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Non-Binary Introductions

Started by ativan, October 20, 2011, 04:08:48 PM

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Ms Grace

Hey Drenee

Welcome to Susan's :) Great to have you here - looking forward to seeing you around the forum.

Please check out the following links for general site info...


Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D

Silver Centurion

Hello everyone!

Super new to the forum though I am married to member Shodan. My name is Olivia (though I have always hated it and hardly ever am called that anyways) and I'm 35. Married and have a 15 year old son. I am biologically female but have a pretty severe dislike of anything remotely feminine (clothing, makeup, likes etc..) and socially I prefer to hang around tomboys or men. Shodan says I am a Ditto (pokemon references there) and I have to agree because I just don't care about my physical parts but what I do care about is how i present myself and what I'm interested in. I don't even know if there is a term for someone who isn't really FTM but is so heavily masculine that they might as well be even though they don't suffer dysphoria. Anyways I'm into hockey, massive football fan, and Marvel stuff. So yeah hello everyone!


Welcome Olivia,
            My gut feeling is that you'd enjoy a little reading in the Androgyne Forum. You would fit in with us there nicely, my regards to the S.O!


Quote from: Silver Centurion on June 02, 2014, 07:18:41 PM
Hello everyone!

Super new to the forum though I am married to member Shodan. My name is Olivia (though I have always hated it and hardly ever am called that anyways) and I'm 35. Married and have a 15 year old son. I am biologically female but have a pretty severe dislike of anything remotely feminine (clothing, makeup, likes etc..) and socially I prefer to hang around tomboys or men. Shodan says I am a Ditto (pokemon references there) and I have to agree because I just don't care about my physical parts but what I do care about is how i present myself and what I'm interested in. I don't even know if there is a term for someone who isn't really FTM but is so heavily masculine that they might as well be even though they don't suffer dysphoria. Anyways I'm into hockey, massive football fan, and Marvel stuff. So yeah hello everyone!

OHAI! I found a super rare pokemans!  Glad to see you come to the boards. :D


Silver Centurion

Quote from: Shantel on June 03, 2014, 11:55:09 AM
Welcome Olivia,
            My gut feeling is that you'd enjoy a little reading in the Androgyne Forum. You would fit in with us there nicely, my regards to the S.O!

Thank you Shantel :) Is the Adrogyne Forum the Non-Binary talk? I looked around and I think that's the one. Could be wrong tho! I appreciate the help :)


The Non-Binary Talk section was formerly the Androgyn forum, it was a recent change.
*Edited the title of Androgyne Introductions to Non-Binary Introductions to reflect that terminology...


Hi.  It's me! I'm not very good at talking about myself but I'm pretty open if people have specific questions.  I'm some sort of non-binary I guess.  I get a lot of "so are you a boy or girl?"  At least in online conversations (I'm yet to really get out a whole lot presenting as myself).  I usually just say "no" or "neither" and people will say "so, what are you then?"  The only response I've been able to come up with is "human."  Then the conversation, not surprisingly, heads into genitals.  I don't understand why it's so necessary for people to have me classified in order to talk to me.  Anyways, I'm rambling now. to ya later.

Silver Centurion

Quote from: Ativan Prescribed on June 03, 2014, 04:58:25 PM
The Non-Binary Talk section was formerly the Androgyn forum, it was a recent change.
*Edited the title of Androgyne Introductions to Non-Binary Introductions to reflect that terminology...

Thanks for the explanation as I thought I was just blind when searching for the threads :)

Hi EmoAlice! I agree with you and I like the comeback you gave them. I've told people before that I'm alive in response to when they want to know if I'm male/female.  I've been talking with a few people this past week about the very same thing. Why do people have to be one or the other or anything at all? Just being themselves ought to be good enough for everyone.


Quote from: Silver Centurion on June 03, 2014, 06:57:58 PM
Thanks for the explanation as I thought I was just blind when searching for the threads :)

Oh sorry bout that hon, I had forgotten that the forum name changed, you're at the right place.


Hi Paula and Mac, seems like you're both in the right place, this is where I live so welcome friends!



guess as a fellow non-binary, i should introduce myself lol. hi, i'm brianna. nice to meetcha  :laugh:


Hello everybody,

I am new here, my name is Evan.  I am 26 years old and I am genderqueer.  I prefer male pronouns.  I will most likely soon begin testosterone thanks to an informed consent program.  I am here to hopefully meet new people like myself, who are going through similar things and know how it feels to be non-binary!  I hope that I can learn from all of your experiences and I hope that I can share some experiences of value with you all as well. 

I am right now looking to do low dose testosterone, and I am not sure how long I want to be on hormones.  I don't have a certain amount of time I am looking to do, I just want to continue until I feel I have reached the results I would like to see.  I don't want to set any boundaries, rules or expectations on my transition as its a very personal experience and one that I am sure will change as I grow through this all.

I hope I get to know you all more! 


Hi femaletome and a big welcome to Susan's Place!  :)


hello!! i am new here... i believe i've posted a couple times awhile ago but i've only recently come to terms with my identity.

my name's daniel (yeah, i know the username says differently) and i'm a non-binary afab boy. i'm a senior in college and i'm hopefully starting T soon! i don't know what else to say haha. but hi :)



Quote from: MadeleineG on February 04, 2014, 06:28:41 PM
The longer I'm on E, the more I identify non-binary.

You and me both.  It really is a wonder therapy for us TG folk.  I seem to be far more connected with myself and with others than I ever dreamed would be possible.  I know that I don't identify as 100 per cent male nor 100 per cent female which means that GQ or an andro presentation works best for me.  On some days I feel, for want of a better word - more female, while on other days or in other situations I feel more male.  It doesn't feel that I am moving between 2 polar opposites on some gender continuum, but rather, it feels that I am in my own category.  Using this analogy supports the view that there are as many genders as there are individuals which creates some very interesting identity expressions.

Look forward to travelling with you and our friends in the forest.

Safe travels



Quote from: Aisla on June 24, 2014, 01:33:44 AM
I seem to be far more connected with myself and with others than I ever dreamed would be possible.  I know that I don't identify as 100 per cent male nor 100 per cent female which means that GQ or an andro presentation works best for me.  On some days I feel, for want of a better word - more female, while on other days or in other situations I feel more male.  It doesn't feel that I am moving between 2 polar opposites on some gender continuum, but rather, it feels that I am in my own category.  Using this analogy supports the view that there are as many genders as there are individuals which creates some very interesting identity expressions.


For me female HRT did several things aside from producing secondary physical characteristics. It dialed my typically male response to practically everything way back and made me appear less intimidating to observers and more approachable. It opened up the female side of my thought processes and allowed me to become a better listener and conversationalist and it opened up other fields of thought and interaction that I hadn't formerly comprehended or had any interest in. I was able to have more empathy for others and actually have real emotions, I could laugh and cry about things and feel the pain or joy of others and not be ashamed of it as being something unmanly. In my personal relationship to my spouse my sudden emotional availability was a dramatic turn around, which made her response to me all the more passionate and loving than ever before. The former lack of emotion and feeling had been like cold water on any intimacy. The emotional connection during intimacy was all new and took things to a new level which was wonderful. More than all of that was the tempering of my wartime PTSD issues which had all but destroyed my life giving me an extremely short fuze when it comes to any sort of drama or BS, it's tempered and limited my anger outbursts and changed the profane and curmudgeonly person I had become.

I actually was afraid of becoming too female minded at one point and wanted to see if this was real or just a fluke, I de-transitioned for two years and tried testosterone again. It was like stepping back into the old Mr. Hyde persona, like a former alcoholic going back to drinking, instant as*hole just add testosterone, I was a miserable monster and hated it concluding that it was a huge mistake, never to be repeated again!


I am definitely confused about who I am. I am 34 years old and I was born a male. I am extremely lonely and feel as though this website is a great place for me to be at. I am hoping to communicate with people who are accepting of others like myself who feel as though they do not fit in. I would also like to connect with lots of people who are caring and understanding, so that I don't feel so alone and confused. I am really looking forward to making new friends here.



Welcome.  You have certainly come to the right place.  There are numerous threads, much shared experience and great resources which should help you find comfort and sustenance on whatever path you choose to take.

Safe travels
