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The official "You look fabulous darling" thread. 2

Started by Nero, June 24, 2012, 01:40:09 PM

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Jamie D

Quote from: Shantel on December 06, 2012, 10:16:42 AM
OMG I have to quit coming to this thread and abusing myself like this, I look in the mirror and think I should throw myself headlong into a well!  ;D

You need to be careful.  I heard of that happening before:

Eddie Cucha Catcha Camma Tosa Nera Tosa Nera Sammy Camma Wack Brown - brown!
Fell into the well, fell into the well, fell in to the deep dark well - well!

Susie Jones was milking in the barn,
Saw him fall, and ran inside to tell her Mum that...

Susie's Mum was making crackling bread,
Called old Joe, To tell him that her Susie said that...

The Old Joe, put aside his plow,
Grabbed his cane, and hobbled into town to say that...

To the well, everybody came,
Such a shame it took so long to say his name that
Eddie Cucha Catcha Camma Tosa Nera Tosa Nera Sammy Camma Wack Brown - drowned!


Quote from: Jamie D on December 07, 2012, 11:54:43 AM

"OMG I have to quit coming to this thread and abusing myself like this, I look in the mirror and think I should throw myself headlong into a well!"

You need to be careful.  I heard of that happening before:

Eddie Cucha Catcha Camma Tosa Nera Tosa Nera Sammy Camma Wack Brown - brown!
Fell into the well, fell into the well, fell in to the deep dark well - well!

Such a shame it took so long to say his name that
Eddie Cucha Catcha Camma Tosa Nera Tosa Nera Sammy Camma Wack Brown - drowned!

That was cute Jamie, of course I was simply injecting a little self-deprecating dark humor to accentuate the disparity in the potential outcome for those of us who started transitioning long after masculinization had taken effect on us as opposed to those young kids who transition early in life. They are all quite beautiful and at times though I'm not given to envy I have experienced a twinge of it along with disappointment and it's not pleasant. I'm sure that I'm not alone with those feelings!

silly by the seashore



Quote from: silly by the seashore on December 07, 2012, 09:59:18 PM
Nopes, you aren't.

Actually trans women are sometimes downright cruel to "early transitioners."  :-\ I never have participated in hostility towards them but I have to admit to being surprised when I found out that they are treated more or less the same as other trans women, at least once people know they're trans. It's like, wait, I thought we were treated badly because we don't look feminine enough. (nope, it's because other people are prejudiced...)

Also the whole thing where some early transitioners will get criticized for "masculine features" that developed in the absence of testosterone and that they have in common with female members of their family.

Being able to pass obviously makes things easier in a lot of ways but then having to live with the knowledge that people would see you totally differently if they knew one aspect of your background, that's not such a good thing.


Of course transphobia doesn't have anything to do with being passable. Passing just helps to don't get looks when you're outside, but try this: convice a GG to tell someone that she's trans, then that person will say he can tell. I've seen it.












Hi all,

Well I thought I would go natural hair colour and wavy rather then straightening it.  Also I thought I would be cheeky and put this as my profile on a lesbian dating site to see what the hard response is like.... how do you think I will do?!!

Oh Password is: susans




"For transpeople, using the right pronoun is NOT simply a 'political correctness' issue. It's core to the entire struggle transpeople go through. Using the wrong pronoun means 'I don't recognize you as who you are.' It means 'I think you're confused, delusional, or mentally I'll.'. It means 'you're not important enough for me to acknowledge your struggle.'"


Quote from: Marta1992 on December 09, 2012, 02:40:54 PM

More photos!!! ;) <3

Crap. I am going to throw myself over a bridge now :P.

Why do all of you girls look so good? its not fair :).


I'm heading out to meet a friend I'm out to for some coffee. I'm a little nervous because it's not in a normal place that I got out in girl mode. A lot of the places that I've been out have been in predominantly gay areas, so pretty safe. I'm keeping it toned down with the makeup and casual with the clothes (which is how I like it anyway). Wish me luck!

Is there anything that would throw a red flag up if you seen me standing in line at a coffee shop? Weird proportions, too wide shoulders compared to hips?



Hi Michelle,

We all come in different shapes and sizes and can't change the skeletal structure. Yes, every day make up, casual attire that most women wear, you blend in, people going about their business, your just a passing body in the sea of humanity. Once I got on to make up ten years ago at a cd club in my city after about 2 years going to places in the gay community with my sisters, we started expanding outside of the gay box. I have never looked back. If we look like a woman, we belong out in the public world just like cis women. Same with ftm. I go female to parks, hiking, beaches, clubs, restaurants. Fear not, expand your world and enjoy your outing with your friend.
We are made of star stuff - Carl Sagan
Express Yourself
Own your zone


Quote from: michelle666 on December 09, 2012, 03:04:24 PM

Is there anything that would throw a red flag up if you seen me standing in line at a coffee shop?

You look like a proud confident woman.

That being said, I hope you walk into that coffee shop knowing that it DOESN'T MATTER if there are red flags. You're a valuable person, a beautiful woman, a precious flower. If anyone has a problem with your being there, it's their problem.

Have fun Michelle, lots of it.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


QuoteIf we look like a woman, we belong out in the public world just like cis women

Care to elaborate? That could be taken as quite a nasty comment.