with her legs crossed  :) ? ".

Guess I recovered easy as the next evening I was tramping the streets of downtown Montreal looking for a nice place to eat (after a heavy supermarket shop to stock up the fridge of my hotel room that was to be my home for the next five days). Must have walked at least three miles that day !

Laura x


Quote from: Laura Eva B on April 30, 2007, 04:07:42 PM
Guess I recovered easy as the next evening I was tramping the streets of downtown Montreal looking for a nice place to eat.
You should have tried Gibby's. >:D  It's expensive though.  When I ate there, it was probably about $80 CDN for my meal, making it the most expensive meal I've ever eaten.  Fortunately though, it was the company I was working for that paid the bill since I was on a business trip. ;D

Laura Eva B

Quote from: Melissa on April 30, 2007, 04:51:05 PM
Quote from: Laura Eva B on April 30, 2007, 04:07:42 PM
Guess I recovered easy as the next evening I was tramping the streets of downtown Montreal looking for a nice place to eat.
You should have tried Gibby's. >:D  It's expensive though.  When I ate there, it was probably about $80 CDN for my meal, making it the most expensive meal I've ever eaten.  Fortunately though, it was the company I was working for that paid the bill since I was on a business trip. ;D

I mainly ended up in nearby Chinatown honing my chopstick skills, silly portions and excellent food at under $25 CDN, though I used a posh Italian restaurant opposite my hotel a few times at over $75 CDN a time with wine & a couple of espressos ...

I eat out weekly in London and £40 is the norm per head for a decent but "average" restaurant meal and wine ($80 US , $90 CDN) - pushing the boat out means £60+ .... you N Americans just don't appreciate how cheap your eating out is compare to income (maybe really good NY food excepted ?) !

Laura x