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Body Mods......

Started by _Mango_, November 22, 2011, 04:32:01 PM

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Quote from: Jeneva on November 23, 2011, 08:37:03 PM
That is actually pretty cool.  Sometimes a script can look "plain", but because it is Hebrew it looks exotic.

I've got plans for a non-english script too but it isn't next on my list.  I'm planning each of the five elements for my limbs/neck.  I have fire (phoenix) and air (celtic knot work butterfly).  The sleeve I'm working is earth (crystal center piece).  I've got a plan for water that I'll elaborate on when I finish up my sleeve.  I'm going to use the back of my neck for spirit.  It will be an ankh with "hemet" on the left arm and "Bast" on the right arm.  Roughly translated with some liberties as priestess of Bast.


For a second before I read (i see pictures first) I thought your concept was your name in wingdings... which I was like OMG GENIUS!!!!! LOL!!!


Quote from: lonely girl on November 23, 2011, 08:48:33 PM
I have 4 piercings per ear (3 lobes 1 helix), when my body is hot I want a belly ring. I got crazy and stretched my ears to 00 before, figured out they don't look good on me so I took them out and they closed back to normal (thankfully) :P
I'm not into tats tho. dont think I'll ever get one
I saw a girl who had blown her lobe so the two halves just hang down like her ear melted.. kinda sad. She puts earrings in both halves.

belly rings are hot.


Quote from: meatgrinder on November 23, 2011, 09:15:03 PM
Split tongue.
Pierced lipx4, septum, rook, conch, industrialx2, orbitalx2, naval, nipples, prince albertx2, frenumx2, napex2
retired: tongue, apadravya, various dermal anchors, claviclex2, frenumx4, tragus x2

WOW!!! Split tongue is frightening but also sort of interesting at the same time...


Quote from: Morgan (138) on November 24, 2011, 01:55:23 AM
Body modification has been a big part of my life for a while now, I got my first piercing when I was 12. I'm 17 now and will possibly be an apprentice piercer in the next few years. I currently have snakebites, my tongue, my septum and my nape pierced. I also have my ears stretched to 26mm. I've previously had my bridge, both sides of my nose, double spiderbites, angelbites and a vertical labret. I wish I still had a few of those, but due to all different circumstances they had to come out :(

I also (stupidly) got a home job tattoo on my wrist of a Triforce in tribute to the Zelda game series. I don't regret my choice of tattoo, I just wish I had been more patient and gone to a professional, and not have gone to the beach 2 days later. I got pushed into the water and because the fresh ink was exposed to the salt water and a few hours of a butt load of sun, a layer of ink scabbed off and some parts of the tattoo look uneven/not filled in correctly. Hopefully I can get that redone soon :)
Yeah, patience is a virtue. LOL. You can always get it redone...  All those holes are brutal dude... I'd have a hard time sleeping... my cartilage rings bother me when I try to lay down...  ;)


Quote from: Jeneva on November 24, 2011, 10:47:37 AM
Did they use a biopsy punch or scapel?

I saw a REALLY nice one the other day, a cisgirl had it at the top of her cleavage.  Of course it wouldn't work unless you had cleavage, but it was a cool effect.

Actually they just use a piercing needle, they make a hole and then press it in. I've had it them done on myself multiple times but I've not yet actually watched them performed on someone else, so I'm not sure if theres much of a trick to it. I'm in Cincy and all the shops here do them like its nothing.
NOT out
NOT on hormones


My plugs are awesome.
I'm going to start wearing 11/16" and 3/4" more often and stop wearing most of my 5/8" since they constantly fall out of my holes nowadays. So, yeah.



Quote from: JasonRX on December 22, 2011, 01:24:51 PM
My plugs are awesome.
I'm going to start wearing 11/16" and 3/4" more often and stop wearing most of my 5/8" since they constantly fall out of my holes nowadays. So, yeah.
Plug concept scares me, I fear blowing my lobes....  :-\


It's really not all that scary...
If you're careful and take time between sizing up, you don't need to be afraid of blowing out your lobes.
Trust me.

I also have my cartilage gauged to a 2g, so...




I'm stalled on my leg sleeve right now.  I'm ready for it to be done now, but I still have multiple sessions to go.  The last color session is fully healed, but we decided that it was better to wait until after my FFS/BA before I get more work.  It probably wouldn't matter but I'm going to be doing enough healing already without adding my leg to it.

I did have pictures of several of my piercings in the FFS thread I made.
Blessed Be!

Jeneva Caroline Samples


so this topic is a couple of months old, but i didn't think i should start a new one under the same heading...

body mods are a massive part of my life, i wouldn't be the same without them.  i first had my lobes pierced at twelve and it kinda went from there.  starting at the age of fourteen i've had my navel, lip, tongue, stretched one ear up to 12mm, a snakebite, nipple, conch, tragus, labret, helix, upper lobe, a couple of industrials, vertical snakebite... removed navel, nipple, the snakebite, the vert, the lip and labret, for various reasons (irritation, aesthetic disagreements, pregnancy)... , recently got both snakebites redone.  planning on stretching up my other ear and then going to 16mm (5/8) with both, although i had to downsize the current stretch to work on thickening my lobe since my piercer thinks i have a weak spot.  probably gonna get a few more ear piercings, and i'd really like some collarbone dermals once my chest is sorted out, unless i get it inked first.

and that leads me onto tats.  i've got a few... calf piece, wrist, ankle, half sleeve, one on my lower back i'd like covered up or developed, and a new shoulderpiece that's currently in progress.  i've got plans for a calf sleeve, a chest and neck piece, and i'd like to develop my arms into full sleeves. 

here's some tat pics if anyone wants to take a gander-



I'm still stalled on my leg sleeve now.  I'm thinking about starting back pretty quickly though.  I want to make sure it is finished before shorts weather really hits. 

It isn't anywhere near the surgery areas I just didn't want to slow my healing.  However now I'm a month post FFS I'm seriously considering starting back.  Maybe at 6 weeks?  He ok'd facial laser then so maybe I can make that a day of pain and do both in the same day.  I'm just guessing that if it ok to laser then it must be healed for the most part.

Anyone else have any experience with how much time after a surgery to wait before tattooing again?
Blessed Be!

Jeneva Caroline Samples


talk to both the tattoo artist and your doctor about it.  even if the doctor gives you an ok, the artist might be hesitant to ink someone who has recently had surgery.  it's tempting to rush into, i totally get that, but you need to be one hundred percent sure that it's not going to be detrimental.


Both Dr. Z and my tattoo artist gave me a green light.  Actually I had the ok last Wednesday.  I stopped by in person just to make sure he could take a look at the level of healing, but he said it was fine since it wasn't my leg that was healing.  Unfortunately it is starting to be their busy time again so I had to wait until tomorrow for his next free day.  He doesn't schedule more than 1 appointment a day even if it is small because there is always walk in business too.

He plans to work on the apple on the back of my leg sleeve instead of the more intricate front, but it all has to be done eventually so that is ok.  I'll post pictures tomorrow when I get back.  I'm not sure how much he will be able to work because I have a hard stop at around 4:30, but that gives him 3 hours and he hasn't worked longer than that before on this one.  My phoenix he did in one setting and it was like 4 hours, but the sleeve he has broken into smaller pieces.
Blessed Be!

Jeneva Caroline Samples


OK, so the tegaderm is off now and I asked Shannon to take a few pictures after I washed it and put on tattoo goo.  I could have left the tegaderm a bit longer, but I found last time I left it on for a full 48 hours it caused a blister and since it was over the area I want to next session he suggested taking it off after 24.  When they first started using it they gave you an extra sheet and you only left a sheet on for 24 hours but replaced it once.  Then the last time they just gave me one and said leave it 24.  The stuff is WONDERFUL for healing.  Any tattoo I've had that got it did so much better than a paper towel.  I just can't leave it on too long or the adhesive irritates my skin.

He FLEW this time.  He used a 13 gauge barrel this time since he was going to focus on the apple gradient.  And the extra coverage plus the fact he didn't have to rinse the barrel since he was blending meant he had it done in an hour.  Since I had more time he worked on the greenery on the back.  At this point it is touching the winter fae and all of the rest of the back that can't be reached by just twisting my leg so no more massage table.    He is thinking now maybe just two more sessions.  He has all of the autumn tree done and more than half of winter and a decent start on summer.  He is saving the crystals and rainbow till last since it is the hardest part.

Here are a couple of my pictures from the album I uploaded to Facebook (the full album is here).

Blessed Be!

Jeneva Caroline Samples


I love body mods in moderation. I've stretched my ears a couple times, but always get bored and annoyed with having to wear earrings around 3 or 4 mm, haha. I've also got nostril and rook piercings. I'm planning on getting some more interesting cartilage piercings this summer; I don't want to have healing piercings when I get top surgery. I'm also planning a tattoo on my left forearm for this coming December.


these are definitely very interesting,  I only have my earlobes pierced at the moment, i want to one day get my belly button pierced and have some nice dangly jewelry hanging down from it, maybe i will get it pierced above and below the navel. other than that , that would pretty much be it for me. The way I see my body is it is beautiful the way it is and I don't really need a lot of modifications to it other than the SRS and a little bit of FFS I will have one day when i can afford it.


I had another session on my leg sleeve today.  He still has 1 last session to go, but he covered a lot of area today very quickly (crystal, moonbeam, shading around the fae, hand fasting ribbons, and rainbow).

I was a bit surprised at how he included a bit of the rainbow colors on the moonlight, but he was afraid it would be too big an area of just plain yellow otherwise.  We'll see how it heals and if it doesn't work I can always get it covered in black.

I was also a bit surprised that he didn't make the crystal's prism rainbow continuous, but he thought it would pop better if it bled off to skin tone between each one as if the each were a separate beam.  Again we'll see how it heals and if it doesn't look right I'll ask him to fill the rest in.  He has done several pieces for us and I trust him, so I'll wait and see.  When I took his color advice on my phoenix it was so much brighter and better.

I LOVE the darker and lighter purple colors he used.  I think I'm going to have to use those in my upper left arm mermaid (for the element of water).  All of the colors really popped, but those two purples were vivid.  We skipped indigo as it is hard for people to see and it skews the rainbow darker (the pride flag doesn't use indigo either).  Because of the spacing he wanted to balance the GBV and ROY so he added an extra orange yellow mix so instead of ROY G BIV it is RO[OY] Y GBV
Blessed Be!

Jeneva Caroline Samples


My favorite tattoo is my dog's name on my ankle.  Her name is "Harley Quinn" and I have it in a nice cursive.  This is because, to me, my dog is my kid;  I react the same emotionally as parents do with their children, though I doubt anyone will believe me.   I'm about to get her paw print above her name. :3  It's going to hurt, but oh well.

I also have another tattoo on my shoulder of a dragon.  I don't think it's complete so it'll probably be added onto eventually.  I'm also going to be getting a hippocampus (the mythological creature that is a half horse/half fish) for my sister because it combines her love of horses (and she was born in the year of the horse) and my love of water (which is the element I have the most affinity for);  something representing my parents; a hermit crab; and an Egyptian cobra on my left arm with it wrapped around my arm, kind of like the ouroboros.