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The official "You look fabulous darling" thread. 2

Started by Nero, June 24, 2012, 01:40:09 PM

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K Style Addiction

Quote from: Kelly the Trans-Rebel on February 16, 2013, 01:50:31 AM
Like I said, beauty is more than just the physical. The look on your face somewhat broadcasts an attitude, when you smile, I get the impression of a warm, open, caring person, which in combo with your looks, makes you truly beautiful, when you don't smile, in many of the pics you appear to be cold and uncaring, which is not attractive.. At least not to me.

When you boil it all down, what one person likes, you can guarantee someone else won't. As the saying goes: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..

I respect that and that is true, some see beuty in warmness, some don't care and some find the whole b*tchy thing yeah, well put.
All I can say is that my life is pretty plain, I like watchin' the puddles gather rain.

Despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage

Jamie D

Quote from: michelle666 on February 15, 2013, 11:54:24 PM
Do you think I can pull off wearing my hair up? I worry about my jaw being too strong for it and I'm unsure if it makes my chin look like Jay Leno.

If your chin looks like that of Jay Leno's, then I am the Princess of Lichtenstein.


Quote from: Carolina1983 on February 15, 2013, 03:25:42 PM
Ok... Me again  ::)

Glasses ;)

It seems that I will be able to get FFS in 2 months or so. I cant wait until then! I just hope that the end result will be ok and that I end up looking ok atleast :)

Love your look Carolina, your already very pretty even without FFS :)
What are you planning on getting if you don't mind me asking?

Without sleep there are no dreams, Without dreams we fall apart at the seams

Charley Bea(EmeraldP)

Carolina, you look absolutely great.

Michelle all I will say is you don't look like you have a masculine jaw and I will suggest looking up Amy Dumas aka Lita and Beth Phoenix two female wrestlers who have strong jawlines and are both very attractive.

Basically what I am saying is is that jawlines aren't everything. :)



Thank you. But I dont get it, what am I not seeing?  :o, or maybe I should ask what I see the others dont? :P.

What I am planning to do is the following.

1 : Fix my nose to a more feminine shape.

2 : Reduce the lengh of my chin

3 : Reduce the with of jawbone (not like extreme but a little)

4 : Get rid of browbone

5.  Fix hairline

6. Make my upper lip a bit bigger but not much, only so that it is even with my other

Thats about it I think :)

Quote from: Jay-Bird on February 16, 2013, 04:57:15 AM

Love your look Carolina, your already very pretty even without FFS :)
What are you planning on getting if you don't mind me asking?



Thanx :).

It is mainly my profile and nose that kind of kills me now. I would die for a profile like yours :).

Quote from: michelle666 on February 16, 2013, 12:48:55 AM
Judging from your pictures, you look more than OK right now, you're beautiful. I would hold off and wait to see what hrt does before you go with ffs.


Quote from: Carolina1983 on February 16, 2013, 06:04:59 AM
Thank you. But I dont get it, what am I not seeing?  :o, or maybe I should ask what I see the others dont? :P.

What I am planning to do is the following.

1 : Fix my nose to a more feminine shape.

2 : Reduce the lengh of my chin

3 : Reduce the with of jawbone (not like extreme but a little)

4 : Get rid of browbone

5.  Fix hairline

6. Make my upper lip a bit bigger but not much, only so that it is even with my other

Thats about it I think :)

Nothing that you listed is sticking out to me. I think you have a really nice soft face with feminine features. I'd wait if I were you for hrt to do its thing. I wouldnt touch your lips at all. I think they're perfect as-is and dont need any work. From what I've seen out there, most lips look really fake when you do any work on them and it's really easy to venture into the "lips that look like hot dogs" territory, and that never looks good in my opinion.


I agree with Michelle, andI think its always better to give at least 18-24 months for HRT. it will always have a really good effect on feminizing the facial features.


Believe me I am damaged beyond repair :(.

My face may look ok head on. But not when you look at the profile. It just wont get any better than this. Sadly enough because I would have loved to not throw all my money on surgery.

My wife is honest, and we have talked alot about this. She also see the same problem as I do with these areas, especially my nose in profile view, it is manly and not flattering at all.

Also I want to wake up in the morning without any makeup on an still see a girl in the mirror. that would not be possible without FFS.

Many have told me that they are pretty amazed over how different I look when I do my makeup. Especially my friends at work that sees me as male every day. As one girl said "you look like a totally different person in the photos, I first thought that it was your girlfriend".

I wont do anything drastic, I just want to take away what T gave me. As I told the surgeon I want to keep my face, I just want it to reflect somewhat how I would have looked if T had not been loose in my body for all those years.


Quote from: Carolina1983 on February 16, 2013, 11:42:40 AM
Believe me I am damaged beyond repair :(.

My face may look ok head on. But not when you look at the profile. It just wont get any better than this. Sadly enough because I would have loved to not throw all my money on surgery.

My wife is honest, and we have talked a lot about this. She also see the same problem as I do with these areas, especially my nose in profile view, it is manly and not flattering at all.

Also I want to wake up in the morning without any makeup on an still see a girl in the mirror. that would not be possible without FFS.

Many have told me that they are pretty amazed over how different I look when I do my makeup. Especially my friends at work that sees me as male every day. As one girl said "you look like a totally different person in the photos, I first thought that it was your girlfriend".

I wont do anything drastic, I just want to take away what T gave me. As I told the surgeon I want to keep my face, I just want it to reflect somewhat how I would have looked if T had not been loose in my body for all those years.

I understand how you feel and can relate for the most part.
Its always different what we see in the mirror and what other people see, believe me I get rather disappointed when looking in the mirror too sometimes.
Waiting a little while to see what HRT changes is a good idea, how long is hard to say because it is different for everyone.
For me the most drastic changes have been in the last few months, I'm 14 months in now so I would say the last 6 months have been the most noticeable.
The other idea may be to get the bone work done now or at least some of it because that won't change via HRT, things like nose and brow if that's a concern for you. (Although your brow looks fine to me)
Things that are soft tissue will change, how much - again dependent on the individual. This includes things like lips and the subcutaneous fat which comes and moves with HRT, this helps massive with the chin and jaw. I had a horrible bum chin as a boy, it caused me so much grief, it was to be the first thing I wanted done surgically, but its so much better now just through HRT I really don't mind it. (subcutaneous fat really helped)
I had a few things done at 12 months, the only actual reconstructive surgery was my nose the other 2 were soft tissue only via injections.
I had a list longer than yours believe me :) which I brought to my surgeon, and he culled it down to 3 things and told me to wait, he also said its best to get the least amount of actual reconstructive surgery as possible because of how invasive it is.
You mentioned your jaw bone, I had originally asked for jaw bone shaving but my surgeon recommended botox injections in the masseter muscle instead which reduced the width of the my jaw and smoothed it out considerably, its much less invasive and only needs to be done every 10 months or so.

Anyway I hope that helps some, there are always options and time you have too :)
Sorry wasn't mean to be an essay

Without sleep there are no dreams, Without dreams we fall apart at the seams

Jamie D

Ladies - a reminder, from Forum Admin on Page 1:

Quote from: Not-so Fat Admin on June 24, 2012, 01:40:09 PM
Note: This is not a passing thread. Please do not provide passing critique.
This is meant to be a fun, 'feel-good' thread.

The "Do I Pass?" topic has been reopened as a place to seek, or give, advice.  I point this out, because picture hosting consumes space and money.  Redundant and repetitive posts, unfortunately, need to be taken down.

Like Rock_Chick, the founder of the topic, said, "(P)eople have been posting pictures asking if they pass when they should damn well know the answer already.  So this thread is for those people who've ... reached a point where they are happy and confident about passing."


Michelle G

Just a "California Girl" trying to enjoy each sunny day

Rowan Rue

Quote from: Carolina1983 on February 15, 2013, 03:25:42 PM
Ok... Me again  ::)

Glasses ;)

It seems that I will be able to get FFS in 2 months or so. I cant wait until then! I just hope that the end result will be ok and that I end up looking ok atleast :)

Carolina, you're such a cutie!  I love the hipster glasses, totally made me laugh.  And yes, I have most definitely seen changes in your appearance in just the time I've been here :)

My personal blog is [url=http

Rowan Rue

Quote from: michelle666 on February 15, 2013, 11:54:24 PM
Do you think I can pull off wearing my hair up? I worry about my jaw being too strong for it and I'm unsure if it makes my chin look like Jay Leno.

Here's one with my hair down, just cause I like it.

Holy cow Michelle!  Your profile looks amazing!!! I mean you always look good but seriously, I would kill for your profile.
Just, wow. 
So in summary, yes, you can wear your hair up.

My personal blog is [url=http


Coming up on five months next week! w00t!

Tossed the wig! I HATE IT!!! :P I know my hair looks bad but it's what I got  :-\

Also my bum and hips got bigger because my jeans are too tight now but my weight has gone down. Looks like i'm buying new ones. Warning for those who buy too many clothes before HRT.

"For transpeople, using the right pronoun is NOT simply a 'political correctness' issue. It's core to the entire struggle transpeople go through. Using the wrong pronoun means 'I don't recognize you as who you are.' It means 'I think you're confused, delusional, or mentally I'll.'. It means 'you're not important enough for me to acknowledge your struggle.'"


Looking good maidoforleans. The thing about clothes...I also think the same as u do, so trying to minimize impulse clothes buying till everything kinda settled down.

crazy at the coast

four years ago, I looked fabulous, these days, not so much, lol. 



Quote from: crazy at the coast on February 17, 2013, 05:32:06 PM
four years ago, I looked fabulous, these days, not so much, lol. 


Oh puleeeze! Of course you still look fabulous Jaimie, now take a big breath and relax!