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Age diffrence

Started by Natkat, October 18, 2011, 05:30:43 PM

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I just talked to my gay friend about age-diffrence for gay and straight people.
as we see it its like gay people are more openminded with age diffrence of friendship and relationship, or sexually..

what about transgender people?..

1) are transgender people more openminded with age diffrence than cis-genders?

2) are gay transgenders more openminded with age diffrence than straight transgenders?


Not me, I'm pretty damn picky about it.

Joeyboo~ :3

I wouldn't care as long as they're nice peoples.

I like being the older/est one, usually.
i'm not a pedo i swearz~

I'm str8.


My ex is 11 years older than me, so I guess I'm fairly flexible.

I'm gay. A decade gap hardly seems to matter much in the lesbian community.


I'm gay. Ish. I tend to date older guys. I sleep with any legal aged person who is attractive and willing. In my experience gay and trans people are more accepting of all kinds of differences, though.
everybody's house is haunted


Age doesn't really matter to me. I've been with girls 10+ years older than me. I've only had one relationship where she was younger, by about 6 years.

Rebekah with a K-A-H

I mean, my current friend with benefits is 22 and I'm 18.  I don't see it as a problem, because there's no power imbalance.


I'm straight and my partner is 15 years older than me. I don't normally go for older men but this one was just too good to let go.
"You have one life to live so live it right"

umop ap!sdn

My partner is 13 1/2 years older than me. Back in my single days (mid 20s) I used to seek dates who were in the range of 23 to 45.

Bi, in a same sex relationship.


I'm a little bit older than my wifey. Before transition I might have considered an older woman, but not a much younger one.
But now...if I was not in a relationship, I would totally be looking at younger women, older women, women my age, tall women, short women, lol.

There's also that thing with FTMs not looking our age. In my case, not acting it either. Never have. Sometimes relate better to people much younger than myself.


I dont know but I am 14 years older than Sevan.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'

Maya Zimmerman

Quote from: cynthialee on November 08, 2011, 01:39:20 PM
I dont know but I am 14 years older than Sevan.

So, 21? j/k

Let's see... I guess you could say I'm bi, leaning much more toward lesbian?  The greatest age difference in my dating was with a woman eight years older than me.  All the other women I've dated have been the same age or at most, four years younger than me.  And one guy who was two years older than me.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


what do you mean? are we more likely to be friends/date older or younger people then us?

well, I always have gotten along better with people much older then me, making friends with women in their 30's 50's I just click better with them compared to people my age.

as for dating, if i wasnt already taken, i would date a much older guy.. but not younger (unless its just a bit younger) cause I like more mature people

i dont think it has anything to do with being trans, im just an old soul


I'd like to stay within 5-years plus or minus for now.  I may go outside of that range if I find someone awesome, but not by much.  Beyond that, older or younger doesn't matter to me as long as I like their personality and find them attractive.


Here is my age different equation that I mostly use for people that are not me. It really doesn't carry too much weight, obviously, but it is kind of a fun thing to do.

Our Sample Person is: Kris who is age 26

26 divided by 2 is 13. 13 + 7 is 20. The youngest person Kris should date is 20.

Our Sample Person is: Bobby who is age 30.

30 divided by 2 is 15. 15 + 7 is 22. The Youngest person Bobby should date is 22.

Yep, that's how I tend to gauge things. xD (It's more of a joke, but still kind of fun to do)

Obviously this does not apply to friends or anything.


I'm bi, but with a cisgendered woman. She's 2 1/2 years younger than I am. Typically, I'm with AmySmiles--- I like to stay within 5 years either way. My ex-wife was 5 years younger than me, which caused some problems, particularly early in our relationship (she was 19, I was 24 when we were married), but I really think it depends on the person. I'm 29 now, and I don't plan on being single ever again... but if I was, I'd likely go for someone younger, since I've never really had a good relationship with anyone older than myself.

I do think there's often a difference between gay and straight individuals on this topic--- I have a friend who's lesbian, cisfemale, and always dates people at least 15 years older than herself. I've known many other gay and lesbian folks who were fine with a large age gap. I think what it comes down to is that when you're straight or bisexual (or pan--- semantics), you have a far larger pool of potential mates than do people who are restricted to one gender for partners, and you have the luxury of being picky. Some people just naturally prefer older or younger mates, of course, but I think the aforementioned is why we see it as more prevalent in the GLBT community.

As per friendships, I don't care how old or young the person is--- age matters far less when I'm not planning on spending the rest of my life with the person.
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Quote from: Elijah on November 08, 2011, 03:19:51 PM
what do you mean? are we more likely to be friends/date older or younger people then us?

well, I always have gotten along better with people much older then me, making friends with women in their 30's 50's I just click better with them compared to people my age.

as for dating, if i wasnt already taken, i would date a much older guy.. but not younger (unless its just a bit younger) cause I like more mature people

i dont think it has anything to do with being trans, im just an old soul

more like if we are more openminded on the fact.

I got some gay/trans/queer friends, where age are kinda fluent, a 15 year old who been together with one in his 50 and a 40 being in love with one who is 19, just to mention some of the big ones.

but for straight people I usunally dont say the age diffrence, even if its kinda small and harmless because then they turn out like, "you got a friend who is 20 years older than you?"
"did this guy who was 30 just date one who is 18?" "ew,, no way! how can it be" bla bla

but maybe thats just my experience, I know for sure its diffrence for everybody but to see my view trans/gay/queer seams more openminded on those facts

Rebekah with a K-A-H

Quote from: Natkat on November 09, 2011, 05:07:06 PM
more like if we are more openminded on the fact.

I got some gay/trans/queer friends, where age are kinda fluent, a 15 year old who been together with one in his 50 and a 40 being in love with one who is 19, just to mention some of the big ones.

but for straight people I usunally dont say the age diffrence, even if its kinda small and harmless because then they turn out like, "you got a friend who is 20 years older than you?"
"did this guy who was 30 just date one who is 18?" "ew,, no way! how can it be" bla bla

but maybe thats just my experience, I know for sure its diffrence for everybody but to see my view trans/gay/queer seams more openminded on those facts

I dunno.  Several queer people I know were sort of hung up on the fact that I hooked up with a college graduate as a college freshman.