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the thread that can't be derailed....

Started by cynthialee, December 03, 2011, 09:47:32 AM

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Jamie D




Cindi Lane

Can't be derailed because the wheels already popped off the Crazy Train?




Which of course makes me think of this one...



Or put the headphones on and turn it up,
just to take a kicked back relaxed moment in an otherwise burnt out day.



you quadruple poster...

got a cold. it's annoying, but at least i haven't gotten a fever along with it (yet). i can still work today...
almost makes me sigh, i really want some more time off.


i fell for the code temptation once again. not difficult when i find something that explains if and else in simple enough terms that i can understand it (prolog didn't use words for these). i'm not giving up on this yet.


Quote from: Ativan Prescribed on September 13, 2013, 01:28:13 AM
Or put the headphones on and turn it up,
just to take a kicked back relaxed moment in an otherwise burnt out day.

Love 2 Steps from Hell. They're making kickass epic soundracks.


it's annoying to realize that i'm not really doing too good.
i just read a new chapter of my favorite webtoon. it was nice, made me smile, but only until i read the comments and realized i would have trouble keeping my laughter down if i was actually doing good these days. other people were laughing so much their sides hurt. and here i thought i was doing alright, but i'm not. i should be feeling much better than this, found more joy in everything i see and do, if i were actually alright.

dysphoria makes the world so monochrome. i want to get out of it so i can see all the colors again.

i wish it were as simple as either being happy or depressed. but there's this much scarier place where i actually stop caring to the degree that i almost treat the world like it doesn't exist, and get irritated when anyone reminds me that they also are right here. it's like i'm watching time pass, hoping to be forgotten by it, left behind. and i don't even realize i'm in that place before something that should have given me joy does not.


Sounds awful Taka (hugs). Wish I had something constructive for you but I'm over my head with this stuff, I just keep on keeping on one foot ahead of the other when that stuff surfaces, eventually it will pass.

King Malachite

I want to do a Resident Evil 6 cosplay one day.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Quote from: Taka on September 24, 2013, 03:29:27 PM
dysphoria makes the world so monochrome.
It took me until I just simply got so angry with myself for having this same kind of sentiment.
Although I have commented on getting a therapist, taking Low Dose HRT, and other things as if they are easy to do, it is hardly the truth.
Suffering from anything is never pleasant, usually very hard to make it through from one day to the next, at times.
It takes perseverance to achieve most anything, and pulling oneself out of the depression that dysphoria can create is a monumental task.
Not only do you have to deal with the dysphoria, but the effects of depression at the same time.
This is true of the anxiety that can be a result of either or both of those.
Depression and anxiety sounds like one would cancel the other out, but this isn't true.
Neither is getting rid of one or the other going to stop dysphoria.
I have to admit that it feels as if the world is against every move you make while trying to just be normal for whoever you are.
Nothing harder to push against than the whole damn world, when all you want is so little in return.
All I can tell people when they get to the point of thinking about giving up is to consider your flight/fight responses.
I found myself in a corner I never thought I would get out of. I just wanted nothing more than to be left alone, in misery.
But I'm just to damn stubborn to admit defeat without at least taking down a few as I sink into those depths.
There comes a time where people just make it or break it. I chose to do both, being the stubborn scorched earth type of person I can be.
Find the thing that is going to work, take the time to find it, make it your life goal above all else.
If the first one doesn't work, go to the next. And the next.

It doesn't take a strong willed person to fight for what you need to do.
It does take perseverance and keeping your eyes open to new or better possibilities.
Dysphoria is nasty business that can take even nastier solutions to stop.
But once you have a good grip on it, it soon loses it's force, it's stranglehold on your life.

I'm not so much addressing you Taka as I am all of you who talk about this, along with the resulting anxiety and depression.
Dysphoria doesn't come from anxiety and anxiety doesn't come from depression.
Depression is the result of overamping on anxiety and burning out from it.
Dysphoria doesn't need to take you down these paths, as some people have bypassed them completely.
Anxiety doesn't have to lead to being depressed. Dysphoria  doesn't have to lead to either of them.
These are separate, but overlapping things that we sometimes let get the best of us.
Taking them one at a time is always the best defense, slamming the crap out of them all at the same time rarely works.

#1 worst thing is depression. Stops you from a lot of things. Get rid of it first.
If it takes meds, so be it. Rarely does anyone ever stay on them for very long.
Once you can tread water on your own, you don't need them. A majority of people are this way.
Anxiety is the same way. Kill it with whatever it takes. Just do what you have to.
Or fall back into depression and start over again.

Dysphoria is nothing more than a kind of state of mind that lends itself to confusion.
Anxiety prone people will become anxious. Depressed kind of people will let it become just that, depression.
But you will need to stop either the confusing thoughts of dysphoria, or stop the results of it.
One way or another.
If talk therapy works, fine, go with it. Nothing like filling up on the side effects of meds to make a person feel worse.
Meds are simply the other side of therapy. Once you have a handle on it, you can manage it.
It took me years of being to damn stubborn to figure this out. It was easy once I got to know the root causes.
Which is what everyone has to figure out for themselves.
You can have a therapist help guide you, but ultimately, you have to do it yourself.
It's the same thing with meds. They only help you to figure it out, never stop it.
Only fools use meds to such an extent that they become over medicated and stay on them forever at high doses.
Some of us have a constant supply, I do. But I don't use them unless I have an informed reason to do so.
In other words, I pay really strict attention to what I'm feeling and what I react to.
Sometimes I'm a basket case of crap that needs a little push to get back to reality. It happens.

Dysphoria is the same way. You deal with it as you need to, regardless of what you need to do.
It doesn't last forever, ever. Once you have control, the rest is just dealing with it as it comes along, if ever again.
Which is the most typical result.
I know a lot of people who don't want to use meds, talk to the right therapist, and I do mean the right therapist.
If the first meds aren't working or seem wrong, they are wrong for you.
Same thing with a therapist.

If you want to know why I know all this, it's because I tried to go for too long without doing anything to fix the problems I had and still have.
I use different meds for different things, only when they are useful, which can be for long stretches.
Those stretches are getting to be less each time.
I see a gender psychologist, because I can, so I do take advantage of it. It's well worth it for the information I get from sessions each month.
I also see a therapist weekly because I can, but I would still see one at least once a month at the least.
I've tried so many different meds, I feel like a walking encyclopedia of side effects and the damage they can do.

I have yet to meet someone who honestly can say they haven't ever felt like crap for one reason or another and at the least thought about help.
It's not a perfect world and it seems to be always getting more complicated each year.
It's hard to trust anything thrown at you, telling you what you need to do to stop whatever is wrong.
And rightfully so. To much money to be made in doing just that.
It's one stupid commercial after another, telling you about wonder cures and drugs and programs and other snake oil cures for what ails you.
It's fine to trust in someone you know you can trust, but ultimately, you have to trust yourself.
The only way to do that is to get to the root of whatever is causing you to experience crap feelings.
It takes looking at yourself in some uncomfortable to even hateful trips down memory lane.
But you only have to do it once. Trust me, you won't forget it that easily that you will need to do it again.

Very simply, do what it takes to get you where you need to be, to get through each and every day.
Sometimes it does seem like it could be a scary or wrong thing to do, to rely on something or someone for help.
But just know that damn near everyone has gone through some rough times at one time or another.
They're still here, living life. The ones who have needed little in the way of help are fortunate to be that way.
For the rest of us usual people, it takes a little more than we are willing to admit to.
And there is the problem. We lie to ourselves about needing a shoulder, a med, a therapist, a friend.
We think we can be stronger because we are always told to be that way. That's a lot of crap.
Life doesn't work like that. Technology has made a lot of gains in helping those who seek help.
Doing so is the best thing you will ever do for yourself.
Living in some kind of dysphoric hell with anxieties and depression is no way to live.
There are people out there, whether in real time or online to help you.
Take advantage of what they have to offer you in finding out who you really can be.
Isn't that why you are here reading this, anyways? To find out who you are?

*Besides finding ways to derail a thread?
Topic derailed, I always wanted to take an entire page to do just that.
Because I can.  ;)

King Malachite

Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Quote from: Ativan Prescribed on September 24, 2013, 07:41:37 PM
that should be a thread of it's own, ativan.

so much wisdom came out of a simple complaint. i'm not too anxious or depressed. i'm about to plan my death from anxiety only a very few days every month, and clinical depression doesn't seem like a diagnosis for me. but that still doesn't mean i don't suffer from any dysphoria. having a rough time would be easier if i knew that things would get better with time. but they don't get better, they just get less bad, and that's annoying every time i realize. because i don't have the resources that i'd need in order to get things better for me quite yet.

i'm don't think dysphoria is the reason for my anxiety. i think it's more of a chemical problem. a cyclic thing often is. i'm hoping that the dysphoria is also a chemical problem. the constant sense of wrongness, the type that makes me feel like i'm out of touch with myself and the world, should be caused by an actual wrongness. what a relief wouldn't it be if i found out that it's just the chemicals in my body that are wrong. would be bad if my whole life turned out to be wrong, it would be too much to correct.


It wasn't aimed at you, but you did make the statement, however taken out of context I made it.
The relationship of even cyclic chemical changes in the body have different impacts on different people.
While for most people, depression and anxiety are simple enough things to keep under control or eliminate, it isn't always true for everyone.
I'm one of those people. I have to pay attention to the details of how I react to almost everything.
It makes me acutely aware of just how such simple things can upset even the most even keeled of us.
For *Trans People in general and from my viewpoint, especially Non-Binaries.
Not only are we slapped around by society on a regular basis, but the reactions of our brain and body chemistry is also whacked out of shape on occasion.
Again, this makes me sit up and stare at just some of the problems associated with it.

For those who pass right on by the effects of imbalance, it's not much to think about.
There isn't the experience of just what happens when things go wrong, by no fault of your own.
Most everything that a persons thought process is governed by is simple to complex reactions from trace to flooding of chemicals in your brain.
For most people, it self regulates and adjusts itself without any major problems.
For some, this becomes cyclic. If even a few times doing that, you adjust to it.
Either by reasoning it out without to much effort to needing more drastic measures.
I don't advocate taking meds for anything until it's necessary to do so and even then only in the smallest amounts possible.
Like I said, talk therapy is first line defense, always. Even if it is just a friend to talk to.
Sometimes just talking it out loud to yourself works. A weird yet true tactic that actually works.

I read what people post here, with the view of a crazy person who suffers from clinical depression, borderline personality disorders, bipolar disorder and some I think they just make up because they don't know what else to think or say.
I did start a topic about anxiety, that one went pretty much to the wayside, but that's good.
Not much of it going around to the extent that people want to talk about it.
If they need to, here might not be the place for it.
Maybe the idea behind it is more than just one thing, and tying in dysphoria seems logical, at least to me.
The things that seem to tie together most comments from new to newer people seem to revolve around that kind of theme more than anything else.
Perhaps it is just dysphoria, but I read about anxiety and depression at times mixed in as well.
While I know that my views are just from my own experiences, I think there may be more to it than people here are willing to admit to.

Those who handle it well are better off than than rest who suffer in silence.
Perhaps it would make a better topic than a rant in this topics space.
Perhaps I'm making too big a deal out of it.
I don't know, I'm just a crazy person who feels it more than I talk about it.
But it is a recurring comment that I notice from my corner of the world as I see it.
It worries me that someone else would be going through something similar, but unable or unwilling to talk about it.
I chose the opportunity to say something about it, speculating that it might be the case.
It's difficult to know, just by reading comments. The lack of visual clues befuddles me to no end sometimes.
It leaves me wondering if there isn't something more to what people are willing to comment on and unwilling , too.

I wasn't pointing you out, so much as that simple statement got me to thinking about it.
I wasn't trying to point out anything so much as looking for answers, like usual.
*Just how much do we go through because of something that is for most, so simple to fix?
*How many of us suffer in silence because it's a taboo subject, to have instabilities in brain and body chemistries?

My dysphoria slowly went away some time ago. When I decided to just let it go...
At the same time, so did a certain kind of anxiety and depression seemed to stop.
Not all of it, but that's me. I work on this with myself and others almost everyday.
I don't understand that much of it, but I do know how it affects people, and can affect their judgements on themselves and on others.
I'm pretty sure that dysphoria is a not so simple a chemical and judgemental mix that we just don't talk about enough at times.
It seems like conversations just circle around it, a little advice here , a little advice there...

I'm probably just too sensitive to the whole thing.
I worry that the advice, 'stay strong', kind of stuff isn't enough.
Maybe there's more we need and can say about it, without fear of being judged.
One of my soapboxes IRL. I advocate for mental disorders like mine.
The ones I have learned to live with and use to better advantage, than to suffer from.
Here I do the same for other Non-Binaries, as well as myself.
There is always a certain amount of overlap, it's inevitable.

LOL! I slipped up on my own, and fell off to the wayside of my own doings.
So I took my own advice and just went for a walk. For a few days.
Sometimes, that's all we need. Go for a walk with ourselves and figure it out.
But maybe it is something we need to ask about more.
Maybe we have some of the answers to these comments.
Who would know better than us, what we really need to hear.
