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How important is makeup?

Started by Mahsa Tezani, September 25, 2011, 09:25:31 PM

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Mahsa Tezani

Leaving this open ended again. You already know what I think, now it's time to hear what you think.

How important is makeup? Do you wear makeup? If so, why? If not, why?

What kind of makeup do you wear?

Jillieann Rose

Up until a few weeks ago I had to wear makeup to just pass.
Now it's not as important.
But it helps to cover up my age marks and dark circles under the eyes.
I do love bright color lipstick, smokey eyes and long dark eyelashes.


I wear it daily, for me.  Like Jillieann, to cover age spots and dark circles.


I need make-up to pass; But honestly, I am trying to reduce it to the minimum. Make-up is a great way to hide things like the rings under the eyes after a long night - on the other hand, a car dealer doing the same thing to a car like we do with make-up would end up in jail for the rest of his life...

About hiding age, I just remember those 14 year old girls in the clubs pretending to be 18+, which were a pain in the ass as I was younger.

Rebekah with a K-A-H

I think makeup is inherently heterosexist, with socialization dictating that women have to wear it in order to be attractive to others.  That said, I don't object to its use in helping someone pass, because the pain of misgendering is something that no one should have to feel.

As such, I don't wear any makeup, and the women I find the most attractive are those that don't feel as if they need it.

Tammy Hope

I swear by it. I won't leave the house without it and if the place caught fire I'd feel bad to be seen without it.

It's not elaborate, by any means, I can't afford that or really execute it in the present company - but I MUST conceal the beard shadow, and i prefer to offer as many "cues" to those I might meet as possible.

Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


For some of us, it's absolutely essential. I heard a quote once that went like "A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction". I think for most of us here, though, you have to lie a bit to communicate the underlying truth.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs


I can't leave the house without foundation on, at least. The hormones have cleared up my face completely from acne, but I still have a little scarring that the foundation hides. Also, makeup makes me look more feminine.

I hope to reduce makeup use once I have FFS in a few months. Although I'm sure I'll continue to wear it because I'm just that type of gal. ;)
"You have one life to live so live it right"


Well, Jen, based on your avatar pic, you shouldn't need much FFS-- or makeup for that matter. I think you're adorable.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs


Quote from: Lyric on September 26, 2011, 11:33:43 AM
Well, Jen, based on your avatar pic, you shouldn't need much FFS-- or makeup for that matter. I think you're adorable.

Aww, that was nice of you to say. Thanks!
"You have one life to live so live it right"


I don't have anything against it. I do think it's a bit unfair that men are expected not to wear it, but that is starting to change.

I've occasionally worn bits and pieces, but very rarely - like once or twice a month for a specific evening. It just isn't my style. And I don't need it to be gendered female, so... Not for me.


For me I don't like it very much, often feels more like a mask. With each LHR treatment I feel my skin looks better and better. I think a lot of Cis-Girls look bad in it also. Microdermabrasion, a good (but expensive) Serum like TNS by Skin Medica, moisterizure, 30 spf screen or block, some eye liner and shadow, and lip gloss. Like a more natural and refreshed look.

I still dream a lot... :laugh:


I wear a little bit like eyeliner and lip gloss. I'll maybe put a little foundation as well but I still need a long way to go. For me it's about it looking natural. I also think that some people may need it a little more as far as passing. Meaning they may have prodominant male features they need to hide in order to pass.


I wish I could wear more makeup, but it feminizes me. I'm into that goth/emo look with guyliner, black nail polish, and so forth, but I can't pull it off yet.  :/


i enjoy wearing makeup. It's not a requirement for me to "blend in" but more of an issue that I like to look nice. And for me, I look nice in makeup.

I am a feminist as well but I do not subscribe to the agenda that makeup is a heterosexist barrier for the female. For a girl, in my opinion, the application of makeup is compared to a man dressing up for an occasion. I know many feminist who wears makeup. One of my professors is a feminist. She is an author on feminist studies and she wears makeup; so I do not equate it as makeup being an application to devalue a woman.

For some girls, makeup can be essential or helpful to help them blend in. For me, I just think I look nicer with it on versus with it off. I do not judge a woman based on makeup. I see a woman by the things she does or what convictions she has. Me judging a woman by her makeup would be like me judging a man for putting gel in his hair or if he wore a tie. I tend to look at issues that are more than skin surface.

Rebekah with a K-A-H

Quote from: Annah on October 07, 2011, 01:40:03 PM
i enjoy wearing makeup. It's not a requirement for me to "blend in" but more of an issue that I like to look nice. And for me, I look nice in makeup.

I am a feminist as well but I do not subscribe to the agenda that makeup is a heterosexist barrier for the female. For a girl, in my opinion, the application of makeup is compared to a man dressing up for an occasion. I know many feminist who wears makeup. One of my professors is a feminist. She is an author on feminist studies and she wears makeup; so I do not equate it as makeup being an application to devalue a woman.

For some girls, makeup can be essential or helpful to help them blend in. For me, I just think I look nicer with it on versus with it off. I do not judge a woman based on makeup. I see a woman by the things she does or what convictions she has. Me judging a woman by her makeup would be like me judging a man for putting gel in his hair or if he wore a tie. I tend to look at issues that are more than skin surface.

I would be inclined to agree with you, but for the fact that men 'dressing up for an occasion' occurs much less frequently than what can be a daily application of makeup for some women.  And the expectation that breeds– not the wearing of the makeup itself– is what I consider to be sexist. 

That said, again, for someone having difficulty passing, I wouldn't protest at all.  Misgendering sucks.


Quote from: Wonderdyke on October 07, 2011, 04:32:52 PM
I would be inclined to agree with you, but for the fact that men 'dressing up for an occasion' occurs much less frequently than what can be a daily application of makeup for some women.

In my prior and current professions, the men had to dress up with slacks and a tie everyday at work.

At least in my areas, it is just a method to look nice. Many lesbians in my prior region also wore makeup. I think a lot of it also has a lot to do with region because where I currently live, an attractive lesbian iss considered to be an overweight butch girl with crewcuts and blue jeans.

Where I used to live, the majority of lesbians were what one calls a "lipstick lesbian."

But for me, I wear makeup because I look good. I really do not do it to conform to a man's expectations on what I should look like. I did that for 35 years and I regretted it. But this is just from my own experiences and does not constitute as factual.


Quote from: Mahsa the disco shark on September 25, 2011, 09:25:31 PM
Leaving this open ended again. You already know what I think, now it's time to hear what you think.

How important is makeup? Do you wear makeup? If so, why? If not, why?

What kind of makeup do you wear?

even though i can pass without makeup, i still like to wear a little when going out in public. i kind of think of it as frosting on the cake. it makes me feel more attractive to look at. i just wear a little. i know lots of guys say they like girls wearing little or no makeup, but i wear little anyway. girls tend to like to look at girls who wear more.

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: FullMoon19 on October 08, 2011, 01:12:57 PM
even though i can pass without makeup, i still like to wear a little when going out in public. i kind of think of it as frosting on the cake. it makes me feel more attractive to look at. i just wear a little. i know lots of guys say they like girls wearing little or no makeup, but i wear little anyway. girls tend to like to look at girls who wear more.

+1...the idea is to emphasize/feminize but also retaining the original image. Men tend to prefer something in between.. Women like it when it's done flawlessly IMHO

Jillieann Rose

I don't wear it for men but even thou there is nothing wrong with that reason.
I wear makeup for me. I want to look pretty and makeup really helps. ;)