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Funny or odd things your pet(s) do...

Started by Beth Andrea, January 21, 2012, 09:36:50 AM

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Beth Andrea

Two cats employ me and my family as "staff."

The boy cat, Tiger, has two funny/odd things he does:

When he goes outside to look around and sniff at things, he'll arch his back and start having tremors--starting at his head, down his back, and aaallllll the way up his tail. It's like he's having a cat-gasm. LOL  :)

And, if you're within earshot of him and you sneeze, he'll look at you, and make a gentle "meeeeww", like he's saying gesundheit... :D

...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017

King Malachite

One of my previous cats Simba would climb on my bed when I'm sleep and to wake me up she would swipe my cheeck and meow when she wanted to go outside and keep doing it until I woke up.

But every cat that I have is scared to walk on our furnance when it's not even on.  They will hop over it or walk to the side and that's something I will never understand.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


My cat Fiyero stalks me around the house.
He also nibbles on my elbows when he wants my attention.



My dog acts like Fort Knox is being robbed every Thursday when they take the trash away! Hugs, Devlyn


My kitty, Princess (my sister named her) has taken up the bizarre habit of rolling around in the bathtub (when it's dry). Every few days she decides the bathroom is hers and gets really upset whenever someone goes in there. The funny thing is that when the water runs (tub, faucet, toilet) she BOLTS out, she is TERRIFIED of water.


I have a dog with anxiety issues. He paces in circles around the dining room table when he's nervous. He also won't eat if someone is in the kitchen with him. You have to put the food down, say "Okay Hunter, I'm going to go in the living room now." and leave him completely alone.


I have a jack russell mix and his name is Tyko and he'll drag himself around the livingroom using just his front paws if he's too lazy to get up to get his toy.

He'll also watch the water run in the toilet when it flushes. He'll literally just stand there looking at it even if we turn the lights off in the restroom and leave.

Then I have a pit bull named Snupi and he'll flip his bowl over and spill all of his food out then play with his food bowl. He particularly like launching it into the air so it hits the side of the house and makes us wonder if our wall is still in tact lol
Oh how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying


My siamese cat is very outgoing and likes to hurt people (biting, scratching) as a way of showing affection. >.> Been that way ever since he came from the pound.

My other cat is a weirdo. She's old and irritable (meows when touched) and always begs to go in the bathroom to lay on the rug for whatever reason.


I had a Russian Blue cat that used to sit on my shoulder. A good observation spot I assume.
He also liked to sleep around my neck while walking around.
He insisted on playing hide and seek! Very strange but always fun as he tore off to a new spot when found.

He was one very cool cat, now chasing that elusive red spot in the sky after a very ruined and long life, 21 years.
So long and thanks for all the fish

King Malachite

When I was a junior in high school, one of my cats tried to give birth in my lap.  I thought it was a nice gesture and it's niced to know she loved me that much, but I placed her in my room so she could give birth there instead.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."

Adam (birkin)

Before we got my second dog (who recently died), my first dog, a Maltese, was really energetic and naughty. She would run about everywhere, want attention, try to get at the treats, etc. When we got the second dog, she was on her best behaviour all the time and was less energetic. Just a few days after the second dog passed, she got energetic and naughty again and has been that way ever since.


Quote from: Malachite on November 09, 2013, 04:53:43 PM
When I was a junior in high school, one of my cats tried to give birth in my lap.  I thought it was a nice gesture and it's niced to know she loved me that much, but I placed her in my room so she could give birth there instead.

I lol'd


My dog makes a lot of weird noises and when one of us comes home, she grins at us (not hostile, just grinning and shaking her butt like some weird ritual. hehe, the mutt's butt). She insists on having enough room on the sofa, more room than she needs, she likes having a pillow to rest her head on. She used to push all women off "her" sofa, which only three people were allowed to sit on besides her.

King Malachite

Quote from: ~RoadToTrista~ on November 09, 2013, 04:57:18 PM
I lol'd

Haha funny thing is, I was actually on the computer working on a project about spayding/neutering your pets to prevent overpopulation
Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


lol oh yess cats are very interesting individuals.

My cat used to this thing where she'd lean against the wall and jump up to your face and sprint away! >:-)
aand currently she got um "attracted" to my fish so were attempting to find ways to separate the two lovebrids.

~How we endure will justify, the history we leave behind.~

Carrie Liz

My cat sleeps on her back with all four of her paws in the air.

We used to jokingly call her "roadkill cat."



I had to screen my fish tank. The cat would actually catch the fish and throw them out on the floor. He sat on the tank lid so much that it broke and dumped him in once. We found out that he really hates being dunked in the fish tank.


My 8 year old neutered male cat likes to masturbate AND orally pleasure himself. He started doing it a couple years ago and the veterinarian I worked for has no idea why but has repeatedly asked me to try and get a video of it. I don't think she believes me.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain

Jessica Merriman

My dog nudges the cats out of the way of my Jeep when I am leaving or entering the driveway. It is like he is a cat shepherd or something. When they were kittens and he thought they were to far from the house he would carry them back. :) I call him my Cog.


My dog Poopie likes to sleep sitting upright on the settee, he'll have on leg on the armrest for balance & he hangs his head over the back of the settee so from the right angle it looks like his head has fallen off!!

When he goes into the garden to do his "stuff" he has to have something in his mouth, he'll franticly run around the flat trying to find a ball, chew, toy or one of my shoes.

I saved the best for last, he loves splashing through deep water but if I try to make him walk through a very shallow puddle he'll stop dead in his tracks as if the puddle is the scariest thing in the world, he'll go out of his way to find a route around it, wierdo!!