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Shaving question.

Started by Lunartiger, March 08, 2007, 07:50:42 AM

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         Well actually a few questions. Recently I started shaving legs and underarms. When I made my purchase I got this shaving gel that is suppose to slow regrowth down so I have to shave less. Though I have never really shaved before.... I don't think its really working to well. I shave in the morning and I'm all smooth normally by the end of the day I can already feel the hairs, next morning I can see them so I'm like @_@.
         It is like whoa, didn't know hair grew that fast. Anyways does the gel that supposedly helps you to have to shave less often really work or does it not work at the people that are born male. Also does hair grow at same speed for male and female?



I'm not sure of the answers to your questions. I know that when I shave my legs I'm fairly smooth for a while (a few days or so). But then I'm one of those "lucky" folks who can shave my face Friday morning and not get 5 o'clock shadow until Saturday evening. I can grow mold faster than I can grow body hair.

I have heard anecdotal stories from people I believe that some of those gels either do work and/or they "make" the hairs grow in lighter and finer. YMMV obviously. I haven't tried them myself so I can't tell you how they work for me.


Although I no longer shave (laser) when I did I never heard of a shave gel that inhibited hair growth. Plenty of lotions after the shave that would inhibit and those worked fairly well, I would wash real good, exfoliate with a luffa and moisturizing body wash, then use a shaving gel usually some kinda triple blade disposable in a very hot shower or bath [really open the pours] pat dry and apply liberal amounts hair inhibiting lotion. On the average I would get about 3 days really smooth before a day of light stubble so by the 4th day I needed to repeat the process but if I couldn't no biggie. I am from German descent light skinned, very light thin hair, a friend of mine tried to do the same thing, but she is Italian she had a 5 o'cloker by noon the same day. Her laser sessions where brutal compared to mine, her end results are stunning because of her olive skin. I hate she just thinks about a tan and she is.............LOL


Hey Shinobu,

I used to shave my legs in the morning and by bedtime it was almost time for another one...yep, it really does grow that fast.  A couple of months ago (after much trepidation) I bought an epilator.  I won't lie, the first time you use it (and any new areas especially) it hurts like...well, let's just say I quit several times to keep from crying.  After the first "clear cutting" it isn't nearly as bad as only some of the hair grows back fast enough to yanked a week later.  It took 3 major sessions (over a couple of weeks) to do my legs, arms and stomach...I'm still working on my chest as it is quite hairy and hurts a lot more than anywhere else I have done.  I really want to get that finished as there is just something decidedly un-sexy about boobs with razor stubble and/or a 5 o'clock shadow.

I use the epilator once a week (give or take depending on my schedule...takes about an hour) and no hairy legs or arms.  A couple of weeks ago, I noticed my legs weren't as smooth as they were when I first started using it so I decided to shave my legs for a special ocassion.  Amazingly enough, my legs still feel smooth after almost 2 weeks (and 1 epliator use).  I guess there was a "build up" of small hairs the epilator couldn't get that weren't thick enough to see, but could be felt. 

Sorry, but I haven't used any of the gels that are supposed to slow hair growth, but like Casey, I have heard some people say that they seem to work...then again, I have heard people say all kinds of things, so try them out and see what you think.  Heck, try an experiment and report back...Inquiring minds want to know.

Hope this helps.

Ya put your right foot in.  You put your right foot out.  You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.  You do the Andro-gyney and you turn yourself around.  That's what it's all about.


I know it sounds painful....but...maybe you could try waxing!?.....From what I have heard, it's probably the only foolproof way to keep smoother for longer....because you're taking the hair out right by it's root.



I am thinking about it...
I am brave enough to try it but afraid of the pain. ^^;;;


i have a epilator or pain device, it works really well on ya legs and other bits what i do if i havent done it in a bit is use hair removal cream first and then just use the epilator as the hair starts to grow back in it dont hurt as much when they are short. waxing is good too and my partner gets a sedistic grin on her face when she does it. but definatly a 2 person job or it goes everywhere.


I havent used an epilator. I havent used the gel or any like the one you are trying to slow regrowth. I must say I am a bit skeptic on it working so post in the future the results you have with it.

Certainly temporary shaving, epilators, waxing, and dipilators are common ways

Permanent is more Laser or Electrolysis.


So I'm female...and I swear I have stubble within hours. If I shave too often then I have stubble and ingrown hairs. Waxing just breaks my hairs off so they look like little black dots for a few days.



I've heard that Nair works on head hair so I imagine it would help out somewhat on everyone's body hair as well. That being said, that one time I tried using NAIR it did not remove my leg hair - on the other hand, I sincerely doubt I had been following the package directions as well as I ought to have been


I think rates vary between people. Like when I shave my legs, it's not like visible regrowth for a couple of days... or so... and my stuble I did think starts for at least 24 hours. However the gym teacher I use to have pointed out her leg hair grew pretty fast (one girl was having image issues as she hadnt shaved her legs for a week, so my teacher was like 'wow, and you only have that much hair' sort of thing)

I know one guy who shaves his whole body daily... and another guy who doesnt get stuble for at least 24 hours or more on his body. So I'm difinately going to go with it varies in different people. Also, I've never heard of this type of cream, so I have no idea how good that kind of product is.


try waxing if you can deal with the smell  ;)


IMHO Waxing is best if you can afford it or have the time to mess with it yourself....
Nair is a good product so long as your skin isnt sensitive to it... you generaly have to leave it on till the hairs start curling or you feel a tingeling sensation.....
Shaveingis pointless as you have to do it allmost every day... but be careful cuz shaveing too much leads to iritation, razor bumps, ingrowns and worse...


Is this pre-hrt? I ask because since my first year on hrt I haven't had to shave my legs at all and underarms I just pluck the few hairs that grow. It's a huge difference considering pre-hrt I had to shave my legs, chest, stomach and back. I  bleached the hair on my arms to make it less noticable. I'm so happy with my hormones it makes me dizzy

Karen Lyn     :icon_female:


Electrolysis or laser for permanent hair removal.  Plucking or waxing for temporary hair removal.  shaving, for those who can't afford anything long-term.  there are always options for anyone.   find yours.


I wish I could win the lottery then I could go for perma removal. ; ;
Waxing I'm still abit afraid of since I know its going to hurt alot. I'll get around to it one day when I have house to myself so I can yell my lungs out if I need to.
Not to mention summer is coming up and debating on if I'm going to wear shorts or keep shaving and wear jeans the whole time. I'm leaning towards jeans since I don't want anyone to see my skinny legs. ; ;

Pre-HRT? I don't know what that could mean. @_@;