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How important is makeup?

Started by Mahsa Tezani, September 25, 2011, 09:25:31 PM

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For me it is very important. I have used it since I was about 14.

I use alot more when trying to look female of course. But I also wear it everyday when I am just a guy, eyeliner and mascara is something that comes natural for me to put on every morning.

I love to paint and what is better to paint than your face? :D, then everybody can see it.

Looking forward to the day when I can actually use it the way I want.



On a scale of 1-10, make-up is around a 7 or 8, while the right wardrobe is about the same value - I need both to get to a passable 10.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


For me make-up is at the moment a tool to make me remotely more passable. I use foundation and powder to hide my 5 'o clock shadow, mascara and eyeliner.
In general my stance in daily life is that when people see you're wearing make-up, you're wearing too much. I love to doll up on some special nights though.


Here in my country, most adult women wear makeup everyday. Thus, not wearing makeup alone can be a mark.

As I frequently meet my colleagues, friends and students, I seldom wear makeup, except mascara and suncream. When I travel other cities, I sometimes wear makeup including lipstick. Wearing lipstick alone guarantees 99% pass.

Just do it.


I rarely wear makeup, only if I'm going somewhere special, or out on a date.


Its pretty essential for hiding the imperfections! I'd rather not wear it (for convenience sake) , but it helps me look half-decent, and anything that does that deserves my praise!
Sometimes you have to trust people to understand you are not perfect

big kim

I've done without eye shadow/liner mascara for a few weeks now after an eye infection.Never wore face powder after completing electrolysis


I rarely wear make up especially at home. I have no trouble passing.


I think of it more as a situational thing.  Granted, I haven't started my therapy yet(god I'm a late bloomer) so no RLE fulltimeness for me /just/ yet.  I've gotten fairly good at doing a 'night-out' kind of look, heavy vibrant eyeshadow, dark lipstick and foundation/shading that needs a trowel.  But for daytime more than some basics feels like overkill.  I have good skin to begin with, and a face that only slightly disgusts me, so I try to get away with some light blush and lipstick.


Tammy Hope

I make every effort to not be seen without it.
Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


I think makeup can look really cute. Sometimes a little sometimes a lot, depending on the person. The right clothing can really make a difference too. I don't think it has anything to do with social dictates.


I used makeup in the past - in part the cover makeup to hide facial hair when it was there - but I had a time when I was younger when I used it regularly for beauty - usually only eyeliner and maybe a bit of lipstick though. Since then I got lazy and basically never used makeup at all for years but I also did not try to be especially pretty or anything. Maybe that is not a good thing and I should have enjoyed being pretty as long as I was young. Ah well - now recently I am using some cover makeup again as I have some facial hair coming back and need to cover them a bit until I can get them zapped asap.
Maybe I will use some more eyeliner again - I looked good with that. It was just always a hassle to check the makup always so it is not running or smeared ...



to me, its fairly important. I'm ugly as heck without it.


Yeah. Essential because I look like complete garbage witout.

And male  :'(. Sucks big time....

Jamie D

Makeup is all about enhancing our self-image and presentation to others.  If it makes you feel good about yourself, then by all means.


Too much makeup at times can be i wouldn't suggest wearing it daily but what i do recommend is NARS tinted moisturizer you can purchase it from sephora its amazing!


I never wear makeup. The only time I put any sort of makeup on is for events like weddings or funerals, and even then it's really light, maybe some eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, and lip gloss.

I love not having to deal with makeup. It's a pain in the ass!


Quote from: SarahR on November 15, 2013, 05:53:11 PM
I love not having to deal with makeup. It's a pain in the ass!
Yeah, totally agree on that :) - Its fun to be able to do it on demand but not having to do it is a big plus. If I get to the stage I actually would need it to pass - I would more likely consider FFS again. But you already did, Sarah, so I gues sno worries there anymore ;)


Jillieann Rose

Actually I don't need makeup to pass but as I mentioned a few years ago I do wear it.
I have come to realize that I use it to coverup that too familiar face that was part of the fake male me.
A little makeup and it's gone. Of course it is great for evening the skin tones and removing those circles under the eyes.