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Straight Websites

Started by Tiffany Elise, February 22, 2007, 04:26:58 PM

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Tiffany Elise

 I just tried to register on a straight website and when they saw my gaychristian e-mail address they banned me before I could post. They never checked to see who I was or what I would post. Just banned me because of the address.
The confirmation mail said welcome to and sorry but you are banned!
  It ticks me off that they could have at least seen what I would post before banning me!
  I'm used to being banned after I post but this was rediculous.!


They sound like a pack of jackholes! You're probably better off not being a member there.

But I do have to ask (cause I'm just chock full o' curiosity on a regular basis!) why did you want to be on a straight-only website?  Not that I'm the one saying you can't, but you mention having a gaychristian e-mail addy, which is practically like broadcasting your orientation, so what were you hoping to achieve by being a member of this group?

Tiffany Elise

  Actually, I enjoy going into straight sites and waiting until the holier-than-thou preachers start using clobber-passages in their posts to train their repeating parrots how to slam the GLBT community and then I battle with the.
  I always get banned when they get mad or when they cannot counter what I post. I've gotten rather used to it.
  I guess this  time I got aggravated because they beat me to it.
  Since the straight Christians seem to enjoy looking down their pious nose at us while forgetting that the word of God makes all guilty I enjoy just getting them to think before they post.


My attitude would be  - Their club, their rules, and it seems to me that if that is the way they are then they are welcome to their little group.  Who needs them.

Don't loose sleep over jerks.



Hey Tiff!

Sorry about the bad experience.  Not sure you would really enjoy being on there anyway.  But guess we'll never know.



If you're trying to play with a bunch of biggots what do you expect? This is why I only make liberal friends. I don't have the energy to put up with conservatives.



It's not in your best interest to fight alone in someone else's backyard.  And as Steph says, whoever owns the site can do whatever they want of it, short of blatant criminal behavior.

You are better off spending your time with moderates and people of your ilk.

Tiffany Elise

I think I'l just heed the advice here. Thanks for the input. I've always considered myself kind of a independant freelance activist that sticks up for what the majority wrongfully persecutes. I really need to set my focus on some more pressing obligations though. Once again, thanks.


One other thought, Tiff, if you really want to do this, get yourself a different email address, like yahoo or hotmail.  Else it will happen again.



I was just going to suggest what Kristi suggested.  Don't forget some of the same people may have been visiting other sites and had already gotten word of you.  It would help if you were a different person everytime for the purpose of "crime fighting".



So you went there with the intention of causing them trouble.  I don't like people coming in here trying to say that all the members here are wrong and misguided, do you? Personally I think they deserve a good talking to, but they probably think that way about us, too. They have as much right to have their own space to support one another as we do here. Remember the Golden Rule? Don't make yourself a hypocrite because of people like those, because I know you're better than that!

Julie Marie

I'm with Steph.  If that's the way they are, why be bothered?  You should be grateful they didn't accept you.  That might have meant you were just like them.  Now you don't have to waste your time with the intolerant, closed-minded, ignorant people.  They did you a favor.

When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


I'm with angel's girl respect their space and wait to clobber them when they don't respect ours.


Quote from: Tiffany Elise on February 22, 2007, 04:26:58 PM
I just tried to register on a straight website and when they saw my gaychristian e-mail address they banned me before I could post.

Well, if their charter allows for "straights only," then they had every right to ban you before you posted - since your email is a pretty solid indicator that you're gay... and they don't allow gays... so...

We may not LIKE it, but it's their forum, their rules, their safe place to share like-minded views with one another free of criticism.



Quote from: angelsgirl on February 23, 2007, 09:13:44 AM
So you went there with the intention of causing them trouble.  I don't like people coming in here trying to say that all the members here are wrong and misguided, do you? Personally I think they deserve a good talking to, but they probably think that way about us, too. They have as much right to have their own space to support one another as we do here. Remember the Golden Rule? Don't make yourself a hypocrite because of people like those, because I know you're better than that!
I could not agree more.

Tiffany Elise

  I've pretty well decided to discontinue my practice of disputing with others on other sites.
   My intent has never been to stir up trouble but to just stick up for what is right and those I care about without too much concern about how stupid I look or how bad I'm hated.
  It has always aggravated me that people tend to condemn what they are afraid of or do not understand.
  On one site for example they talk about setting those "homos" straight and yet when one comes in they ban and don't say a word. What became of "setting us straight?" They talk big when people can't get on but chances are if they tried to disput someone using only the Bible they can't.
  On another site you could join as long as you couldn't win. When anyone bested them and proved them wrong the person mysteriously disappeared and the entire blog was removed.
  Heaven forbid, they don't want a dirty rotten transgender swaying them from their blind judgment and condemnation.
  Still in all, I plan to stop as they are not worth my time nor even worth renting space in any of our heads. They will probably go on to slam us and feed their egos as long as there is nobody on site to show an alternate view or prove them wrong.
  Maybe someday, Lord willing, I will have the money or figure out how to start my own website where I can post my views. ( I am currently to computer-stupid to do so )
  If it steps on their toes, so be it. If it crushes their doctrine, so be it. If it allows so much as one person to come out of the bitterness and hatred of passed down ignorant teachings, so be it.
  There is one thing I wouldn't do though. I wouldn't ban someone with opposing views.
  But until then I have too many other things to prioritize and start.


This is the obvious, but gay does not equal transsexual. Transsexuals are not (automatically) gay - though the high prevalance of lesbians mystifies me.

It's like, Christians have no information. They are acting on a heuristic in the wake - an emotional chain of reasoning. Why would you choose to propegate that?


Ps- If, after you start your website, you can give me the email that would be fracking awesome!

Tiffany Elise

  When that day comes I will surely give you the address. It probably won't be in the too near future though.
  I have noticed though that most Christians that want to "straighten us out" are clueless. They are about the equivalent of a mechanic doing brain surgery with a Betty Crocker Cookbook with Moe, Larry and Shemp for assistants.
  To them everyone is gay and going to hell from the way it appears. They don't seem to know the difference between any of us. Just one big basket of ungodly sin in their eyes I guess.
  The sad part is that they are teaching others the same delusions. It's pathetic that they don't even seek out who they are slamming or what they truly are. It kind of reminds me of how there was just one leper named Naaman that was healed while the multitude perished. In our case the multitude lumps us together while they judge and condemn what they don't understand.
  It's pretty sad when you look for a job as a Christian transgender and the majority of finds are in the transvestite show area and the kinky sex areas. Just once I would like to see a person that can distinguish between a transvestite, transsexual, gay, lebian or bisexual start a job search site that would custom tailor job searches and openings to where it didn't have us all as some kinky sex fiend.
  Enough of my rant though as that does no good. I'l leave them alone and they can do what they want.
  Thanks for the interest though.


While I am a conservative slash libertarien and also transgender I would not go to chat rooms or sites that I don't agree with everyone has their own opinions and such that's okay but discrimanation is not.


Quote from: andy6432668 on March 14, 2007, 08:45:30 PM
While I am a conservative slash libertarien and also transgender...
Dag nab it I thought I was the only one.........
Oh, alright you may join my club.
"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?" - Fred Rogers