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Death by........

Started by ~RoadToTrista~, October 10, 2011, 02:52:47 PM

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Here's how to play;

Above poster says "Death by (blank)", the blank being anything pretty much, the next poster tells us how the above poster died from whatever they said, then they tell us a new "Death by" and so on and so on.


Person A says,

"Death by skittles"

Person B says,

"You eat them too fast and they come out your nose" (or something), then under it they put

"Death by lint" (or something)

And then Person C repeats and tries to come up with a creative way that Person B dies, then posts what they themselves die by. ^.^

Make sense? Mmmkay I'll start it off.


Death by tomatoes


You get sauced! Death by hair.


The stylist slips and cuts off your head.

Death by chocolate...


While turning the volume up on your music, the button gets stuck and it keeps going up until your head explodes due to the loudness.

Death by...Risk (the board game).


You're killed by Professor Plumm, in the library, with the lead pipe! Death by ice cream.


What? That's not Risk, that's Clue! ::) Well, unless I was playing Risk with professor Plumm in a library, beat him at the game, and then he killed me with a lead pipe that he just happened to have. I guess that works!


While eating the ice cream, you develop a rare disorder in which you will die if you stop eating ice cream. To prevent your death your only option is to eat even more ice cream. However, the extreme amount of cold from the ice cream causes you to have such a severe brainfreeze that you ultimately die. But hey, at least the disorder didn't get you!

Death by roleplaying ;o.


You're a level 15 woodnymph shaman with 26 dexterity, 17 stamina, and 19 willpower who uses the Sword of Oblivion to chop your enemies down in repeated and uncoordinated strikes . You're opponent is a level 12 gnome berserker with 12 stamina, 14 critical strike chance, and 19 armor penetration who uses the Helm of Incineration to burn things. You have a duel, while in battle, the gnome makes a dirty comment about your mother, and this enrages you, the fight is no longer fun and games, it becomes personal. Being a shaman, who are completely incompetent with one-handed and two-handed swords, you accidently stab yourself with the Sword of Oblivion several times (which was a pencil) while you're in fits of angry gestures. ^.^

Death by empty water bottles. :o


Holy crap, what was I thinking? Stupid four letter board games! Anyway, while putting your empty water bottles out for curbside recycling, you are run the curbside recycling truck! Death by shrubbery.


You decide one day to find a shrubbery. However, you have a great deal of trouble finding a suitable one for an affordable price. So you decide to join to Knight who say Ni, because they often get shrubberies for free. However, as a member of the Knights who say Ni, you are confronted by one who knows the secret word that the Knights who say Ni cannot hear: It. You hear the word It so many times that your ears bleed profusely until your entire body runs out of blood and you inevitably die.

In case you don't get the reference :).

Death by dirty laundry.


The foul smell reeks inside your body which causes the body to rot to death.

Death by super glue.
"You have one life to live so live it right"


While performing your own version of the hard hat test, you plunge to your death, because you forgot everything on television is fake. Death by the "Jerry Springer Show."


A perfectly normal family shows up on the the show, causing all viewers to spontaneously combust.

Death by Algebra

kylie clark

all the numbers make your head explode.

Death by television


Your 80" hi-deffer than thou TV falls off the wall, squashing you like a bug. Death by Funyuns.


You are eating Funyuns while watching a tennis match when one slips out of your hand very badly. One of the tennis players accidentally hits it by accident with their racket thinking it's the ball (it was a large funyun), and it's launched straight into your throat. You end up choking to death on the tasty treat.

Death by Nyan Cat!


You get the sudden urge to try and "sing" along to nyan cat, but accidentally put on the 10 hour version. It's so catchy that you can't stop and you die from exhaustion (but at least you die happy!)

Death by a plush giraffe!


You decide to take your plush giraffe for a drive. You get lost and inadvertantly drive by the Plush Giraffe Factory. All the plush giraffes inside want to join their friend in freedom, and you are killed in a plush giraffe stampede. The police rule it blunt fuzzy trauma. Death by shoes.


A person in a 10th floor apartment decides that they don't want their shoes anymore and toss them out the window. You happen to be standing where they land.

Death by air.
Anything else?


Both members of the French band, Air, go into a homicidal rage and beat you to death with their instruments for no reason. (Idk who they are I just typed in "air" on Wikipedia, lawl)

Death by....... Oprah!



Oprah goes crazy. And needless to say, when Oprah goes crazy, the WORLD goes crazy. All hell breaks loose! Cats start chasing dogs, grown men run and scream like little girls at the sight of a jack-in-the-box, and perfectly ordinary people resort to cannibalism! And they're not even hungry! To try and keep the peace in the world, an organization is formed to stop Oprah's rampage, in which every sane person, including yourself, is forced to join lest they be swallowed up in the chaos. While the forces of this nameless organization are being mustered, Oprah rallies her children to wage a war and attempt to take control of the world. While on the front lines, you come face to face with Oprah and fight her in a hand-to-hand battle to the death. After an emotionally and physically scarring battle with the former talk-show host, you both let out one last punch and take each other out. With Oprah dead, the world resumes its normal balance and begins to rebuild itself. You die, but at least you die a hero.

Or, if that's too much, you end up being one of the audience members on the show. Oprah herself invites you up on the stage to tell your story, but she accidentally trips and falls when trying to shake your hand. She falls on you in such a way that you break your spine. Death is instantaneous.

Pick your poison :).

Death by internet smileys like this one --> :).