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trip has just started

Started by Andre, October 07, 2005, 02:48:59 PM

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Was at psych today...first time.
It was great! And hey  he asked me about my gender experiences...who I played with as kid and about dolls....I was honest
ok I played with dolls(and even there most often had roles of male dolls) -but only when I hanged with girls most tme was alone or played with pets or climbed  on trees, ball games etc...but most time was alone.
Wasn't in mood for chat-went after school+in the evening so was quite tired.
He asked me about my gender experiences...I said I have  need to compete with boys-always had it(including mind competition and fighting).Also mentioned sending anonymous love letters to my female friend in primary school...Also mentioned situation in woman's toilet...was kicked cause they thought I'm a boy:)))
Also mentioned breasts' problem-wanna stop growth. He told me that first must check levels of hormones at endocrynologist-he wrote that and also wrote that after check I MIGHT get breasts' stopper :)))) but also need endocrynologist opinion.
Also he told me that he could introduce me with some of his patients TGs
-to hear their story and think about it.
WOW SOOOOO EXCITED...sorry on my bad English but feel sooo happy!:)))




Congrats Andre, that's great!



Hello Andre,

You don't need to apologize for your English, I would even be worse if I attempted to communicate in your language (Yugoslavia?).  :)

That's really great news.  It's hard to find therapists who have any experience with trans issues, but you seem to have found one who is at least receptive to your wants and needs.  Keep us posted.

Chat later,



Dittos on not worrying about the english thing, You should try to read my Chinese. Oh wait I don't even speak Chinese, no wonder no one can read it! What's really great is that you have found a great therapist. Now if you can just find a good endo.

Good Luck and Good Journey,



Thanx for replies. Yeah I'm from Yugoslavia:)
Psych gave me name of endocrynologist but said that she is busy next week so must wait....:(((
Must confess- I even cried a bit :( I said "who know what will happen to me if psychotherapy lasts 1 or 2 years.
He said it should be fine. It would last about 3 months (it depends).
My mom was shocked-I was crying there- then she realized I was not joking.
My grandfather and grandmother told me they will support my transition-financial and emotional.Mom also..just to see me happy:))
Nice to have support in family:)))
Happy Andre


Hello Andre,

I know how you feel about the delays, and the time it takes to get anywhere.  But don't worry, the journey can be a long one, and I can assure you it won't happen over night no matter how much we wish it would.  For example, I saw my new doctor last Wednesday.  It was an introductory meeting where we got to know each other, and I gave her some information on myself and my transition.  It went very well with her saying at the end "Don't worry, we'll look after you", very comforting, til I got back to the receptionist to book my next appointment for a complete physical and blood work.  The next available appointment was December 5th, two months from now.  But that's how it goes.

So Andre, just have patience, and it will happen soon enough.  Just use the time to plan for the future, your next step etc... Time will pass soon enough.

Chat later,

Steph :)


Know Steph:)) Time is so precious to me right now but when I start taking stoppers it'll be better. Well when u care about time should stop it:)))))

Buddy Andre


Quote from: Andre on October 09, 2005, 01:46:21 AM
Know Steph:)) Time is so precious to me right now but when I start taking stoppers it'll be better. Well when u care about time should stop it:)))))

Buddy Andre

Very true Andre, time only makes things inevitable.

Chat later,

Steph :)


Damn! I have appointment with endo in November.So many days till that...:(

I was thinking these days-was so sad cause live in lies...
when a girl sends you a warm smile-u know it's a lie cause she thinks you're a boy....if I could say just a word but know that damn girly voice will ruin everything:((.So I just pass, look, and do nothing....cause know that if I express my feelings whole school will laugh and who knows what they're able to do-cruel kids .
I bought stuffs for shaving yesterday-saleswoman was so rude-cause of my voice she figured out I'm a girl and didn't want to sell me gillette and gave me depilation  cream instead- I was so angry...and my mother(she was shopping with me) was so happy –she is deep in her soul against my transition(and I understand that). I couldn't stand that and left. I mean she is a saleswoman-it's not her business what I'm going to buy!! Anyway my grandfather gave me money for shaving stuffs-at least he understands me.
My mom said mockingly ,, There is no need to shave if you're a man!"
I replied ,, If I'm a boy that doesn't mean I will look like forestman!". Was so angry...
still like to shave beard sometimes

Buddy Andre:((



Hey there Andre,

Don't fret, this is not the first time it's going to happen and it won't be the last.  I would recommend that you stand up for yourself the next time a sales person treats you that way, and demand that you be treated as a paying customer just like everyone else, and nothing less.  If you still don't get satisfaction I would demand to see the manager.  Strangers have no right to judge you, especially sales people, it's none of their business what you buy.

Take care,



Hi Andre!

It's very nice to read what you say because I can feel all of your excitement! You are also so lucky to have people in your family who will support you.  Be sure to let us all know how everything goes for you. Take care ok,



It's good that your grandfather supports you. Yeah, I'd be pissed off if a salesperson did that to me. Steph's right though, you will encounter jerks like that along the way.

Keep on truckin'



yeah will do that next time!And will go  shopping alone for sure!
Thanx folks! Read ya soon:)


   I am new here but not to your pain. I too played with boys toys, rode diet bikes and played alot of softball. I ttried to be "normal" with boys and stuff but it just never felt right. By the time I was 16 I knew I relly rather would have been a boy. So I did the research, ended up on hormones and had a masectomy scheduled. I had changed my name and had lived as a guy without anyone knowing I was not for 8 years. I had women after me all the time. That is California for you. I had moved here from Illinois in 1986. Anyway, Then something happened beyond my control and I had to turn back and try to be the girl I was born. I ended up having a perfect baby 14 years ago, which I will never regret, but then stupidly went on to marry a guy and have 3 more kids. That never should of happened. I married him for my mother who is now passed. Now 12 years later, I am going to divorce him although he is ok with that because he understands me, and I am with a woman who sees me as a guy, now it is as if I can remain what I am physically, but be with someone who loves me for me and sees me for what I wish I was. Just hang in there and follow your heart. Im here if you ever need to talk.


Hey Mario! Wow!To quit T and stand a pregnancy ...but having offspring ,agree with you,no greater reward.That dilemma about offspring is eating me the whole time-probably the chief reason why I'm not on T(also minor problems in family).Currently my defense is that I behave as a child-emotionally(just wait to finish school.. because it's better to be alone then to be a let people enjoy your suffering...pity u...utilise and replace u any's never late  :)

Thanx buddy,read ya!!