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Me again...

Started by chunk, March 19, 2007, 12:27:42 AM

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Just thought I'd update people on how its going. Its been about four months since I freaked onto this website. After a few weeks of being a little dazed I decided to move on and get with the program. If this is who I am lets let it out. Can't be too bad. No one's gonna lose an eye.

I stopped wearing make up for the most part. Only very little or none at all. I like it. Changed my hairstyle. Asked the hairdresser for something basic, not feminine. Its great. I changed the way I dress. Just basic and simple. Sometimes I bind lightly and somethings I show them in their awesome glory. I've lowered my voice...not too much. Just lost the barbie edge. Actually it lowered without much work on my part.

Now the interesting part is...does anyone care or notice? And if they did what would I say? Every few days I seem to rehearse what I'd say.

So far everyone notices and only one person pointed out that I don't wear dresses, which was funny because I never have. I said, "Yes thats right, I don't wear dresses," and I waited for further inquiry. There was none. The husband seems fine with it. I threatened him with excessive body building, he shrugged and said I'd look hot.

But what I wasn't prepared for was the change in attitude towards me. People are treating me better. It may be me treating other people differently, it may be me being more calm and centered. I'm thinking that I don't over react to stress anymore so I don't freak out anymore. That has to wear on people. I think I was fighting the gender thing even when I didn't realize it consciously.

I also am fine with doors being held open, people standing when I get up from a table. I realize these are things that well mannered people do...and I do them too - for women. I am okay with guys making passes at me or staring at me intently, I wasn't before. Now its fine. Sometimes people stare at people who have that special secret of knowing themselves better. I also find that attractive in other people. Maybe their wondering what's going on with me. I don't know.

So I am moving onto another job in another city. The glass ceiling seems to be gone in my career. The respect has skyrocketed. When I interviewed I wore very little makeup and a manish jacket, jeans and boots. I spoke calm, low and passionately like who I am...but thats not who I was four months ago. :)

Excellent stuff this self acceptance...just have to discover whats hidden from us sometimes I suppose. Now thats hard!  ;)




Well, well, well, ... look who is here!  Nice to "see" you Chunk!  I'm glad things are going great for you.  Also happy to hear that you haven't forgotten us... :)

Welcome back home hon!

tink :icon_chick:


Welcome back.

Glad to see you overcame your fears and that the results are beyond what you had feared and positive.

It sounds like others very much accept you, as you do yourself.

Your awesome.




Hey Chunk!  Welcome back.

Your story is amazing.  All these good things just from being must feel really wonderful to break through the limitations we impose on oursevles.  Your story is an encouragement to all of us, and all those wonderful things couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

Keep us posted on the new job and city, and keep being yourself...


Ya put your right foot in.  You put your right foot out.  You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.  You do the Andro-gyney and you turn yourself around.  That's what it's all about.


Hi Chunk. I'm happy to hear things are going so well for you.

Yeah, self acceptance is great. I know that the more I just let myself be, both "sides" of me have really combined into something much larger than either was alone. I've really begun blossoming into the person I always was but never let myself be. I'm finally feeling like me, but at the same time it's a stronger, happier, more secure me than I ever realized I was. And that's a feeling I wouldn't trade for anything.