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My Pain Feels Bone Deep..

Started by qUiRkY qUeEn, October 03, 2011, 08:10:40 PM

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qUiRkY qUeEn

I am trying to get over the fact that I might not ever have a child. My partner is 5 months into transition. I was pregnant with my partners child and we choose to terminate due to the MANY unpredictable events that lie ahead of her transition. That totally killed me to do this BUT I can always get a second chance to have a child and at this time of my pregnancy was EXTREMELY stressful for my partner. She was highly suicidal and the only way I can help is to agree along with her to terminate!!

The most difficult choice I have ever had in my life. NOW I trying to really decide if having a child is so important to me or not!! I am having an EXTREMELY hard time with this right now. My partner and I froze her sperm, so just in case she feels down the road to have a child our options are still open.

Basically, I can not and will not leave my spouse due to the fact that we will not have a child together. Obviously, I made that choice earlier. BUT my heart BROKE big time!! We are seeing a therapist and the therapist and I are working through this dilemma of mine. I support my partner in her transition BUT the way everything went down the the pregnancy that along is hard for me to deal with.

The way I am coping with this is I am totally handing this over to god!!!!!! They can do with my future as they see fit. My will never has been my TRUE will it has ALWAYS been gods. I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE MY SPOUSE OVER THIS!! :(


Dear Quirky Queen, I am so sorry to hear your pain and your dilemma. You are a very supportive spouse and a brave person to have made such a difficult decision. Your spouse is indeed very lucky. The trick is to keep remembering that you made this choice: in the face of a dilemma, you chose the relationship since as you say you can always have another shot at a child. I mention this because the resentment you may feel at having been in the position of having to make the choice to begin with could poison your relationship. It's great you are in therapy. And you can have another shot a having a child, even on your own if it came to that, even if you adopt. And chances are if you're under 35 you could have your own without much trouble. So breathe deeply, take it one day at a time, and even though you may feel as if you are not getting to make any decisions, you are in fact: choosing to stay, choosing to postpone a key dream. Though it is hard, hard hard! You're not alone. best, H.

qUiRkY qUeEn

LOL I was begining to wonder if anyone would respond LOL Thank you so much. For some strange reason, that same issue keeps poping up in my head. Not the OMG I am losing my "husband", or WOW I was lied to for a while, or will she leave me for a man, none of those questions or dillemas really came up for me. I was more releived that my partner KNEW hands down that she could not live as a "man" anymore. BUT OF course the emotions are too crazy at times. How are you doing? Are you a SO? Or M2F, F2M? If you do not mind please tell me more of yourself. It can get quite lonely in the SO support group LOL. Hope all is well in this difficult journey!!! :)


Hi Quirky Queen. I am a SO of an FTM (eg I am cisgendered female). My partner of 14 years has been transitioning this past year (FTM). We have a five year old son, who my partner gave birth to. So we are lucky that way, but it is complicated. I really hope you do decide to have a child--it can be done, and kids are very adaptable. Good luck, H.


Im so sorry hun. I am hoping some how you can forgive me. You dont have to do it in person or on the phone or even at all. I havent got long here as the clouuds have called my name. I am truly sorry for any of the pain I may have caused you. I have suffered greatly without you. and I imagine it has only begun.  I hope to god that you soemhow hear this and know that I never meant to hurt you. I was extremely selfish and was blinded by fear and thirty years of regret. I truly hopw you find the person you are looking for just like I did.Only I pray to god you dont have to transition. I regret everythingbut have no idea what I would of done as this is me. Its srill me. I still love you and think about you an dreally just miss you. I would trade everything for you but I know that is impossible. I have my parents back but mostly cause my dad is dying. God, this is what Ive resported to right, but then I realized you have 100 siomething posts and now I feel liek the biggest puiece of crap on the p;lanet
im so sorry I truly am I just jhopwe you get this and hear that have realized exactluy what you meant. I am so sorry

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