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Non-Binary Introductions

Started by ativan, October 20, 2011, 04:08:48 PM

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Welcome D.N. ,

Welcome to the forest..

It's great to have you here, looking forward to posting with you on things.

Please feel at home, you are definitely in good company here..!

It's nice to meet you again,
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


D.N. Welcome to our piece of paradise.  Many different folk, different narratives and experiences.  We look forward to seeing you on the paths that run across this forest of ours.

Safe travels



welcome d.n.!

it's really cool to have an "it" here.
and i'm glad to see more people who are born in their own body, rather than being trapped in someone else's.
my body is my own too and very far from either binary, though it's also close.


Quote from: D.N. on October 12, 2014, 06:17:24 PM
Posted a forumwide intro, I guess I might as well introduce myself directly to the other NB folks as well :0

I'm trigender, technically, but I flux and flow between three genders that are superficially very similar (three nonbinary genders, mind), so half the time I introduce myself as agender just because people seem to be more aware of it.

I'm FAAB (female-assigned-at-birth), but not FTX/FTN/FTA or "female-bodied"; my body was assigned a gender without my permission, but it is my body, so it is a nonbinary body. Simple. I do intend to physically transition, though, in a manner of speaking. Binding for the rest of my life is not an appealing prospect ;P

Ahh, anyway, I'll probably be frequenting this corner of the site, so I'll probably talk to a lot of you here and there! :)

Looking forward to it dear.  And welcome to the diamond mine of trans...
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Hi everyone-

I'm Dylan, and I'm 29 and masculine of centre. Pre-everything FT?. I'm from Australia and I'm queer as can be and in a relationship with a fantastic human being who is totally supportive. I don't know too many LGBTQ people offline, so I'm trying to find somewhere to talk about all my gender weirdness.
I like cats, art, metal and singular they pronouns.

Good to meet you all. :)


nice to meet you dylan!
you sound like a nice person, i hope to see you participate in our discussions about... weirdness.



Welcome to the NB forum.  A lot of diversity as well as a few folk from Oz.  Take your time to look around there is a lot of great information on past threads from past and current contributors.  We look forward to having you join in as well as starting threads.  I think we all take the view that we are unique aka weird so we cover a broad range of narratives and most take the view that this journey is about understanding, accepting and expressing ourselves.  Along the way we can share experiences, perspectives, fears and concerns and we will listen and support you as we have been supported in turn.

Safe travels



Bigender, born with female bits. :)

I love dancing my heart out at work, acting like a fool and getting people to dance with me or laugh with me, an artist, and generally a fool who's drunk on life.

I've had my hardships too, surviving all that is what has made my life better.  I've come out the other side of clinical depression as a dancing fool, a searcher in search of spiritual and natural truths, and a book and music nerd. :)


Quote from: Azeri on October 31, 2014, 05:29:23 PM
Bigender, born with female bits. :)

I love dancing my heart out at work, acting like a fool and getting people to dance with me or laugh with me, an artist, and generally a fool who's drunk on life.

I've had my hardships too, surviving all that is what has made my life better.  I've come out the other side of clinical depression as a dancing fool, a searcher in search of spiritual and natural truths, and a book and music nerd. :)

Welcome Azeri, from one dancing fool to another, glad you found us hon!


bigender is an interesting thing, i hope you like it!


Hi and welcome. Dancing is the best  :D


I'm Lorax for all intents and purposes. <|:)

I'm a faab neutrois person, I guess. I'm also asexual and I am romantically attracted to females, I think. (I've only had one crush and it developed over the course of a year, and it was on a girl.) I prefer "they" pronouns. Physically, I'm pre-transition, although I do bind (and pack sometimes) and I've come out to several people who I'm close to irl.

My chest is my top source of physical dysphoria, followed closely by my weak, flabby arms, my wide hips, my inability to pee standing up, and my squeaky voice. It's weird because I sing and I'm an alto-tenor, which is really low for faab pre-transition people, but my speaking voice is much higher, and I tend to have effeminate mannerisms and intonations when I talk.

I'm a huge nerd. I love biology and I know tons of animal facts by heart. Animals fascinate me. I want to become a marine biologist, I think.

I also love art. I usually sketch, write poetry and prose, and act, but I also sing and paint (though not as well).

I like reading/watching/writing sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. And I love musicals.

I love backpacking, hiking, and camping, and playing in the dirt, and making snow forts, and such.

I have two cats who are ridiculously fluffy. We think they're part maine coon and part ragdoll. They are very large, and are indoor cats so their fur is still pretty much like a kitten's even though they're both six.

I'm an agnostic. I don't think that there is any evidence of a god or higher power, but there isn't conclusive evidence on the contrary, either. I would just live my life the same way even if I knew one way or the other, so I don't personally see any point to doing anything differently. However, I love to learn about other cultures and religions, because I think it's fascinating. And I don't judge anyone for their religion. <|:)

I'm twice exceptional meaning that I have a high IQ (99.97th percentile) and learning disorders. I am a creative person and biology and art come very naturally to me. However, there are some things in my brain that make producing work difficult for me, like dyslexia, dysgraphia, adhd, dyscalculia (math dyslexia basically), auditory and visual processing disorders, and dyspraxia (in essence it's like my central nervous system is disconnected from my brain, so I am extremely uncoordinated and have low muscle tone. So basically I'm so clumsy they named it. <|:P)

Right now, I envision my perfect post-transition body to be nearly identical to a kid's before puberty (although stronger and taller, of course.) I don't want facial hair, I don't mind a bit of body hair (I never shave so everything's pretty hairy already and I have polycystic ovary syndrome which I read somewhere can lead to extra hair growth. I have a hairy navel and faint sideburns and unibrow and upper-lip fuzz, and my buttcrack is really hairy. lol sorry if that's tmi <|:P) but I want to get rid of my boobs and nipples (don't need them, they have higher risk of getting infected in top surgery, and I won't have to ever worry about my nipples being visible through my shirt if it's cold out) and I'm considering having all of my sex organs taken out (again, don't need 'em) and rerouting my urethra to a tiny prosthetic micro-penis so I can pee standing up (great for camping lol), maybe having a really low dose of T for fat redistribution, voice change, and muscle gain. Idk.

[I currently have absolutely no idea how I could fund this...I'm going to college next year and my parents aren't paying for any of it, and they said that even on the small off-chance that our insurance pays for some of it, my mom is going to make me wait until I'm twenty-five to get top surgery and she's not paying for T at all because she says it's unsafe. ugh. Sorry for that rant...<|:P]

Fun facts about me: My ears have ruffled edges <|:) I wear a hat every day <|:) My favorite animal is a shark <|:) I love REPO! the genetic opera <|:)


welcome lorax!
i think i've seen you here a couple times already though...?

i'm hoping you can get your body fixed without too much troubles.


Thank you! <|:D

Yes, I have posted other things but I just decided to introduce myself officially. <|:P

haha yes I hope so too. I really don't want to wait till I'm in grad school to even start transitioning, but it's looking like that is going to be the case. <|:P

Anyway, it's really awesome to meet everyone here! You all are amazing people and I am very thankful to have your advice <|:)



Hey everyone,

I identify as female, am primarily feminine/androgynous, and like having a female body. But I also, sometimes, want to look, sound, and carry myself like a masculine man. I struggle with whether or not I'm transgender since I identify with the gender I was assigned at birth. However, I feel safer around other people who have mixed gender presentations and I hope you'll bear with me while I try to figure out my identity.


Quote from: AnonBear on November 08, 2014, 09:53:26 PM
Hey everyone,

I identify as female, am primarily feminine/androgynous, and like having a female body. But I also, sometimes, want to look, sound, and carry myself like a masculine man. I struggle with whether or not I'm transgender since I identify with the gender I was assigned at birth. However, I feel safer around other people who have mixed gender presentations and I hope you'll bear with me while I try to figure out my identity.

Hi AnonBear!
          Seems like you are at the right place here, welcome and hope you will feel free to share with some posts. There's a lot to read here from others who share your same physical and mental ID so you're in good company!




heya anonbear!

bigender is a real thing for some. it's unfortunately impossible to change between super feminine woman and equally masculine man whenever you feel like it.
but that doesn't mean the feeling of wanting to isn't real.

just have fun with us until you figure something out.
or have fun without figuring it out.
doesn't really matter here whether you know for sure or not.


Quote from: Taka on November 09, 2014, 12:10:58 PM
heya anonbear!

bigender is a real thing for some. it's unfortunately impossible to change between super feminine woman and equally masculine man whenever you feel like it.
but that doesn't mean the feeling of wanting to isn't real.

just have fun with us until you figure something out.
or have fun without figuring it out.
doesn't really matter here whether you know for sure or not.

Man, if only. I'd love to switch from being male to female whenever the mood hit me. Unfortunately the only thing I can change is my clothes, makeup, and workout for the muscle mass. But if I could transform...

Ah well, that's a dream. Bottom line is Im glad no one in the unicorn forest (so far) is put off by me identifying with the gender I was assigned at birth. I dont know if Im bigender or what, but I'll try to figure it out. Thanks for makin me feel welcome.


i often feel kind of womanly. just rarely online.
after trying and failing couple times, i ended up changing my online gender to male.
life online never became good before i changed at least that gender.

nice avatar btw.