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Taking the first step

Started by Kitoro, September 04, 2011, 07:46:29 PM

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I am 26 years old FTM,  I've been struggling in denial what feels like forever.

As a child I was always one of the guys, my friends were mostly guys and I would play guy games, rough house etc etc.
I remember one time when I was around 6 years old, I wanted a Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle action figure for my birthday but I was afraid to ask my mom for it, I guess gender rolls settle in this early in life  :-\
I didn't actually began thinking I was different until puberty (as far as I recall) I could never identify with girls, I could never fit in as much as I tried to, I just wanted to be normal,

I remember age 12 and up, there were times I would pretend to be into what they were into, they would talk about clothes, make up and accessories and seemed to have such knowledge on the subject and I didnt have a clue, nor was I interested in those things but I wanted so badly to fit in with them for the sake of being normal.

When I was 13 years old I used the internet for the first time in my life, I quickly discovered chat rooms, and I began portraying myself as male, the very first thing I did was be male online, I didnt even have to consider it, Now 13 years later I still do this. For a while being male online was an outlet for me but it has stopped working, and it stopped years ago. It has done more damage to my mental health then I care to admit.

I've been depressed all my life, I have very little memories of ever being happy, I also had rough childhood due to unrelated issues.

I took steppes toward transitioning back in 05, I had been triggered by a text message from someone I had been portraying as male form online, this message triggered me in such a horrible way that I did some pretty bad self damage at my place of work and was sent to an institution for a while. During that time, I came out to my therapist and later my parents, who did not take it very well, but were trying to be supportive.

The situation that rushed me back into denial was minimal when I look back to it. I went to see my psychologist  about my gender issues, I was wearing sort a fem top, and just regular jeans, with a buzz cut, he said this to me "you aren't even wearing boys clothes, how can you have GID" at the time I was not even close to ready wearing boys clothes fulltime, (I've always been a tomboy) This sentence alone, was enough to delay my transition for another 6 years. 6 years of trying to keep it down, shut it off. I even tried the married life. Being forced into the gender roll of a female was an awful experience, I couldn't cope, I was constantly frustrated by my in-laws when they expected me to be this wife of their son. I felt humiliated. The sex was the worst the first year I was more numb then anything, but as the months went by I felt disgusted by it, I couldn't escape the feeling that I was being humiliated.

Now I am this road again, I'm trying to take my first steppes for a second time. I've ordered my first binder online, I've bound my chest in the past but this time I'm getting something real,

I am a rollercoaster of emotions, with sleepless nights due to thoughts just rushing through my head, I feel excited when I imagine asking my step father to teach me how to shave, I feel excited when I think about having a deeper voice, flat chest, and appear as male to society and my family. I also feel incredibly motivated where I just want to do everything, I want to loose weight in preparation for future top surgery, I want to burn it off now so I can begin working out toward the kind of body I want.. So far being fat has worked in my favour as it hides female features it also makes bio males less likely to hit on me, which is something I don't want.

I keep rocking back and forward from "oh my god! This CAN be a reality for me" to "Should I? is gonna be worth it, am I gonna be cut out for it?"

This is an extremely short version of my story and where I am currently, I am trying to walk through the door which just recently opened for me when I came out for the second time to my closest family and they got my back. Why do I not just dive in?

I just want to be me, and transitioning is the only way to do that in this life, I'm tired of being suicidal and wishing for the impossible

Thanks for reading :)



Farm Boy

Hey, Kit!  I'm sorry the road's been so hard for you so far, but I'm glad you've made it through!  Getting a binder is a great first step, and it's good that you've got the support of your family.  Sounds like you're headed in the right direction!  :)
Started T - Sept. 19, 2012
Top surgery - Jan. 16, 2017


Good luck on your transition Kit.

In regards to clothes, there are not really that much stigma for female-born persons compared to male-born persons. Girls (female-identified female-born persons) wearing guy shirts, ties, slacks, and suits (the extreme case?) hitting on girls are at the most viewed as uncommon but not ill or sick so feel free to be comfortable with yourself appearance wise.


Farm Boy: Thank you, it's been a difficult road so far, but I am glad I'm heading in this direction again,  my first real binder came in the mail today and I'm wearing it as we speak, I'm happy the way it flats my chest, but not overy much as I am big and would have moobs of some sort,  either way I am just glad they arent sticking out further then my stomach, and I can finally wear just t-shirt instead of a jacket as well to hide my chest

Yukana: you're right, there shouldn't be, and yet this man pointed it out, which made me believe that maybe I was just crazy and not a real case of GID, 6 years later and I am still right where I was, and now I feel there is absolutely nothing that will stop me from transitioning, I am through with denial and being between genders as a slobby female or a tomboy looking lesbian



that psycho doc sounds... i mean come one, must one wear the others clothes to prove you have this condition thats just so ridiculous.

yeah burning it off can work i think. some of the natural girls i talked to tell me if you lose weight you lose it all over you, including your boobs so. well still not sure how true that is but... but hey, gaining muscle mass is always a good thing in your situation too so hahahahahahaha lose the fat gain the meat.

kitoro, i think if you really want to make this work you can. its just a question of how much you raelly want to make it happen and how far youre willing to go. dont lose hope, if something is not working, just think - 'whatever, atleast i know now whats not working, lets fix this and get rid of this issue and tomorrow will be better - theres always tomorrow for another try at it'

they say fiona turning into that female ogre is magic and like impossible. wont you say its crazier to be able to turn shrek into fiona? im going for that right now. maybe its impossible but I want it. sometimes all you can do is make the impossible possible and giving up isnt even an option.


gantz: I mainly want to burn it off now because I want a toned male body, also over weight people have increased risk of complications with surgery, and I am gonna want top surgery so if I start now I will be closer to my ideal weight when the day comes.

Giving up is no longer an option, if I give up I die, I can't continue living in this body. Thank you for your input



kitoro, your face looks male to me - try to shoot for the matt damon look haha. well good luck



Gantz: Thank you  ;D that comment really made my evening!  :laugh:

Logan: can you imagine? imagine a suicidal person coming and saying "im suicidal" doc goes: "I dont see any scars on ur wrist, how can you be suicidal"  I mean its essentially the same thing, just because you cant see it, does not mean its not there. I did overcome it, but it took 6 years off my life, I do not plan on making that mistake again. 



Just because a psychologist studied human psychology that is based on scientific observational research does not mean (s)he is experienced with and/or be open-minded to accommodate for the non-textbook "exceptions".  Maybe (s)he is inexperienced with gender issues or unable to extrapolate?  Maybe (s)he is blindly following, referencing, and relying on the SOC too much?

In terms of patients saying they are suicidal, clinical practitioners do have a protocol to follow and do take it seriously to a certain degree from just "I think I am suicidal."  Just the mention of the thought of killing yourself can get them to "keep an eye on you" for a period of time just to be safe as that might be the only chance they have to help you before you actually "do it". 

By the way, Kitoro, if the picture on your avatar is you, you look very handsome.  Coupling with some pecs in a lean body is obviously drool-worthy but just big with muscles is also nice and appealing.