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What does "peace" mean for you ?

Started by Anatta, July 06, 2011, 02:11:39 PM

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Kia Ora,

:icon_bong: "PEACE MAN " :icon_bong:

What does "peace" mean for you?

Where do you find "peace" ?

And why do you think this  "peace" doesn't last ?

::) Think about the meaning of word "peace" carefully, especially if you respond to others comments...

::) If you explore your mind you will find it's normally in a chaotic state, thoughts jumping all over the place..

Sadly the most difficult thing for a "conditioned" mind to do is "Nothing"....

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

kate durcal

Quote from: Zenda on July 06, 2011, 02:11:39 PM
Kia Ora,

:icon_bong: "PEACE MAN " :icon_bong:

What does "peace" mean for you?

Where do you find "peace" ?

And why do you think this  "peace" doesn't last ?

::) Think about the meaning of word "peace" carefully, especially if you respond to others comments...

::) If you explore your mind you will find it's normally in a chaotic state, thoughts jumping all over the place..

Sadly the most difficult thing for a "conditioned" mind to do is "Nothing"....

Metta Zenda :)

Peace = absence of conflict,

Peace is found when doing simple things alone (e.g. laundry, cleaning, cooking, shopping)

Peace does not last because other people insist in imposing their philosophies/religions in other



Quote from: Zenda on July 06, 2011, 02:11:39 PM
What does "peace" mean for you?

The times when my inner voice is quiet.

Quote from: Zenda on July 06, 2011, 02:11:39 PM
Where do you find "peace" ?

I don't. Peace finds me, occasionally.

Quote from: Zenda on July 06, 2011, 02:11:39 PM
And why do you think this  "peace" doesn't last ?

Because moments of inner calm are still just moments. So I appreciate them for the time I experience them.
Natura nihil frustra facit.


Peace to me is the end of hostilities both foreign and domestic.

And the only way I can see this is the removal of religious power structures.  Let them have their faith, but do not allow them to have the power to spread their brand of hate.

I find peace within.  That is the true place peace resides.


Kia Ora, and thanks for the responses so far...

::) From my understanding , inner peace and conflict stem from the mental formation of "perception", and how one chooses to experience things,[as either pleasant or unpleasant] depends greatly upon how our minds have been "conditioned" to react...And when we "blame" an outside source for our discomfort or pay homage to an outside source for our wellbeing [both learnt reactions], for a short period of time we become what we perceive...However this external world which we experience is in a constant state of flux [a world of impermanence], so both these feelings of wholesomeness and unwholesomeness are short lived...

"Sadly the most difficult thing for a "conditioned" mind to do is "Nothing"!"...But if one can reprogramme ones mind to do "Nothing" not to follow through with the original "programme" so to speak , then it's possible lasting inner peace [contentment] will prevail...

The next time you find your"self" starting to react to what you perceive as a negative situation, just try to become the observer of the reaction, then try to feel the opposite to what you have programmed your"self" to feel...

Take control of your life, become the driver and not just a passenger...Easier said than done...But not impossible !   

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


peace to me is to have no worries. any kind of conflict would ruin my peace because they all cause worry of some sort

in order to find peace, the easiest thing for me to do is engage in a meaningful activity where harmonic cooperation is necessary. this could be farming, foresting, capoeira, going to church, etc.. the reason to do something with others is that if i do it alone,my mind will start going through all my worries and try to find solutions to them, while if i'm in harmony with others this means i'll also have to be in harmony with myself. and in this way many people can help each other find peace for a short while


Kia Ora,

::) Wow Kate's not challenging me with more questions...Now that's peaceful  ;) ;D

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

kate durcal

Quote from: Zenda on July 08, 2011, 10:49:06 PM
Kia Ora,

::) Wow Kate's not challenging me with more questions...Now that's peaceful  ;) ;D

Metta Zenda :)
Actually, your post toke me back to the time when I was in combat. Experiencing combat is at least a sobering experience. Nothing you ever experience afterwards is as intense as being in combat.

When I went in combat my unit like most unit was made up by a motley crew. Red neck, rockers, pot head, college worms, etc. But when the action started there were only three kind of people, the ones who froze called their mommies and died not knowing what hit them, the gong hung and yahoos who died unnecessarily and to no benefit of anybody, and those who despite being scared >-bleeped-<less remind aware of what was going down and were able to anticipate and execute what was needed. Later on in my life, I realize that whether you are in an operatying room, or racing 90 mph down the highway, or in a briefing the upper brass when your ass in the line, the lesson remain the same, stay frosty and anticipate your moves. To some degree my narrative seems in line with your statement: "The next time you find your"self" starting to react to what you perceive as a negative situation, just try to become the observer of the reaction, then try to feel the opposite to what you have programmed your"self" to feel...

We not always disagree,


Kate D


Peace is a soft baby chick nestled warm and dry under its mother's wing in a storm, or a little fuzzy puppy dog snoring in your lap.  Peace is when I wake in the just-born morning cradled in my boyfriend's arms, he kisses me lightly, and cuddles me closer to him.  Just for that perfect moment, all is right with the world.  This kind of peace is transient by nature, but just because it isn't ever present doesn't mean it is ever lost.

A more permanent sort is the lasting peace I obtained from the alignment of my body in harmony with my mind and spirit.  This is the sort of deep, abiding peace that can never be taken away; it lasts because it is embedded into the very essence of me.  Having my body finally corrected has cured the awful, incessant tumult I had previously experienced for the sadness of a life lived wrong-side-out, and now grounds me securely in my own identity so that my mind is actually not in that perpetual chaotic state mentioned anymore.  Even before that, the peace of quiet meditation helped bring me back from the brink more than once, and still remains a powerful tool for calming daily distresses.

Seeing the apparent number of those who seem to have already well mastered the art, I'm not exactly sure it's all that great to go around all day with Nothing in one's head, lol
Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


Kia Ora Valerie,

Monkey chatter is the term used to describe the constant conversations going on inside our minds...Thoughts are thoughts and no matter what ones does they will continue to flow through the mind... The simple reason being "Thought itself is the thinker"...The "trick" is not to attach one "self" to the thought...But sadly our conditioned mind has a "habit" of becoming fixated with whatever strong thought arises... This is where "mindfulness " meditation comes into play...There are a number of mindfulness techniques available, and one doesn't have to be a meditation yogi master[or mistress] to achieve this...

Some techniques are quite simple, practical and can be done any time...The only tool one needs is the "breath" and this is with us wherever we go [on tap so to speak]

The key thing to remember is "No two opposing thoughts can occupy the mind space at the same time !"  So in this sense, one "does" has a choice as to whether one wants to roll with negative thoughts or replace them with more positive ones...Or for that matter just sit back and do "Nothing" just observe the thoughts as they arise...

::) "My mind was once full of noisy monkey who really liked to chat-
Never stopping for a minute even when I sat...

One day a wise Lama who meditates did say-
"There is a trick that you could use to make them go away!"

Well I was all ears I wanted to know what was it I could do-
to be rid of those pesky monkey who had made my mind a zoo...

He said "just concentrate on your breathing that should do the trick-
paying more attention to the present moment will make them feel home sick.

They will slowly leave through your nose or mouth and dissolve into the air-
leaving a place of true contentment - a mind without a care."

Well it did the trick... I concentrated on my breathing and my mind became quite free-
an inner peace now fills the space where monkey chatter used to be!

However, I do like all sentient beings, even  monkeys who liked to chat-
but they can take their gossip elsewhere-for I've had enough of that !
  ;) :D

Metta Zenda
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


"No two opposing thoughts can occupy the mind space at the same time !"

Oh sure they can.  The psychologists call it Cognitive Dissonance.  Quite common really.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Peace is the end of that nagging feeling that's been at the back of my mind all my life. Although it's not quite gone, it is a lot quieter, allowing me to devote more time and focus on other things.


Quote from: tekla on July 13, 2011, 02:32:13 PM
"No two opposing thoughts can occupy the mind space at the same time !"

Oh sure they can.  The psychologists call it Cognitive Dissonance.  Quite common really.
Kia Ora T,

::) Interesting...So what's your personal take on what is a thought ? And how do thoughts arise?

I would have thought[excuse the pun]to have two opposing forces/thoughts occupying the same space at the same time is 'physic'ally impossible...But if you have read that this is not the case and more than one thing "can" occupy the same space at the same time, my mind is open to persuasion...

However I'm just off to work now...

Metta Zenda :) 
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Quote from: Zenda on July 13, 2011, 02:29:02 PM
"No two opposing thoughts can occupy the mind space at the same time !"
i am often surprised by not agreeing with myself on different matters. it's fully possible for me to have two opposing thoughts at a time, and it happens that i have discussions with myself that get nowhere because both thoughts are equally valid as my own. doesn't happen often luckily, might get confusing if i had to split my personality because of it


just one thought would not get me any closer to peace at all. either i'd be as worried as ativan about it, or i'd end up making stupid mistakes because i couldn't imagine other possibilities

all my thoughts are interesting as long as i don't get angsty for no reason (usually happens when the moon is waning, was bitten by a werewolf when i was a child..), and i like my private discussions over subjects i can't agree with myself upon. it's interesting how it's possible to accept differing opinions within oneself as well as between friends


Kia Ora,

To make sure we are all on the same page......................[What's clear in my mind is not necessarily clearly understood by others...]  :icon_yikes:

::) To "think" about two opposing things "simultaneously"[together at "exactly" the same time] is an impossibility ...For example try thinking about how well some thing's going to go then at the exact "same time" try thinking about the same thing going badly...You will find there's only room for one set of thoughts to flow at any given time...One can hold a conversation within ones mind with the "for and against " thoughts"...But this is not a "split" thought as such, this is just thinking using two sets of opposing thoughts one "after" the other...

Hence why I saying "No two opposing sets of thoughts can occupy the same space at the same time !"

::) But the good news is... if you swap/can the negative and replace with/nurture the positive thoughts...You'll  reap the benefits...Simple, nothing magical nor mystical about it, just pure logical "THINKING"...

However, at times the most simplest things can be difficult to obtain/understand...And this as a lot to do with the ego getting in the way of personal growth  "progress"...

I do hope I've clarified things regarding "thoughts" and occupying mind space...[I know at times what I write is not always clearly understood-so my apologies if this was the case]

Now as usual there's always the possibility I could be wrong...But my personal experience with studying my thoughts does tend to match up with the "thoughts" I've presented to you... ;)

::) You are all quite welcome to try the simple thought experiment as mentioned above...But I must warn you that at first it's not easy to become "aware" of the thought or the fact that "thinking" is actually taking place...


Happy Mindfulness Folks...And may you all find lasting peace within because you an't gonna find it elsewhere !

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Quote from: Flotsam on July 13, 2011, 04:58:42 PM
It would seem that bringing your mind down to just one thought would be as useful as having no thought at all.

Just one zombie like thought? God! The factory managers have been looking for you.....

If I don't have at least enough thoughts in my head that I wouldn't take the time to count them,
I would be worried about how stupid and useless I have just become.

Kia Ora Flotsam,

::) Some researchers believe on average an adult has around fifty to sixty "thousand" thoughts per day...Give or take a few thousand  ;)

::) So don't worry your sweet little head about not having enough thoughts flowing through... ;)

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Quote from: Beth Andrea on July 14, 2011, 01:04:51 AM a sign of life.


Kia Ora Beth,

::) Life is Dukkha/Unsatisfactoriness 

The Buddha:
"This, bhikkhus, is the Noble Truth of Dukkha: Birth is dukkha, aging is dukkha, sickness is dukkha, death is dukkha. Presence of objects we loathed is dukkha; separation from what we love is dukkha; not getting what is wanted is dukkha.
In short, the five clinging-aggregates are dukkha !"

Metta Zenda :)

"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

King Malachite

What does "peace" mean for you?  It means to me being happy within myself or calm without stressing over little things.

Where do you find "peace" ?  In the morning if I have no other obligations.  I find my inner peace around nature.

And why do you think this  "peace" doesn't last ? 1.  Because I'm still living on Earth.  I think everlasting peace will only happen for me in the afterlife but when I do find temporary peace in nature it doesn't last because I quickly have to tend back to the obligations I have in the world so I don't have enough time to find much inner peace within nature.

Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


As a member of the Society of Friends (aka Quaker) who used to attend Meeting every Sunday and have not been able to for many months since I moved away from my group, I have realized what a difference it made in my life. I'm seeking to get back into regular Meeting again. We pray (or meditate, depending on your POV) for an hour in silence only speaking if we feel moved to. Move by what? That answer will vary from Friend to Friend.

Sometimes, conflict will find us and that can't be controlled. However, I think we also have an element in our nature to seek out conflict either consciously or unconsciously. I believe we have a lot more control over that than we are at first willing to admit. There is an animalistic part of us that believes we can conquer the conflicting elements in our lives and have resolution and peace. There is another, more evolved aspect of us all that seeks to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner that considers the needs of everyone involved and results in everyone being winners in the end. Both resolutions are satisfying but I think the latter is far more so, though it can take more commitment, more work, and more patience. The former approach is more tempting and seems more immediately satisfying, but like many forms of immediate gratification, the satisfaction is short-lived and I think this approach is more short-sighted.

That's sort of my philosophy of life in a nutshell. It's just my thoughts on the matter of peace.