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The official "You look fabulous darling" thread. 2

Started by Nero, June 24, 2012, 01:40:09 PM

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Quote from: Jennygirl on March 03, 2013, 12:11:06 PM
First time posting a pic in this thread, a month ago I would not have even dared. The biggest difference since, I think, is that I have gone full time. My mindset is completely different now-- I am no longer pretending and it feels great.

I felt especially happy at work on Friday because I had a conversation with my mom about how she has been slowly telling all of her friends :D Soon I think we will be telling the rest of the family and I am so so so excited for that!

OK well here goes, out back at work wearing a new top I got thrifting in SF!

Five days short of 3 months on HRT

You look awesome. Having fun in SF, I lived there for a long time. Never did get to go thrifting though lol.


Thanks Heather & Tiffany!

Yes SF was a great time. It was the first I had ever experienced being properly gendered everywhere I went. Granted, it was also around the moment that I think I really embraced being full time- but I just felt accepted everywhere even when I knew I was being read.

The castro was amazing though in a whole new way, and I want to go back!!

I find LA is great too, and actually since coming back home I've been properly gendered everywhere. Quite possible that the trach shave had a lot to do with it, my adams apple used to be gnarly! But honestly I think what really did it was getting a little better with the whole makeup thing. It definitely ups the way I feel about seeing myself and how I notice others seeing me, and from what I've read isn't that the whole point of wearing it? I am absolutely sure that learning how to properly hide the remaining beard shadow has helped a ton. Took me a few months, but it was well worth the trials and tribulations. I had to go through some really horridly bad makeup days to get where I am now. Yikes, lol.

I know my face has changed some with hormones, but without a little added help from makeup my face still looks rather boyish to me. Not like I'd expect it to be all girl after only 3 months though! It is definitely changing, but the makeup is giving my patience some much needed help. It's allowing me to get on with my transition and live the way I want. So, yay.

Thanks again for the kind words. It means a LOT to me to know that you appreciate my efforts- especially coming from two fine looking ladies like yourselves :D

Jamie D


Jamie D

Quote from: Jennygirl on March 04, 2013, 01:31:48 AM
Thanks Heather & Tiffany!

Yes SF was a great time. It was the first I had ever experienced being properly gendered everywhere I went. Granted, it was also around the moment that I think I really embraced being full time- but I just felt accepted everywhere even when I knew I was being read.

The castro was amazing though in a whole new way, and I want to go back!!

I find LA is great too, and actually since coming back home I've been properly gendered everywhere. Quite possible that the trach shave had a lot to do with it, my adams apple used to be gnarly! But honestly I think what really did it was getting a little better with the whole makeup thing. It definitely ups the way I feel about seeing myself and how I notice others seeing me, and from what I've read isn't that the whole point of wearing it? I am absolutely sure that learning how to properly hide the remaining beard shadow has helped a ton. Took me a few months, but it was well worth the trials and tribulations. I had to go through some really horridly bad makeup days to get where I am now. Yikes, lol.

I know my face has changed some with hormones, but without a little added help from makeup my face still looks rather boyish to me. Not like I'd expect it to be all girl after only 3 months though! It is definitely changing, but the makeup is giving my patience some much needed help. It's allowing me to get on with my transition and live the way I want. So, yay.

Thanks again for the kind words. It means a LOT to me to know that you appreciate my efforts- especially coming from two fine looking ladies like yourselves :D

Hey Jenny.  Sometimes passing is about confidence and attitude.  You seem to have them both now.  :)


Quote from: Jamie D on March 04, 2013, 03:03:55 AM
Hey Jenny.  Sometimes passing is about confidence and attitude.  You seem to have them both now.  :)

Yeah, she's a total doll, a beautiful smiling face with a twinkle in those pretty eyes does it for her!


Quote from: Jamie D on March 04, 2013, 02:59:15 AM
Cute when you smile - that one picture is waaay to serious LOL

That face if for the guys who piss me off! I think I'll need it when I go back to work on ship as me for the first time in 2 weeks, so just practising!!

JennyGirl: I think you look really cute and beautiful! Your going to look absolutely gorgeous in a few more months of E!!

Miranda Catherine

Quote from: PrincessDi on February 24, 2013, 10:32:05 PM
6 months on HRT

Hello Di, I've gone through your blog and watched your videos too. You are both very intelligent and well spoken, and you most definitely belong on this, the "You look fabulous darling" thread! You're beautiful! But I have to tell you, I was so shocked, impressed and jealous of the absolute feminine beauty of your hands! The rest of you needs no compliments either, but those hands! And your dichotomy of being happy for, yet envious of girls younger than you? Di, you're 23 years young! You can't even imagine how both prideful and envious of you and transwomen even twenty years your senior women like many of us 50ish and above feel. Di, lighten up on yourself! I've had to take a crash course in learning to love, forgive and be happy with myself every single day since my first estradiol shot July 22nd, 2011, and I see incredible results, because I really am learning all three. And we don't have to simply survive, we can, each and every one of us, thrive in our new lives. Whenever I start to get down, I simply have to remember how my mom thinks of me as her daughter, the strangers who call me ma'am, miss or Ms., and the man I love who loves me for the woman I am. And it's this great only because I've let it happen.
These three years have been the best of my entire life
ones I've been able to live without lying
and the only time I've had since the age of twelve
I haven't constantly thought about dying




Thank you so much...that really means a lot to me. Thank you for taking the time to read my website and watch my videos. About the hands - wow. I love my hands, especially my nails which I worship and spend too much $ on, but I always think of them as very big. Its cool to hear your perspective. I agree I need to lighten up, haha. Thank you for the kindness, and for being a beautiful inspiration as you truly are.

x Di


Quote from: Jennygirl on March 03, 2013, 12:11:06 PM
First time posting a pic in this thread, a month ago I would not have even dared. The biggest difference since, I think, is that I have gone full time. My mindset is completely different now-- I am no longer pretending and it feels great.

I felt especially happy at work on Friday because I had a conversation with my mom about how she has been slowly telling all of her friends :D Soon I think we will be telling the rest of the family and I am so so so excited for that!

OK well here goes, out back at work wearing a new top I got thrifting in SF!

Five days short of 3 months on HRT

You look absolutely fabulous!
and that is awesome news about your mum telling her friends too, I'm kinda in the same boat as you with my mum atm, so liberating and I am so proud of her.

Nothing like a successful thrift haul too :)

Without sleep there are no dreams, Without dreams we fall apart at the seams


I honestly Don't know if I belong in this thread yet? I could put on the do I pass thread but that would be kind of pointless since I go out looking the way I do all the time. but I do like this picture I like the way it captured how happy I was at the time. :)                             


Thank you girls for the kind and uplifting input. I just smiled so deeply it made me shiver with happiness. Thank you for that, it means SO MUCH to me! Ahhh! I could scream!!! But I'll just have to hold it in for now, roommates are peacefully slumbering away... Lol. Shantel sent me a super sweet PM yesterday and it transferred into a really nice dream, I woke up smiling :D I have a feeling that will happen tonight, too.

The support I've received here has helped me in ways I cannot put to words- in so many aspects of this new life. I just hope there is a way I can give back somehow. Thank you again.

And hey look at that... Heather! You are looking GREAT. WOW. I'd say, total pass :D Such a cute smile!!

Miranda Catherine

Quote from: Heather on March 06, 2013, 12:31:39 AM
I honestly Don't know if I belong in this thread yet? I could put on the do I pass thread but that would be kind of pointless since I go out looking the way I do all the time. but I do like this picture I like the way it captured how happy I was at the time. :)                             
Heather, you belong on this thread. You look very pretty and will undoubtedly get prettier as HRT really digs its talons in! The other, intangible and possibly more important part of living full time is that the longer you're a woman, the more you are one. I find myself doing innately feminine movements and behaviors now, things I couldn't have forced on myself a year ago. It just happened, and that was most important. Becoming a female woman has often been below my subconscious, if that's possible. I walk, talk, and behave as I now am, female. You might already be there, but if you're not, you will and you won't even notice it at first. You'll just catch a reflection in a mirror as you're walking by and you'll see a woman. Then you'll see her again and again until that's always the person you see in the mirror. You'll notice how people treat you like any other pretty woman. You have absolutely nothing to worry about girl, you're a girl, not a gurl! Hugs, Mira
These three years have been the best of my entire life
ones I've been able to live without lying
and the only time I've had since the age of twelve
I haven't constantly thought about dying



Quote from: Serena Lynn on February 26, 2013, 10:22:27 PM
Jenny and I at the the Phoenix City council 'bathroom bill' meeting. We got up and spoke, it was pretty awesome! The bill passed tonight too! :)

This is my favorite pic of us! :)
Don't judge a book by its cover! My lifes been like a country song! True love, amazing grace, severe heartbreak, buckles, boots n spurs! I 've been thrown off the bull a couple times, I keep getting up and dusting myself off! Can't give up on my happily ever after!


Thank you Jennygirl and Miranda Elizabeth! I really don't know if I'm fabulous yet? maybe for the second it took to take the picture I was. But your comments made my day. Especially coming from two gorgeous women like yourselves means the world too me thanks! :)


Quote from: Heather on March 07, 2013, 12:01:21 AM
Thank you Jennygirl and Miranda Elizabeth! I really don't know if I'm fabulous yet? maybe for the second it took to take the picture I was. But your comments made my day. Especially coming from two gorgeous women like yourselves means the world too me thanks! :)

Yes you are and definitely your picture belongs here  :)



Michelle G

Just a "California Girl" trying to enjoy each sunny day

Miranda Catherine

Five days short of 3 months on HRT
Quote from: Jennygirl on March 04, 2013, 01:31:48 AM
I find LA is great too, and actually since coming back home I've been properly gendered everywhere. Quite possible that the trach shave had a lot to do with it, my adams apple used to be gnarly! But honestly I think what really did it was getting a little better with the whole makeup thing. It definitely ups the way I feel about seeing myself and how I notice others seeing me, and from what I've read isn't that the whole point of wearing it? I am absolutely sure that learning how to properly hide the remaining beard shadow has helped a ton. Took me a few months, but it was well worth the trials and tribulations. I had to go through some really horridly bad makeup days to get where I am now. Yikes, lol.

I know my face has changed some with hormones, but without a little added help from makeup my face still looks rather boyish to me. Not like I'd expect it to be all girl after only 3 months though! It is definitely changing, but the makeup is giving my patience some much needed help. It's allowing me to get on with my transition and live the way I want. So, yay.

Thanks again for the kind words. It means a LOT to me to know that you appreciate my efforts- especially coming from two fine looking ladies like yourselves :D
Jenny, I can see why you pass everywhere you go. You're gorgeous! I totally agree with you about makeup and its value in helping us pass and more, to just feel pretty and good about ourselves. We're women, after all, and are only doing what women do. Before beginning to live full time I thought I knew quite a bit about makeup, after wearing it hundreds of times throughout my life, but I really knew next to nothing and it showed. Plus, makeup styles change, and as you age what was once appropriate can make an old bag like me either look like a used up old whore or an aging queen. I had the opportunity to transition to full time after only six weeks on HRT, so I took it, even though in retrospect I wasn't close to being ready. There were several times I went out without lipstick, and several more when my mom caught me before I went out the door and said, "Are you missing something?" I said, "Oh yeah, I love you mom" and started to leave. She said, "I will not let my daughter leave this house without lipstick!" Miraculously, I passed, even though I think I may have been read by some people. But I'm of the opinion that if you're really being clocked or read, you'll hear about it or see people's reactions. I guess I'm a little jaded, but I'm positive that there are lots of people who aren't going to be sweet, supportive or even courteous if they have the feeling you're transsexual, for whatever reason, be it religious, old prejudice, watching too many 'Jerry Springer' shows or for some women, jealousy. I think there are cis women who really are jealous of some trans girls because even though they don't see us as women, there's nothing they can do to make themselves look better outside of surgery, that we might not have to do or can do just the same as them. If I had the money (I don't!) I'd still go to a Mac cosmetics or pay a makeup artist to do my face and teach me how to better hide my faults, or at least make them less visible. I've learned a great deal, but it took me much longer than it would have if I'd have had money. So I watched youtube videos and other how-to videos and info from cosmetics companies. I have green eyes and found both makeup videos and articles on what eye shadows make green eyes 'pop.' I also got a subscription from my mom, Christmas 2011, for 'Vogue' and that's helped a great deal, too. But it's impossible to quantify the benefits of hormones to our faces in both skin feminization and fat redistribution. As far as clothes, I learned early on about color wheels to find what colors and shades match best with each other. You can google 'color wheel' and some will come with an article telling you exactly how to use it. I'm sorry I keep babbling, but for some of you new to living full time, hopefully, I said something that will help your transition. Hugs to all, Mira
These three years have been the best of my entire life
ones I've been able to live without lying
and the only time I've had since the age of twelve
I haven't constantly thought about dying


Jamie D

"I broke up with my boyfriend tonight" and all replies are over on the "Arghhh!" board.