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Life is getting soooo much better

Started by Steph, February 10, 2007, 08:08:57 AM

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As some of you know I went through an uncomfortable bout of post op depression a few weeks ago.  My episode was mild compared to some here who's experiences have been crippling to put it mildly.  But I'm happy to say that life is certainly returning to normal.

As of tomorrow I'll be two months post op and today I'm pain free.  I can't tell you how great that feeling is.  I know this is kinda yucky but there was virtually no discharge on my pad this morning, just a tiny stain which again lifted my spirits.  I know I know I'm a little crazy but I examined my pad pretty closely every time I changed it to see if there was any signs that things weren't as they were supposed to be.

This week I started to work full days and I have to say that although I didn't do anything strenous I still felt like I was dragged through the wringer at the end of the day.  So yesterday was Friday - yahoo - and I decided that I would try going out  to my favorite bar.  I needed to get out, put on my dancing cloths, and get out and do some dancing, as the cabin fever was starting to drive me nuts, and with Gill in Colorado Springs, I was on my own.  I didn't exactly expect to do any dancing as I thought that would be pushing things a little but I did want to be out and about.

So I put on the new red top that I had brought last year to wear on New Years eve, thinking that I would be out dancing 3 weeks post op, silly girl, black skirt, black jacket and boots and it was off for supper.  I have to tell you it felt good to be out.  I didn't have anything fancy to eat, just a chicken club sandwich, yum.  I was feeling a little sore but nothing I couldn't handle and after supper I walked to the club.

Jeez it was like old home week, the girls behind the bar seemed really happy to see me (or my money :) ) and I found a spot at the bar and plonked down my butt.  So far so good.  The club began to fill and several folks who know me came over telling me how good it was to see me and wanting to know where the heck I had been.  I just told them that I had been in hospital for a couple of week and that recovery had been longer than I thought :)  well it was true, I just didn't tell them why I was in hospital.

Richard came in (the guy who dumped me last year) and as soon as he saw me he waved and came over to chat (yes we're still friends) it was really nice and he was still all over me the little devil.  The band started up, and it wasn't long before I was being asked to dance and it seems as though that is when the pain melted away.  Being the silly girl that I am I was in and out of the "Ladies" all night checking things out down there to make sure that I had done anything by dancing and of course nothing had happened.

I had only intended to have been out no longer than 10 PM but it was 1 AM when I finally decided to head for home.  It was a great night, no pain, lots of dancing, lots of old friends and acquaintances, and when I woke this morning I was still pain free.  Yep there is life after SRS, and I'M BACK.





After a while, things get back to normal... ;)

Great news, Steph!

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Life has started, you are back out, doing things you like doing

Its nice.....





That's fantastic Steph....I'm sooo happy you are feeling better  ;D

Still...I caution you to becareful.  My roomie had the same surge of "everything is back to normal" and ended up pushing herself too far.  It  took a good 2 weeks for her to get over that. 


When I read this I got a visual of a woman breaking through the tape at the finish line, arms boldly thrust into the air, a look of triumph and relief upon her won! Congrats.



   I'm so glad you are feeling so good now. Like another person has said, just be a little careful. You are still healing. This is wonderful news and I'm so happy for you. It has been a long time waiting, hasn't it?
Love Sheila

Cindi Jones

What a wonderful day you must be having.  Just think how you'll feel in a couple more months.... you'll be bored with nothing to worry after. ;)

You go girl!

Chin up!

Author of Squirrel Cage


Thanks for the kind words everyone.  I am being careful so there is no worries there, and I'm sure that my bod will let me know if I try too much.  I'm feeling so good that I went out again on Saturday night it's hard to keep a good woman down LOL.  I was dancing with a gentleman who I had met before and I agreed to meet him again on Wednesday night at the club.  A new artist is releasing their first CD and they are holding a party.  I told him I can't stay long as it's a work night :( Oh well.

I did a ton of shopping.  I bought a new suite, and a new winter coat, with the winter clearance sales on I only paid $20.00 yay.  I'm going to the gym tonight after work to try something light.  I'll probably use the rowing machine then go for a walk on the tread mill.  Nothing too strenuous as I don't need to be tempting fate at this stage of the game.

Yep life is getting so much better, it seems like my past life is quickly fading, and that the turmoil that preceded Dec 11th is nothing more than a bad dream.

This girl is back in town...



Yeah, Steph!!

Way to go girl.  I knew you'd be better soon.

And dancing!   

Enjoy it all.



Glad to hear it, Steph.

Bars and parties and dancing with guys while your wife is out of town, eh?  Sure is different for you young kids.  LOL 


When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly. — Patrick Overton


glad your feeling better, its nice you got out and danced, thats always a pick me upper. Your 2 months post-op, but soon you will wake up and it will be 2 years post, and you'll wonder how time went by so fast.



Yay Steph,

;D :eusa_dance: :icon_boxing:

I am so glad this is happening to a wonderfull Person.





Hooray for Steph,

Warning to the world, she's out and about, ready to keep you in line just like she does around here, with massive doses of common sense and the way it is short sentences.  Do you suppose its safe around here now?

Susan Kay